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HAZLO AHORA/ do now. Create a conversation asking someone where they are from? (The person has to be from a South American country!) Objectivo : SWBAT correctly order the days of the week. Nuestro horario Hoy es martes , el dos de octubre 2012. I. Hazlo Ahora (5) Repaso (5)
HAZLO AHORA/ do now Create a conversation asking someone where they are from? (The person has to be from a South American country!) Objectivo: SWBAT correctly order the days of the week.
NuestrohorarioHoy esmartes, el dos de octubre 2012 I. HazloAhora (5) Repaso (5) II. Introduccion (10) Think/Pair/Share (3) Apuntos (7) III. Practice Guiada (30) Escucha (4) Con tugrupo (8) Partner Practice (10) ¡Lo tengo! (8) IV. Practice Independiente (5) Check-in V. Tarea Last page of packet
Our days of the week are written on our calendar, but we haven’t covered them in class yet. How many estudiantes have been exposed to the days of the week before this class? Where? Follow along and take notes: Quediaeshoy?/What day is today?
Que día es hoy?/ What day is it today? Lunes (Loon-s) Sounds like…
Martes (Mar-tis) Sounds like
Quedíaeshoy?/What day is it today? Miércoles (Mee-air-co-lais) Sounds like
Quedíaeshoy?/What day is it today? Jueves (Huay-ves) Sounds like
Quedíaeshoy?/What day is it today? Viernes (Vee-air-nes) Sounds like
Sábado (Sah-bah-doh) Sounds like
Quediaeshoy?/What day is it today? Domingo (Doh-meen-go) Sounds like
Quedíaeshoy?/What day is it today?Other vocabulario… • Día=Day • Mes=Month • Semana=Week • Hoy es…=Todayis… • Mañana es…=Tomorrow is…
NuestrohorarioHoy esmartes, el dos de octubre 2012 I. HazloAhora (5) Repaso (5) II. Introduccion (10) Think/Pair/Share (3) Apuntos (7) III. Practice Guiada (30) Escucha (4) Con tugrupo (8) Partner Practice (10) ¡Lo tengo! (8) IV. Practice Independiente (5) Check-in V. Tarea Last page of packet