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HyMeX. http://www.hymex.org/. Current state & Objectives of the Workshop Philippe Drobinski, Véronique Ducrocq, Piero Lionello. Outlines. 1. Current Organization of HyMeX for the ISP/IIP elaboration 2. Timing of the LOP/EOP/SOP 3. Funding and link with international programs
HyMeX http://www.hymex.org/ Current state & Objectives of the Workshop Philippe Drobinski, Véronique Ducrocq, Piero Lionello
Outlines 1. Current Organization of HyMeX for the ISP/IIP elaboration 2. Timing of the LOP/EOP/SOP 3. Funding and link with international programs 4. Objectives of the workshop
The HyMeX Preparation Steps Deliverables Prospective document White book edition Promotion in international conferences Science Plan Implementation Plan Search for fundings 2008 2010 Phase 2 Phase 1 2006 Nov. 2005: “Mediterranean” OA prospective workshop Jan. 2007: 1st Mediterranean- HyMeX workshop 1-4 June 2009 3rd HyMeX Workshop June 2008 2nd HyMeX workshop Sep. 2007: 2nd issue of the HyMeX white book Sept. 2009 2nd draft of the International Science Plan and 1st draft of the Implementation Plan May 2009 1st draft of the International Science Plan Dec. 2006: 1st issue of the HyMeX white book
The HyMeX program documents White book (WB):State of the art, Science questions, needs and proposals, from French scientists only International Science Plan (ISP): After presenting the main motivations for HyMeX (section 2), the Science Plan provides (section 3) an overview of the state of art of the topics, the key science questions and what are the observation and modelling requirements to address them, and broadly describes how HyMeX would address these questions (section 4) and the links with international programs (THORPEX, GEWEX, MEDCLIVAR , section 5). International Implementation Plan (IIP):provides information on how the Science Plan will be implemented. International Operation Plan (OP):describes in detail how the Program operates.
The HyMeX program documents White book (WB):State of the art, Science questions, needs and proposals, from French scientists only International Science Plan (ISP): After presenting the main motivations for HyMeX (section 2), the Science Plan provides (section 3) an overview of the state of art of the topics, the key science questions and what are the observation and modelling requirements to address them, and broadly describes how HyMeX would address these questions (section 4) and the links with international programs (THORPEX, GEWEX, MEDCLIVAR , section 5). International Implementation Plan (IIP):provides information on how the Science Plan will be implemented. International Operation Plan (OP):describes in detail how the Program operates. Objectives of the workshop
Five Science Working Groups WG2 WG3 WG5 WG4 WG1
Working Groups • ~80 contributions to the Science Plan and Implementation Plan • 290 WG members (20 countries)
HyMeX Organisation Pr. Piero LIONELLO (Chair), University of Lecce, Italy Dr. Philippe DROBINSKI (Vice-chair) , IPSL/LMD, France Dr. Véronique DUCROCQ (Chair Executive-ISSC) , GAME-CNRM, France Dr. John T. ALLEN, National Oceanography Centre, U.K. Prof. Pinhas ALPERT, Tel Aviv University, Israel Dr. Emmanouil ANAGNOSTOU, HCMR, USA & Greece Dr. Isabelle BRAUD, CEMAGREF, Lyon, France Dr. Silvio DAVOLIO, ISAC-CNR, Bologna, Italy Dr. Andreas DÖRNBRACK, DLR, Germany Dr. Jordi FONT, Institut de Ciencies del Mar,, Spain Dr. Jim FREER , University of Bristol, U.K. Dr. Silvio GUALDI, INVG, Bologna, Italy Prof. Vanda GRUBISIC, University of Vienna, Austria Dr. Eve GRUNFEST , University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA Dr. Víctor HOMAR SANTANER, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain Dr. Gurvan MADEC, LOCEAN, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris, France Prof. Alberto MONTANARI, University of Bologna, Italy Prof. Temel OGUZ, Institute of Marine Sciences, Icel, Turkey Dr. Evangelos PAPATHANASSIOU, HCMR,Greece Prof. Nadia PINARDI, Laboratorio SINCEM, University of Bologna, Italy Prof. Rich ROTUNNO, NCAR, Boulder, U.S.A. Prof. Cherif SAMMARI, INSTM, Salammbô, Tunisia Prof. Z. Bob SU, ITC The Netherlands Dr. Isabelle TAUPIER-LETAGE, LOB, France Dr. René THERRIEN,, Université Laval, Québec, Canada Pr. Remko UIJLENHOET, The Netherlands Dr. Pedro VITERBO,Instituto de Meteorologia, Lisboa, Portugal Prof. Heini WERNLI, Universität Mainz, Germany The HyMeX International Scientific Steering Committee: The HyMeX Working Group coordinators: Working Group 1: Dr Ludwig Wolfgang, CEFREM (France)-Dr Mariotti Annarita, ENEA (Italy)-Dr Somot Samuel, CNRM, (France) Working Group 2: Dr Braud Isabelle, CEMAGREF(France)-Dr. Chanzy André, INRA (France)-Dr. Viterbo Pedro, Intituto de Meteorologica, (Portugal) Working Group 3: Dr Romero Romualdo, Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain)-Dr Delrieu Guy, LTHE (France)-Dr. Richard Evelyne, LA (France)-Pr Montanari Alberto, University of Bologna (Italy) Working Group 4 : Dr Lagouvardos Kostas, NOA (Greece) - Dr Ivancean-Picek Branka, Service Météorologique et hydrologique (Croatia) - Dr Beranger Karine, ENSTEA (France)- Dr Estournel Claude, LA (France)-Dr Josey Simon, National oceanic center (UK) Working Group 5: Dr Llasat Maria-Carmen, Barcelone University (Spain)- Dr Lutoff Céline, PACTES (France)- Dr Gruntfest Eve, Université du Colorado (USA)
Set-up of an organization matrix International Science Plan (ISP) WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4, WG5 Science questions HPE Flash-flood Hydrology Observation network/ instruments/ modelling and data assimilation tools International Implementation Plan (IIP) Task Team/ Task Support weather radar network Needs for dyn. MCS Needs for QPE
Examples of TTO, TTM, TS • Task Teams for Observations (TTO) • TTO1 - Sounding of the atmosphere • TT01-a Radiosounding (LOP/EOP/SOP) • TTO1-b Balloons (SOP) • TTO1-c UHF/VHF profilers (LOP/EOP) • TTO1-d GPS (LOP/EOP/SOP) • TTO1-e Lidars (EOP/SOP) • TTO1-f Radar (LOP/EOP/SOP) • TTO1-g Radiometers (SOP) • TTO1-h Microphysics (EOP/SOP) • TTO1-i Aerosols (SOP) • TTO1-j Lightning (SOP) … • TTO2 - Hydrological and soil measurements • TTO3 - Measuring surface fluxes over land • TTO4 - Sounding the ocean • TTO5 - Measuring air-sea fluxes • TTO6 - Measuring land-sea fluxes • TTO7 - Monitoring vulnerability factors Task Teams for Modelling platforms (TTM) TTM1-Real-time modelling platforms during SOP/EOP TTM2-Data assimilation TTM3-Regional Climate model (Atmosphere-Ocean-Land) TTM4-Hydrometeorological (including Ocean) high-resolution modelling … Transversal Tasks in support to TTO and TTM (TS) TS1 – Data base TS2 - Satellite products TS3 - hydrometeorological sites TS4 - Ocean operations TS5 - Aircraft operations …
3rd Workshop round tables • The main objective of the round tables is to progress in the definition of the TTM, TTO and TS. • PS2b, PS3b, PS4b aims at better defining TTO. • The main objective of these three round tables is to define the instruments that need to be deployed in sites/supersites or the research platforms needed. • For each instrument/platform : scientific aims and how it includes in the overall program strategy , groups/persons in charge of deployment, funding status. A priority list could be established. • Round table PS2b - Measuring air-sea fluxes and sounding the ocean aims at defining TTO4 (Sounding the ocean), TTO5 (Measuring air-sea fluxes), and TTO6 (Measuring land-sea fluxes). • Round table PS3b - Sounding the atmosphere aims at defining TTO1 (Sounding the atmosphere), TTO3 (Measuring surface fluxes over land) and TTO5 (Measuring air-sea fluxes). • Round table PS4b - Measuring surface fluxes over land and sounding continental surfaces aims at defining TTO2 (Hydrological and soil measurement), TTO3 (Measuring surface fluxes over land) and TTO6 (Measuring land-sea fluxes).
3rd Workshop round tables • PS1c, PS2c, PS3a, PS4a aims at better defining TTM. The main objective of these round tables is to make an inventory/coordination of modelling tools needed to answer the various objectives of HyMeX. For each modelling task: list of observations required for validation of models or for real time running (e.g. Data assimilation), leaders/core groups, funding information, priroity list. • Round table PS1c- Multiscale modelling of the continental surfaces • Round table PS2c - High-resolution (coupled, ensemble) modelling platforms for intense events. • Round table PS3a - Regional climate modelling • Round table PS4a - Real-time modelling platforms during SOP/EOP
3rd Workshop round tables • PS1a, PS1b, PS2a, PS3c aims at better defining both TS and TTO (for the three first). PS1a - Long-term hydrometeorological observatories over ocean & PS2a - Long-term hydrometeorological observatories over land: The main objective of the round table is to identify the long-term ocean observatories or observations that contribute to the LOP (exemple of such long term observatories are for example MOOSE, OHM-CV or Lampedusa site). For each observatory: describe the associated scientific aims and identify some contact points for data access. A priority list could be established, as well as information about funding collected. PS1b - SOP/EOP sites and supersites: The main objective of the round table is to establish a list of hydrometeorological sites and supersites for SOP/EOP, focusing first on the first EOP/SOP (2011-2014). For each supersite: describe the associated scientific aims and to identify some contact points. A priority list could be established, as well as information about funding collected. PS3c - satellite products and data base: The main objective of the round table is to establish the satellite observations which are available and the elaborated satellite products needed/proposed. Contact points for realization and supply of satellite data could be collected. The second part of the round table could be dedicated to identifying the existing data bases, but also to agree on the project data base(s) for SOP/EOP.
Observation strategy • « Nested » approach necessary to tackle the whole range of processes and interactions and estimate budgets Enhanced existing observatories and operational observing systems in the key regions of high-impact events: budgets and process studies (+ dedicated short field campaigns) Enhanced current operational observing system over the whole Mediterranean basin: budgets (data access ‘data policy’) EOP LOP SOP Special observing periods of high-impact events in selected regions of the EOP target areas (aircrafts, ships,…): process studies
Observation strategy • « Nested » approach necessary to tackle the whole range of processes and interactions and estimate budgets Western Mediterranean + Greece ? + Adriatic ? Eastern Mediterranean EOP LOP ? SOP Special observing periods of high-impact events in selected regions of the EOP target areas (aircrafts, ships,…): process studies
Observation strategy • « Nested » approach for the 1st EOP/SOP SOP Heavy precipitation, flash-fllooding, dense water formation and ocean convection, severe winds and cyclogeneses, rivers (Rhone, intermittent rivers), coastal zones Sub-basin EOP LOP
The EOP/SOP in Western Mediterranean ? SOP1 : Heavy precipitation and Flash-flooding Ocean state prior the formation of dense water Number of days with daily precipitation above 150 mm in Southern France over the 1967-2000 period. From Ricard et al.(2007)
The EOP/SOP in Western Mediterranean ? Monthly average of the ocean mixed layer depth in Gulf of Lyons. From D'Ortenzio et al.(2005) Monthly frequency of cyclones over Mediterranean. From Homar (2007) SOP2 : Dense Water Formation and Ocean convection Cyclogenesis and local winds
The EOP/SOP in Western Mediterranean ? SOP1 : Heavy precipitation and Flash-flooding Ocean state prior the formation of dense water Year 2= 2012 Phasing of SOP1.1 with T-NAWDEX SOP2 : Dense Water Formation and Ocean convection Cyclogenesis and local winds
HyMeX funding • FUNDING AT NATIONAL LEVELS • Identification of possible funding agencies in all countries forming the HyMeX « consortium »e.g. in France, the consortium of the main French agencies (CIO) has evaluated the French direct contribution to HyMeX to ~9 M€ (without salaries) between 2009 and 2015 with a peak of ~8M€ between 2011 and 2013. • EUROPEAN FUNDING (PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF 2010 FP7 CALL DRAFT) • Early warning systems to predict climate change related meteorological hazards (droughts) in Africa ( WG2) Meeting today at 18:30 in room 2 • • Social science research, natural hazards and decision making process ( WG5) • Exploring new GNSS (global navigation satellite systems) applications in EO ( WG2, WG3) • Identification and Networking of EO activities in the Balkan area ( WG2, WG3, WG4) Meeting today at 18:30 in room 3 To be discussed during parallel session 4c (Thursday, 4 – 9:30-11:30)
International programs&HyMeX • I. MOTIVATION • • International visibility of the HyMeX program • • Integration in broad scientific networks • • Highlight of the main HyMeX scientific objectives Endorsment of HyMeX by WCRP/GEWEX (energy and water cycle: WG2, WG1) and WWRP/THORPEX (extremes: WG3, WG4, WG5) programs of WMO
Links THORPEX-HyMeX LOP EOP 2010 2011 2013 Phasing with THORPEX regional campaign T-NAWDEX 2014 2015 2016 SOP 2010 2012 2013 2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2017 Western Med Eastern Med ? • THORPEX link • Endorsment by THORPEX (letter sent March, 11 2009) • Phasing with THORPEX regional campaign T-NAWDEX • Coordination with MEDEX
Links GEWEX-HyMeX ? • GEWEX link • Endorsment by GEWEX (letter sent April, 20 2009) • GEWEX Organization • GEWEX projects are grouped by research focus into the following categories: • Radiation • Modelling and Prediction • Hydroclimate. • CEOP Organization • CEOP is composed of: • Regional Hydroclimate Projects (RHPs) • Regional Studies • Cross-Cutting Studies • Modelling Studies • Data Management • Affiliated Global Organizations
Links GEWEX-HyMeX • HyMeX aims at contributing to the WCRP-GEWEX objective of improving the understanding of the global hydrological cycle and prediction of its evolution by a coordinated set of studies targeted at the Mediterranean region, which, at present, is not covered by a GEWEX/CEOP RHP. • As currently defined, the HyMeX program already complies with most of the criteria to become a RHP: • In terms of hydrometeorological modelling, • the development, validation and improvement of atmospheric and hydrological models, coupled or not. • the involvment Numerical Weather Prediction centres and hydrological services. • In terms of observations, • easy access for scientists to already archived data and to new datasets collected during HyMeX, that can in turn serve as validation for GEWEX global data products, • set-up of hydrometeorological sites for long term observation, that can fulfil the requested criteria to become GEWEX CEOP in-situ reference site or basin. Identification of possible CEOP/RHP sites to be discussed during parallel session 2a (Wednesday, 3 – 10:30-12:30)
Links GEWEX-HyMeX GEWEX COOPERATIVE ENERGY AND WATER CYCLE OBSERVATIONS PROJECT (CEOP) AND REGIONAL HYDROCLIMATE PROJECT (RHP): SUMMARY OF ITEMS RELEVANT FOR HyMeX • I. CEOP/GEWEX RHP CRITERIA • Technical criteria • • Cooperation of an NWP center for provision of atmospheric and land surface data assimilation. • • Atmospheric-hydrologic models for studying transferability and climate variability. • • Mechanism for collecting and managing adequate hydrometeorological data sets. • • Participation in the open international exchange of scientific information and data. • • Interactions with hydrologic services and related groups • • Commitment of adequate resources and personnel. • • Evaluation of GEWEX global data products • • Contributions to CEOP in situ, remote sensing, and model output databases. • Scientific criteria • • Observe, simulate, and predict diurnal, seasonal, annual and interannual variability. • • Determine climate system variability and critical feedbacks. • • Demonstrate improvements in predictions of water-related climate parameters. • • Demonstrate the applicability of techniques and models for other regions. • • Assess the human impact on hydroclimate variations, including vulnerability to climate change
Links GEWEX-HyMeX • II. CEOP DATA MANAGEMENT • Three CEOP Archive Centers providing the data to the science community are: • (1) the NCAR/Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL) Central Data Archive for CEOP Reference Site Data; • (2) the International Council for Science (ICSU) WDC for Climate; • (3) the Satellite and Data Integration Center at the University of Tokyo (UT). • The data are freely available to all users free of any costs, with the exception of possible modest expenses for mailing costs of any data that is requested other than through the electronic schemes set up by the administers of each of these centers. The data users are required to comply with the use and citing of the material in accordance with the CEOP data policies as noted for the in-situ data, the model data and the satellite data. III.CEOP DATA POLICY The WMO Resolutions 40 and 25 comprises the basis for the CEOP data policy which can be summarized with six "golden rules": (1) No financial implications for the CEOP reference site data exchange; (2) No commercial use and exploitation of CEOP reference site data; (3) No re-export or transfer of the original data received from the CEOP archive to a third party; (4) Aknowledgment and reference to the origin of CEOP data being used for publication of scientific results; (5) Encouragement to CEOP data users to establish direct contact with data providers for complete interpretation and analysis of data for publication purposes; (6) Co-authorship of data users and CEOP data sources.
Expected Workshop outcomes • I. OBJECTIVES OF THE WORKSHOP • Validation of the Science Plan of WG (WG meetings and today presentations) • First draft of an International Implementation Plan (IIP) • Organization of the IIP and of the operational plan in task teams for observation, modeling and transverse aspects • II. « EXTERNAL FORCING » • Identification of GEWEX/CEOP site(s) that can fulfil all CEOP criteria (scientific and technical criteria, data management and policy) parallel session 2a in particular Thankyou to HCMR for organizing the 3rd international HyMeX workshop here… … and have a nice workshop