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Getting to the CORE of the Matter !

Fruitland Park Elementary. Getting to the CORE of the Matter !. Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. ~Henry Ford. New Employee/New Positions. Erin Allen VE Teacher Patty Bordenkircher 3 rd Grade

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Getting to the CORE of the Matter !

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  1. Fruitland Park Elementary Getting to the CORE of the Matter !

  2. Coming together is a beginning.Keeping together is progress.Working together is success.~Henry Ford

  3. New Employee/New Positions • Erin Allen VE Teacher • Patty Bordenkircher 3rd Grade • Patti Castelli 4th Grade • Misty Cordle Kindergarten • Lisa Crandall 2nd Grade • Danielle Houser EBD • Katie Houvener Writing/Reading • Kayln Shaw 4th Grade • Angela Saunders ASD • Mary Bailey 2nd Grade/Grade Chair • Janet Newbrough ESE Grade Chair • Kathie Joiner Kindergarten • Becca Redding ½ Computer/ ½ RtI • Bob Spellman ESE Specialist • Daphine Harvey/Lavonne Dixon EBD II • Ralph Coleman ½ Custodian/ ½ Cafeteria • Michelle Schwartz (Miller) 3rd Grade • Nancy Gartland Title I • Chris Schram ASD Assistant

  4. 2012-2013 School Status

  5. 2012-2013 School Status • FPE is a B this year • We are a Reward School Status

  6. What does this Now Mean for FPE? • WE will follow a comprehensive Federal and State mandated Accountability Plan • WE will have regular District Visitations • WE will fully implement all Differentiated Accountability Requirements • WE need to be C2 Ready!

  7. 2012 Handbook Highlights

  8. Outlook School Calendar • Please ensure that you add this to your calendar. • Directions are provided. See Becca is you are having difficulty setting it up. • The calendar will be updated and monitored by P. Nave.

  9. Faculty Handbook • Please Go to the X:Drive/Share and Read the Handbook. • Please verify that you have read the handbook by initialing on the Checklist Form • to P. Nave: • by August 27, 2012

  10. Faculty Handbook Highlights • Professionalism • Be courteous to administration prior to contacting district office personnel by following chain of command • Be courteous to administration prior to speaking about FPE at board meetings • Cell phones • Please turn off not vibrate • Inform administration if emergency situation • Appropriate use during planning and breaks • Refrain from using cell phones during work hours in student or public areas on campus

  11. Faculty Handbook Highlights • Leave forms will be approved by Dr. DeJarlais • Please turn in leave forms ASAP to Tonya Jasper (Front Desk Secretary). • Personal Leave must be in 5 days prior to leave date. • No more than 10% of staff may be out on a given day. • Notification of Sick or Emergency absence • Teachers should put in absence on AESOP by 6:45 • should be followed by telephone to front office. • Non-instructional should inform front office by 7:30.

  12. Attendance • Please be on time. • Please sign out at front desk when leaving during the school day. A leave form must be filled out every time. • Please get administrative approval prior to signing out.

  13. Faculty Handbook Highlights • No student should be sent home except through the nurse’s office. • If a student goes home during specials, the enrichment teacher will notify the classroom teacher. • DISMISSAL – DO NOT DISMISS STUDENTS BEFORE THEY ARE CALLED. • Do not send money to the bookkeeper with a student.

  14. Faculty Handbook Highlights • Field Trip – Insurance cards attached to permission slips. • Social Networking – All staff should be cautious about “friending” students. Please be careful about what you post on social networks concerning your job, students, coworkers, or parents. • Locking rooms when not in them is mandatory. Do not give keys to students at any time.

  15. Faculty Handbook Highlights • Subs: Let subs know not to place students in the hallway. Make sure attendance folders are available for their use. • Keep windows clear. • PBS rules are for ALL students to follow.

  16. Dress Code • Your attire reflects the image of FPE and must be professional at all times. • Emphasized by School Board and Superintendent • Pants • Please no jeans unless approved for special events • Please no pants shorter than Capri length • Please not jogging pants • Shoes • Absolutely no flip flops, crocs, beach or walking sandals • Tennis shoes: • Permissible for Personnel who cover PE, Cafeteria, and Custodial • Sketchers and Ked- type permissible for all • Please no sleeveless shirts or tanks past the shoulder • Name tags must be worn daily

  17. Student Handbook • Lunch Visitors: yellow pass from office; must be on emergency sheet. • Check out: Provide driver’s license/photo ID. • Fevers – Must stay home for 24 hours. • After 8:35 parents should not take child to class.

  18. 2012-13 General Information

  19. Cafeteria • Please circle the names of the students on your attendance roster who does not have a lunch card. • Please add the name of any student who is not on your roster and circle their name. • Please be patient with lunch schedule the first week. • Cafeteria Manager Directions • Carla Lennon

  20. Cafeteria • Procedures • Lunch passes for visitors • New Regulations • Every calorie is counted • Carla Lennon update

  21. ELC Updates • Dianne Silvia

  22. Grade Level Responsibilities • Grade levels will meet a minimum of one time per month. (Date to be determined) • Please designate a recorder • Minutes must be emailed to both Administrators • Please ask general questions and clarifying questions through your Grade Level Chair • Increases communication, reduces email, and helps Chair to field questions for all teammates

  23. Guidance • 504 (Teachers only) • Suicide Prevention • Guidance Updates

  24. Student Parent Handbook Update • Parents and Guardians can eat lunch with their children only • No Jelly or Silly band bracelets • Student attire must be within code of conduct • Please send students to the nurse for a change of clothing if needed

  25. Code of Conduct & Referrals • Revised this year due to Positive Behavior Support (PBS) and anti-bullying initiatives • Referrals will be turned into P. Nave • Protocol for additional PBS procedures will be addressed later by team.

  26. Xerox Copies & Laminating • Newsletters and correspondence home: Give to Nave for approval • Ms. Nave • Prior Approval • Print 123 • Designated assistants will laminate on Wednesday afternoons.

  27. Detention • Teachers will be assigned duty on Thursday from 3:00-4:00 on a rotation basis • The teacher assigned will hold detention in their classrooms • Teachers will have their grade level peers assist with dismissal • Detention for Saturday must be at the referral level and assigned by Mrs. Nave.

  28. Lesson Plans & E-sembler • Lesson plans • Electronic Lesson Plans (no “fill in the blank”) • Administration will check lesson plans weekly • E-sembler • We will maintain grades until further notice. • The grades must be posted within one week after given. DBQ, essays - exceptions

  29. Textbook Inventory • Pat, Jane, and Judy will work with GLC to organize checkout • Textbooks will be assigned to teachers by range and then to students • Quarterly textbook Checks will need to be conducted by teachers

  30. Website • Please maintain your website page. There should be new material at least each nine weeks. • Please be certain to use only first names of students • Nicki Cottom will continue to be the Website Manager

  31. After School Informational and Social Opportunities • School Advisory Council (SAC) • Second Monday of each month at 3:45 in the Media CTR. • PTO and Parent Nights have been blended to second Monday at 6:30 in Cafeteria • A representative from each Grade level is required to attend and take an active role • Should make the Nights more meaningful and productive

  32. Technology Consultants &Innovative Learning Specialists • Tech Cons • Hardware/Software Issues & Trouble Shooting • Becca Redding • Kathie Joiner • ILS • Esembler, Edusoft, & Classroom Technology Instruction

  33. Bookkeeping • Please make certain to fill out the correct forms prior to purchasing items • Please do not keep money over night in your classrooms • Clemmer Updates


  35. First Aid • Every Room must have a yellow first aide booklet • Every room should have a yellow poster

  36. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.

  37. First Responders • Coach Ramos • Nurse Sharleen • Diane Silva - ELC • Judy Guest • Bob Spellman • Nancy Gartland

  38. Hazardous Materials • Right to know – Every employee has a right to know about the chemicals in their environment. • OSHA Handout • Cauastic Materials • Hazardous Communication Program • Bloodborne Pathogens

  39. Tornadoes, Fire Drills, Lockdowns & Hurricanes, • Please read the safety instructions and talk with Grade Level for clarifications • Lockdowns • Please have window covers ready • Fire drills • Face away from the building • Please do not bring to the flagpole area-safety hazard

  40. FIRST DAY Procedures

  41. First Day Procedures • All TAs will assist Kindergarten the first week of school. • Volunteers will also assist teachers, especially kindergarten. • Remember to do a head check and sent to Nurse Sharleen. • Please remember that front office intercom best practices.

  42. Update on Student Attendance • Please do not mark students tardy the first 3 days of school. • Please pay special attention to the directions provided on Esembler. • For the first day utilize hard copy roster found in the attendance folders (front office). • Any alteration in dismissal should be placed in the folders for verification. • Attendance should be turned in by 10 a.m. • Faculty or Admin will pick folders on first day.

  43. Duty Roster/Dismissals & Arrivals Safety is Primary Concern • Alt-loadbearing Instructional Staff , Teacher Assistants, and Clerical • Morning, lunch, afternoon • Grade levels will determine rotation and submit to Mrs. Nave • Please stand smiling in doors for arrivals at 8:15 dismissals!

  44. Counts for Student Enrollment • There are 6 counts for Student Enrollment • First Day Count: • Submit on Esembler • Type DNE next to their name. • Verify on hard copy by writing: • No shows draw line through the student name and mark DNE next to their name. • Second Day Count and Subsequent Counts: • Do not DNE an absent student • Any new or “readmitted” student will be escorted by personnel.

  45. Dismissals • By EOB today please provide Mrs. Nave with your grade level dismissal plan and coverage. • All “hands” on deck first week of school • Colored Wrist Bands for all students • Car riders • Cards will be passed out to parents at pick up in am/pm • 2-5 car riders will report to side car • Grade level areas are designated by shapes • Daycare students sit on benches. • K-1 and older siblings will report to front car • Walkers report to side walker gate • ELC reports to cafeteria when called • Buses will be called over the intercom PLEASE DO NOT RELEASE STUDENTS BEFORE 3:05 OR BEFORE THEY ARE CALLED ON THE INTERCOM.

  46. Questions?

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