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Chapter 18. The Rise of Russia. 1450-1480: Mongols (Tatars) were driven out of Russia Followed by Russian expansion (much of the land Asian). 1450-1750: Russia’s great land empire formed Limited commercial exchange 17 th century – gained leading role in Eastern Europe
Chapter 18 The Rise of Russia
1450-1480: Mongols (Tatars) were driven out of Russia • Followed by Russian expansion (much of the land Asian)
1450-1750: Russia’s great land empire formed • Limited commercial exchange • 17th century – gained leading role in Eastern Europe • Regional kingdoms remained in Eastern Europe (differed from Russia) • 17th century – Poland and Lithuania rival Russia
Culture of Russia influenced by Byzantine Empire • Orthodox Christianity • Vibrant cultural traditions • Rich art • Two centuries of Mongol rule had reduced Russia’s cities and trade and lowered its cultural and educational levels • Blocked Russia from Renaissance • Peasants reduced to serfdom • Controversy of Western influence developed • Embrace it or reject it? Eurasian Russian Empire would dominate region
Russia’s Expansionist Politics under the Tsar • First… Russia needed to defeat Mongols • 14th century – Duchy of Moscow was center for liberation effort • Local princes established more autonomy • Effectiveness of Mongol control began to diminish • Moscow princes had gained political experience through the collection of taxes for the Mongols • Moved toward regional independence
1462-1505: Ivan III (Ivan the Great) • Styled himself “tsar” (“autocrat of all Russians”) • 1462 – freed large part of Russia • 1470s – incorporated trading city of Novgorad • Organized a strong army • Government had a military emphasis • Used loyalties to the Orthodox Christian faith and to Russia (blend of nationalism and religion) to win support • Head of the Orthodox Church • 1480 – Declared Russian independence from Mongol rule • Moscow freed from all payments to Mongols • Russia gained a vast territory running from the borders of the Polish-Lithuanian Kingdom to Ural Mountains
The Need for Revival • Mongol control never reshaped basic Russian values • Rulers were only interested in tribute • Most Russians remained Christians • Most local administrative issues remained in hands of regional princes, landlords, or peasant villages • Mongol period reduced the vigor of Russian cultural life • Lower levels of literacy among priesthood • Economic life deteriorated • Trade down • Manufacturing limited • Russia had become a purely agricultural economy dependent on peasant labor
1533-1584: Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) • Continued policy of Russian expansion • Greater emphasis on controlling the tsarist autocracy • Confiscated large estates, redistributed to supporters • Used terror to subdue civilian population • Earned nickname by killing many Russian nobles (boyars) • Increase power of tsar, decrease power of boyars • Killed his own son in a fit of rage
Patterns of Expansion • Territorial expansion focused on Central Asia • Pushed southward toward Caspian Sea • Moved East into Ural mountains • Motivated by desire to push back former Mongol overlords • Ivan III and Ivan IV recruited Cossacks • Free peasants that settled on newly conquered land • Recruited to settle on the steppe and join cavalry • Combined agriculture with daring military feats on horseback • Conquered Caspian Sea area • Moved into western Siberia (across the Urals)
Expansion also offered tsars: • A way to reward loyal nobles and bureaucrats by giving them estates in new territories • Provided new agricultural areas • Sources of labor • Russia used slaves for certain kinds of production work into the 18th century • Expansion added diversity of people (multicultural empire)
Western Contact and Romanov Policy • Early tsars – carefully managed contacts with western Europe • Realized Western Europe was superior culturally and economically • Ivan III – eager to launch diplomatic missions to leading Western states • Ivan IV – British merchants established trading contacts with Russia • Manufactured products in exchange for furs and other raw materials (from Russia)
Foreign architects modified Renaissance styles to take Russian building traditions into account • Elaborate, onion-shaped domes • Distinctive form of classicism
1598 - Ivan IV died without a heir, led to The Time of Troubles • New power claims by boyars • Fifteen years of turmoil • Numerous tsars, imposters, and peasant revolts • 1610 - Invasions from Sweden and Poland repelled by volunteer armies Volunteer army fighting the Poles
1613 – assembly of boyars chose a member of the Romanov family as tsar • Romanov dynasty was to rule Russia until great revolution of 1917 • Autocratic monarchy Election of 16 year old Michael Romanov, the first Tsar of the Romanov dynasty
Michael Romanov • Reestablished internal order • Drove out foreign invaders • Resumed expansionist policy of predecessors • A successful war against Poland brought Russia part of Ukraine (including kiev); Russian territory to south also expanded • Alexis Romanov • Michael’s successor • Limits powers of nobles and Orthodox Church • Policies resumed the Orthodox tradition of state control over the church
Russia’s First Westernization (1690-1790) • End of 17th century – Russia had become one of the great land empires • Unusually agricultural • Peter I (son of Alexis; aka Peter the Great) ruled from 1689 to 1725 • Extended his predecessors’ policies • Built up tsarist control • Expanded Russian territory • Added a more definite interest in changing selected aspects of Russian economy and culture by imitating Western forms
Tsarist Autocracy of Peter the Great • Peter was an autocrat (absolute ruler, dictator) • Put down revolts against his rule with great cruelty • Had no interest in parliamentary features of West
Peter's reforms: progressive but autocratic • Military reform: to build powerful , modern army (largest European army) • Imitates the West • Offered better pay and modern weapons to peasants • Aristocratic officers ordered to study mathematics and geometry • 1700-1722: Defeated Sweden in Great Northern War • Set up a secret police (would survive until 1990s) • Prevent dissent • Monitor the bureaucracy • Bureaucratic reform: to facilitate collection of taxes • Only nobles educated to serve as government officials • Table of Ranks allowed social mobility for civil servants by merit and service • Created new nobles based on service, loyalty, success in army • Freed the states from exclusive dependence on aristocratic officials • Social reform: challenged established customs • Abolished the seclusion of women; encouraged social mixing of the sexes • Ordered subjects to wear western clothing; ordered men to shave beards
Peter attacked the Ottoman Empire (won no great victories) • Warred with Sweden and gained territory on eastern coast of the Baltic Sea • Russia became a major factor in European diplomatic and military alignments • The tsar commemorated Russia’s shift of interests westward by moving his capital from Moscow to a new Baltic city that he named St. Petersburg Peter the Great Meditating the Idea of Building St Petersburg at the Shore of theBaltic Sea by AlexandreBenois, 1916
What Westernization Meant • Peter concentrated on: • Westernization from top down which hurt Russian traditions • Improvements in political organization • Selected economic development • Cultural change • Provide culture and education for nobles (boyars) • Modernized Russia’s small bureaucracy and altered the military structure by using Western organizational principles • Well-defined military hierarchy • Specialized bureaucratic departments • Improved army’s weapons • First Russian navy • Provincial governors were appointed from St. Petersburg • Systemized law codes • Revised tax systems • Taxes on ordinary Russian peasants increased steadily • Economic efforts focused on building up metallurgical and mining industries • Benefited from extensive iron holdings • Financed state-run weapons and shipbuilding facilities
Peter was eager to make Russia culturally respectable in Western eyes • Required nobles to wear Western clothes and shave off beards • Many of the Western-oriented changes impacted only the upper class • Provide more education in mathematics • Founded scientific institutes and academics along Western lines • Western fads and fashions came into new capital • Ballet (France) • Christmas tree (Germany)
Peter also pressed for improvements in the condition of upper class women • Could now attend public events (like women in Western Europe) • Peter did not try to involve ordinary people of Russia in the technological and intellectual aspects of Westernization • There was no interest in building the kind of worldwide export economy characteristic of the West • Peter wanted economic development to support military strength rather than to achieve wider commercial goals • Westernization that did occur brought hostile responses • Many peasants resented this Westernization and expenses of their landlords (some of whom no longer even knew Russian but spoke only French)
Consolidation Under Catherine the Great • 1724 - Death of Peter the Great was followed by several decades of weak rule • Ineffective emperors and empresses • Russian territorial expansion continued • Several clashes with Ottoman Empire and further exploration and settlement in Siberia
1762 – 1795 :Catherine the Great • Resumed Peter the Great’s interests in many respects • Defended the powers of the central monarch • Made a deal with nobles – back me up, keep serfs • Put down a vigorous peasant uprising • Selective Westernizer • Summoned various reform commissions to discuss new law codes and other Western style measures • Reduction of traditionally severe punishments • Combined genuine Enlightenment interests with her need to consolidate power as a truly Russian ruler • Introduced western literature; promoted Russian literature • Great friend of Voltaire • Promoted immunization against smallpox
Catherine was a centralizer (advocate of a strong tsarist hand) • But Catherine also gave new powers to the nobility over their serfs • Nobles served a strong central government and staffed it as bureaucrats and officers • Nobles were a service aristocracy (not an independent force) • Most of the actual administration over local peasants (except for those on government run estates) was wielded by noble landlords • Landlords could demand peasant labor, levy taxes in money and goods, and even impose punishments for crime because landlord dominated courts administered local justice • Catherine increased the harshness of punishments nobles could decree for their serfs
St. Petersburg Cathedral; started by Peter III and finished by Catherine the Great • Catherine supported Western-style art and architecture • Continued to build St. Petersburg in classical styles • When the French Revolution broke out (1789), Catherine was quick to close Russia’s doors to the “seditious” writings of liberals and democrats • Censored a small but emerging band of Russian intellectuals who urged reforms along Western ideals • One Western-inspired radical (noble named Radishev) sought to abolish serfdom • Harassed by Catherine’s police (his writings were banned)
Catherine pursued Russian expansion • Resumed campaigns against the Ottoman Empire • Won territories in Central Asia • The Russian-Ottoman contest became a central diplomatic issue for both powers • Russia became increasingly ascendant • Claimed territory of Alaska in Russia’s name • Russia was able to win agreements with Austria and Prussia for partition of Poland • Eliminated Poland as an independent state, and Russia held the lion’s share of the spoils • Polish parliament ineffective and unstable; country poorly defended • Russia’s ultimate role in putting down the French armies of Napoleon after 1812
By the time of Catherine’s death in 1796, Russia had passed through three centuries of extraordinary development • Won independence • Constructed a strong central state • Brought new elements into Russia’s culture and economy • Much of this borrowed from the West
Themes in Early Modern Russian History • Because of its great estates, its local political power, and its service to the state, the Russian nobility maintained a vital position in Russian society
Serfdom: The Last of East Europe’s Masses • 17th and 18th centuries – power of the nobility over the serfs increased steadily • Before the Mongol conquest, Russian peasants had been largely free farmers • After the expulsion of the Tatars, increasing numbers of Russian peasants fell into debt and had to accept servile status to the noble land owners when they could not repay • Russian government actively encouraged this process from 16th century onward • Serfdom gave the government a way to satisfy the nobility and regulate peasants when the government itself lacked the bureaucratic means to extend direct controls over the common people • As new territories were added to the empire, the system of serfdom was extended accordingly
By 1800 – half of Russia’s peasantry was enserfed to landlords • Much of the other half owed comparable obligations to the state • 17th and 18th century – laws passed tied serfs to the land and increased the legal rights of the landlords • 1649 – law created hereditary status of serfs • Russia was setting up a system of serfdom very close to outright slavery • Bought and sold • Gambled away • Punished by their masters • Unusual case of slavery – people essentially enslaved many of its own members Flogging a serf
Coerced labor was used to produce grain surpluses sold to Western merchants for the growing cities of western Europe • In return, Western merchants brought in manufactured goods, including the luxury furnishings and clothing essential to the aristocratic lifestyle • Serfs on the estates of eastern Europe were taxed and policed by their landlords • Paid high taxes or obligations in kind, and they owed extensive labor service to the landlords or government • 1785 – allowed landlords to punish harshly any serfs convicted of major crimes or rebellion • Most peasants were illiterate and poor
Trade and Economic Dependence • In between serfs and landlords, there were few layers of Russian society • Cites were small • 95% of population remained rural • Some nonnoble bureaucrats and professionals • Small merchant groups • Most of Russia’s European trade was handled by Westerners • Russia’s economic system produced enough revenue to support an expanding state and empire • Russia was able to trade in furs and other commodities with areas in central Asia • Russia’s expansion yielded significant population growth • There was little motivation among the peasantry for improvement because increased production usually was taken by the state or landlord • Manufacturing lagged behind Western standards
Social unrest • Russia’s economic and social system led to protest • By the end of 18th century, a small but growing number of Western-oriented aristocrats such as Radishev were criticizing the regime’s backwardness • Wanted to abolish serfdom • Recurrent peasant rebellions • Russian peasants for the most part were politically loyal to the tsar, but they harbored bitter resentments against their landlords • Accused them of taking lands that were rightfully theirs
1770s – Pugachev uprising • Pugachev – Cossack chieftain who claimed to be the legitimate tsar • Promised an end to serfdom, taxation, military conscription, and abolition of landed aristocracy • Killed thousands of nobles, officials, and priests • He was brought to Moscow in a case and cut into quarters in a public square