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HAZLO AHORA. In a detailed, well-written paragraph of a few sentences, describe your winter break. Vamos a hablar , so be ready to share!  . Expectaciones: ¨ ¤ Conversation : Level 0 ¤ Help : Raise your hand and wait for me to approach you ¤ Activity : Hazlo ahora

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HAZLO AHORA In a detailed, well-written paragraph of a few sentences, describe your winter break. Vamos a hablar, so be ready to share!  Expectaciones: ¨ ¤Conversation: Level 0 ¤Help: Raise your hand and wait for me to approach you ¤Activity: Hazlo ahora ¤Movement: Remain seated ¤Participation: I expect all students to complete the hazlo ahora at level 0

  2. Policies What do you do/complete IMMEDIATELY after entering the classroom? With what voice level?

  3. Policies When do you know you are dismissed for class?

  4. Policies How do your notes contribute to your class grade?

  5. Policies What is my cell phone/technological device policy?

  6. Policies What does nivel 0 mean, and when do I expect it? What does nivel 1 mean, and when do I expect it? What does nivel2 mean, and when do I expect it?

  7. Expectations When I am speaking, what should you be doing?

  8. Expectations When a classmate is speaking, what should you be doing?

  9. Expectations What are you expected to bring to class on a daily basis?

  10. Expectations What type of language do I expect you to leave outside the classroom?

  11. Expectations Respect toward yourself, your classmates, and me are expected and non-negotiable in this classroom. Give me two examples of disrespect toward yourself, two examples of disrespect toward your classmates, and two examples of disrespect toward me that I do not tolerate.

  12. Rewards and Consequences Describe my class-wide reward system.

  13. Rewards and Consequences Describe my individual reward system.

  14. Rewards and Consequences Under what circumstance would I take away a class point I already gave?

  15. Rewards and Consequences Describe my consequence ladder. If I say to you, “It’s not a big deal, just keep it a small problem,” what do you think I could be referencing?

  16. Rewards and Consequences Give me three different/varying examples of behaviors that would prompt me to ask you to please step outside. If I say to you, “Please step outside,” does this automatically mean you will receive a write-up?

  17. Grades Bad news: you failed your test  Good news: you can improve your test grade. How? Describe the procedure for me in detail, please!

  18. Grades My grading system is composed of two main categories. What are they?

  19. Grades We have now established the two categories I consider when giving you a grade. Which category is weighted more? *Note: You will get 50 extra points if you can tell me the specific percentages for each category

  20. Grades You have missed two weeks of school and are unhappy with your grade. What steps can you take in this class to improve this grade?

  21. Grades You got a 37/50 on your test. What percent is this, and what letter grade would this be?

  22. Miscellaneous What happens if I see or hear you talking, laughing, et cetera during a test?

  23. Miscellaneous What happens if you have finished taking a test but continue talking while others are testing?

  24. Miscellaneous I love to give extra credit. Provide 5 examples of behaviors/actions that would prompt me to give you extra credit.

  25. Miscellaneous During the day, you have three opportunities to see me for individual help (or to address questions and concerns). When are these three opportunities?

  26. Miscellaneous If you ever have a question or concern about topics covered in class, you are welcome to email me. What is my email address? Or, if you do not know it, there are two places you can go to find it. What are these two places?

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