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The RED-100 experiment D . Akimov ( RED collaboration )

Explore the RED-100 experiment focused on coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEνNS) theory, aiming to detect this phenomenon. Learn about the importance of CEνNS in astrophysics and nuclear reactor monitoring, and the proposed observation methods using various detectors. Discover the detection principle, Dark Matter search, and the two-phase emission detector technology utilized in the experiment. The text provides insights into the ionization yield of liquid xenon for nuclear recoils, energy spectra, and the progress made in the field, including the development of the RED-1 detector via MEGAGRANT funding.

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The RED-100 experiment D . Akimov ( RED collaboration )

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  1. The RED-100 experiment D. Akimov (RED collaboration) SSC RF ITEP of NRC “Kurchatov institute” & NRNU MEPhI The International Conference "Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics" (INSTR-17), Novosibirsk, 27 February - 3 March 2017

  2. The RED collaboration is currently presented by: • D.Yu. Akimov1,2, A.K. Berdnikova1, V.A. Belov1,2, A.I. Bolozdynya1, A.A. Burenkov1,2, A.G. Dolgolenko2, Yu.V. Efremenko3, Yu.V. Gusakov1,4, A.V. Etenko 1,5, V.A. Kaplin1, A.V. Khromov1, A.M. Konovalov1,2, A.G. Kovalenko1,2, E.S. Kozlova1, A.V. Kumpan1, T.D. Krakhmalova1, A.V. Lukyashin1,2, Yu.A. Melikyan1, P.P. Naumov1, O.E. Nepochataya 1, D.G. Rudik1,2, R.R. Shafigullin1, A.V. Shakirov1, G.E. Simakov1,2, V.V. Sosnovtsev1, G.S. Taer 1, A.A. Tobolkin1 and I.A. Tolstukhin1 • National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), 31 Kashirskoe highway, Moscow, 115409, Russian Federation • SSC RF Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics of National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, 25 Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya, Moscow, 117218, Russian Federation • University of Tennessee, 1408 Circle Dr, Knoxville, TN 37996-1200, USA • Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 6 Joliot-Curie, Dubna, Moscow Region, 141980, Russian Federation • National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, 1 Akademika Kurchatova Sq, 123182, Moscow, Russian Federation

  3. Z0 CEνNS The main goal of the RED-100 experiment is detection of “a coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEνNS)”: It was predicted theoretically 40y ago: D.Z. Freedman, D.N. Schramm, and D.L. Tubbs. Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.27, 167 (1977) but has never been observed experimentally because of the very low energy transfer A neutrino interacts via exchange of Z with a nucleus as a whole, coherently up to Eν~ 50 MeV σ~N2; for Xe <σ> ≈ 7·10-41 cm2 averaged over energy spectrum of reactor antineutrinos: 0 – 10 MeV i.e. by a factor of 0.7·103 larger than that for the for IBD, inverse beta decay on proton, <σ> ≈ 1·10-43 cm2

  4. Why to study CEνNS? The cross-section of CEνNS is well defined by the Standard Model Any difference will point out to “Non-standard” physics For example, non-zero neutrino magnetic moment CEνNS is very important in astrophysics: significantly affects the supernova dynamics Very attractive for monitoring of nuclear reactors

  5. CEνNS By LZ collaboration

  6. CEνNS There were several proposals for the 1st observation of this effect: Ge detectors: CoGeNT(USA), TEXONO (Taiwan), νGeN(JINR Dubna), … Si: CONNIE (Brazil) Noble gas detectors Noble liquid detectors:LArLivermore, LXe ITEP&INR, LXe ZEPLIN-III at ISIS: LXe ZEPLIN-III at SNS: CLEAR (LAr), COHERENT: LAr, Ge, CsI(Na) At a reactor: At a spallation neutron source: taking data

  7. Two-phase detector Xe+ e- Ionisation By electric field part of electrons are extracted from the track: recombination is suppressed Suppression depends on dE/dX Particle (e, α,n,WIMP) +Xe Excitation Xe2+ Xe* +e- (recom-bination) Xe** + Xe +Xe Xe2* 175nm 175nm Triplet Singlet 3ns 27ns 2Xe 2Xe Detection principle B.A. Dolgoshein, V.N. Lebedenko, B.U. Rodionov, JETF Letters (in Russian), 1970, v. 11, p. 513 For the Dark Matter search: A.S. Barabash and A.I. Bolozdynya, JETF Letters (in Russian), 1989, v.49, p. 359 Ratio of SC/EL is different for different kind of particles Electric field Xe EL UV SC EL LXe e, γ can be rejected e- Xe+ α, n, WIMP, ν SC UV

  8. Two-phase emission detector It combines the advantages of gas detectors: the possibility of proportional or EL amplification, XYZ positioning, and the possibility to have the large mass! Photodetectors (photomultipliers) LUX Collaboration

  9. Two-phase noble gas emission detectors (with EL amplification) are superior in sensitivity: single ionisation electron can be detected Each ionisation electron emits HUNDREDS electroluminescent photons (VUV) The number of photoelectrons is defined by the light-collection efficiency. Examples of single electron events: ZEPLIN-III (LXe) arXiv:1110.3056 JHEP 1112 (2011) 115 ZEPLIN-II (LXe) arXiv:0708.0768 Astropart.Phys. 30 (2008) 54 ITEP two-phase LXe prototype Phys. Atom. Nucl. 72 (2009), #4, 653 ~30 phe ~10 phe 15 phe

  10. Energy spectra Reactor energy spectrum Xe and Ar nuclear recoil energy spectra region of few ionisation electrons This is very challenging task, but feasible!

  11. Ionisation yield of LXe for sub-keV nuclear recoils is a very important parameter optimistic case realistic case 5 years ago! There were no data< 4 keVnr LUX data Now! NEST – Noble Element Simulation Technique We concidered “optimistic” and “realistic” scenarios Now, it is well established that the Q-value for LXe is slightly below 10 e/keVnr in the sub-keV region!

  12. MEGAGRANT: RED-1 detector In 2011, we’ve got “Megagrant” under leadership of Yu. Efremenenko (ORNL) and started development of the experiment on 1-st observation of CEνNS • The work has started from the R&D study with RED-1. • The main results are: • measurement of ionisation yield at low energies JINST 9 (2014) no.11, P11014 • single electron noise characterization JINST 11 (2016) no.03, C03007 MEPhI ITEP NRC KI MSU RED collaboration with the base lab. at MEPhI: Laboratory for Experimental Nuclear Physics

  13. MEGAGRANT: RED-100 detector Titanium cryostat FV Top PMT array 19 PMTs Hamamatsu R11410-20 Electrodes & field shaping rings Sensitive volume LXe Bottom PMT array 19 PMTs Hamamatsu R11410-20 RED-100 is a two-phase noble gas emission detector. Contains ~200 kg of LXe, ~100 kg in FV (Fiducial Volume). The sensitive volume ~ 45 cm in diam., ~ 45cm in height, is defined by the top and bottom optically transparent mesh electrodes and field-shaping rings. S2 e- e- 3D-positionning of event e- S1 45 cm 45 cm Self-shielding, wall-less detector 45 cm

  14. RED-100 detector assembling

  15. LN2 Dewar electronics Xe storage break-out-box purification Ti cryostat RED-100 detector Thermosyphon control The RED-100 setup: the laboratory tests are under way in MEPhI

  16. RED-100 detector at KNPP 19 m γand n shield: 10 ÷ 15 cm Pb + ~15 H2O Neutron flux 19 м from core Antineutrino flux at this place- 1.35∙1013 cm-2s-1 KNPP 60° - 70° KNPP vert. KNPP, Udomlya The building and the reactor is a good shield from cosmic rays We plan to move the detector to KNNP this year

  17. Expected results Estimated event rate of RED-100 detector for CEνNS is ~ 3500 events/day This is ~ 10% of the total CEνNSinteraction rate including the events with null and 1 e-ionisation By "event" we mean the appearance at the same time (within <2 μs) of 2 or more ionization electrons (SE – single electrons) at one point in the XY plane 2500 Pulse height distribution (in Ne) 2000 Events/100kg/day In RED-100, we expect to have ~80 phe/SE Thus, 1, 2, 3 … e- can be clearly separated from 1 e- which is most probably the noise signal 1500 1000 500 0 1 e- is most probably SE noise signal We study the possibility to fill RED-100 with LAr (~50 kg) Estimated event rate is ~ 1800 events/day However, the flat bckg from 39Ar is of the same order of magnitude The n-background induced by cosmic ray muons (not from reactor!) is expected to be at the same level Thus, we can clearly see the effect in reactor on and off experiment!

  18. SUMMARY • TheRED-100 detector has been built by the RED collaboration. The detector is getting started now • The experiment on observation of the CEνNS process with the RED-100 detector is planned at KNNP. The detector can be shipped to KNNP in this year.


  20. From RED-100 to RED-1000 (~1000 kg of LXe in FV) FV LXe 750 800 800 The design is based on the designs of: RED-100, LUX XENON1T, LZ cryostat vac. vessel cold vessel 91 PMT, top array screening grid anode top “skin” PMTs gate Teflon reflector field shaping cage cathode screening grid bott. “skin” PMTs Ø 110 91 PMT, bott. array, Ø 120

  21. RED-1000 engineering design Passive shield HV conduit Interface box LXe condensation and cooling

  22. Layout of RED-1000 at WWER-1000 reactor (KNNP) ~ 3.2 m ~ 4 m Fe 10 cm 0.7-0.9 m 19 m CnH2n or H2O At this location: flux = 1.35∙1013 cm-2s-1; μ flux is reduced by factor ~5 What can we do with this detector? Count rate ~ 3.4·104 events /day (trigger on Ne ≥ 2) 0.4 Hz; like a Geiger counter! ~ 1.5·104 events /day (trigger on Ne ≥ 3) is enough for DAILY monitoring of power with statistical accuracy~ 0.5%; Ne ≥ 2 (~ 0.8%; Ne ≥ 3) Pulse height distribution (in Ne)

  23. What can we do with this detector? energy spectra for 235U and 239Pu This results in decreasing (at constant power) of flux by ~ 0.15% /10 days count rate by ~ 0.2% /10 days Detector CAN see variation of the flux due to fuel burn-up in real time Fuel composition monitoring 201.7 MeV / fiss. 235U 210.0 MeV / fiss. 239Pu Ne ≥ 2: 3.4·105 evens/10day=> statistical accuracy ~ 0.17% Ne ≥ 3: 1.5·105 evens/10day=> statistical accuracy ~ 0.26%

  24. + p+→ n0 + e− Event count rate; Ne ≥ 2 Precise measurement of the count rate evolution! This should be compared with detectors, which use inverse beta-decay (IBD) on proton at the same place (19m), 1-ton IBD detectors of new generation (70% efficiency) will have ~ 3000 – 4000 events/day Pioneer IBD detectors: Rovno San Onofre ~ 750 events/day ~ 350 events/day

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