At the last Downhill training one of the 5 last racers crashes into the finish area. The Finish referee asks for a start stop and after receiving the confirmation from the start referee (racer number 69 is at the start - 68 is on course), he asks also that the next racer is stopped at the 2nd yellow flag. 4) Downhill Training Alpine Technical Delegates Update 2013
In the meantime the racer who falls in the finish was able to stand up and run unaided outside the fences. At the same moment you can hear on the radio that racer 68 did not stop at the yellow flag and continues through the course. 4) Downhill Training Alpine Technical Delegates Update 2013
At the end nothing happens but after the training you have a short meeting with the Jury. - How do you proceed with racer 68 ? - Discuss with the Jury what could have happened if the racer who crashed was still lying in the finish area? - Sanctions? 4) Downhill Training Alpine Technical Delegates Update 2013
ICR Rules to consider: 4) Downhill Training Alpine Technical Delegates Update 2013
ICR Rules to consider: 4) Downhill Training Alpine Technical Delegates Update 2013