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Hazlo. (Unscramble). Presentación de Vocabulario p. 254. Presentación de Vocabulario p. 255. Diccionario. Complete the following activities in your “ Diccionario ”. Then, copy your vocabulary. WB p. 197-199. Unidad 5 – Lecci ón 1 p. 273. el aceite. oil. el ajo. garlic. el az úcar.
Hazlo • (Unscramble)
Diccionario • Complete the following activities in your “Diccionario”. • Then, copy your vocabulary.
Unidad 5 – Lección 1 p. 273
el aceite oil
el ajo garlic
el azúcar sugar
la cebolla onion
las espinacas spinach
la fresa strawberry
la lechuga lettuce
el limón lemon
la mayonesa mayonaise
la mostaza mustard
la pimienta pepper
la sal salt
el vinagre vinegar
la zanahoria carrot
el ingrediente ingredient
el supermercado supermarket
añadir to add
batir to beat
freír to fry
hervir to boil
mezclar to mix
probar to try
la receta recipe
la tortilla de patatas potato omelet
el sabor flavor
agrio, -a sour
caliente hot (temperature)
delicioso, -a delicious
dulce sweet
fresco, -a fresh
picante spicy, hot
sabroso, -a tasty
salado, -a salty
Qué asco! How disgusting!
cenar to eat dinner
desayunar to eat breakfast
la merienda afternoon snack
Spanish Intensifiers Avancemos 2 – Page 258
Spanish Intensifiers In Spanish, there are a number of words as well as one suffix that can be used to intensify the meaning of other words.
Spanish Intensifiers Intensifiers can be used with adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs. They include words like muy (very), mucho (much, a lot), and sumamente (extremely). Es muy bonita. She is very pretty. Tenemos mucho dinero. We have a lot of money.
Spanish Intensifiers • The suffix “–ísimo” is an intensifier that can be attached to the end of many adjectives. It changes for gender and number: • Iftheadjectiveends in a vowel, dropitbeforeaddingtheending. • -ísimo, -ísimos, -ísima, -ísimas • bello (a)¡Esta cocina es bellísima! • Thiskitchenisvery (extremely) beautiful.
Spanish Intensifiers • Whenthelastconsonant in theadjectiveisc, gorz, spellingchanges are requiredbeforeadding–ísimo (a, os, as). • c >qu • rico > riquísimo • g > gu • largo > larguísimo • z > c • feliz > felicísimo
Spanish Intensifiers Now translate these sentences: The homework is really easy. La tarea es facilísima. Ana is absolutely beautiful. Ana es bellísima. They are super rich. Ellos son riquísimos.