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Cognitive Domain

Chapter 7. Cognitive Domain. Classical Conditioning. Module 15. What is Classical Conditioning?. It is a form of learning by association. Two Stimuli One stimulus gains the power to predict the response that the other stimulus already produces. . 5 Components of Classical Conditioning.

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Cognitive Domain

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 7 Cognitive Domain

  2. Classical Conditioning Module 15

  3. What is Classical Conditioning? • It is a form of learning by association. • Two Stimuli • One stimulus gains the power to predict the response that the other stimulus already produces.

  4. 5 Components of Classical Conditioning • Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) - Automatically triggers a response. • Unconditioned Response (UCR) – Unlearned reaction. • Conditioned Stimulus (CS) – Neutral stimulus • Conditioned Response (CR) –is a learned response. • Neutral Stimulus – Describes the stimulus before conditioning and the term CS describes the stimulus after conditioning.

  5. 3 Basic Processes • Acquisition – Establishes a new, learned response. They occur when a neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired (or trial) with a UCS. • Extinction – is the procedure for reversing the learning that has taken place. • Spontaneous Recovery – The reappearance, after a rest period, or an extinguished conditioned response.

  6. Ivan Pavlov’s Discovery • Ivan Pavlov http://thandiero.co.cc/mod3/images/Ivan_Pavlov.jpg

  7. http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/hrd/history/pavlov.gif

  8. http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/images/clscndaf.gif

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