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7 th grade math. 2010/2011 Ms. Carducci Room 238. WELCOME TO 7 th GRADE MATH.
7th grade math 2010/2011 Ms. Carducci Room 238
We are all here for YOU – for you to succeed and to enjoy math. Because I care about each of you, I am here to help you. So I will not allow you to do anything that will interfere with your success in this class. We will be working together this year. We need to have a class where you can come without fear of being ridiculed or threatened. Because I care about ALL of you, I will not allow you to do anything that will interfere with someone else who is trying to learn. I am the teacher, and I am looking forward to being your teacher this year. I have an exciting year of learning planned for you, and I will not allow you to do anything to interfere with my desire to teach you. Nor will I allow you to do anything that will interfere with allof us having an enjoyable year.
So that YOU can learn, so that WE can learn, so that I can teach, I have a set of rules to ensure that we will have a safe and orderly classroom.
Classroom Rules • 1. Enter the classroom quietly and be in your seat when the bell rings. • 2. Bring all books, pencils and materials to class. • 3. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. • 4. Follow directions the first time they are given. • 5. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise. • Thank you!
If You Choose to Break a Rule • FIRST TIME: Name on board, Warning. • SECOND TIME: One check by name. Conference with me after school on a specified day. • THIRD TIME: Two checks by name. ‘Action Plan’ completed. Parents called and teacher detention. • FOURTH TIME: Three checks, referral to Guidance Counselor. • FIFTH TIME: Four checks, referral to Dean’s office. • SEVERE DISRUPTION: Sent immediately to Dean.
Citizenship Citation Record • Each time you break a rule, the infraction will be written on a citizenship citation record. • This citation record will be used to determine the next step in discipline but also your citizenship grade at the end of the quarter. • 0-1 citation = Outstanding • 2-3 citations = Satisfactory • 4-5 citations = Needs Improvement • 6 or more citations = Unsatisfactory
REWARDS • Praise • Becker’s Best • Positive notes and/or phone calls home • Whole class radio time • Free Homework Pass • Gameday • Math Games • Free time with electronics • Various other positive perks • The joy of learning
Becker School Rules • No Gum Chewing • “Hands Off Policy” • No running or horseplay • No eating/drinking outside of lunchroom • No use of profanity • No skateboards/rollerblades/heelies • No whiteout or permanent markers • Cell phones must be turned OFF, except in designated areas • No laser pens/pointers • No hats, bandanas, beanies, etc. • No using/possession of electronic devices
Supplies need for math class • A spiral notebook, preferably at least 3 subjects for notes and homework • 3 ring binder to hold notebook and handouts • Loose leaf paper • Pencils (lead pencils are ok, just make sure you have extra lead) • Erasers
BEGINNING OF CLASS ROUTINE • This is what expected of you as you arrive to math class. • Walk into the classroom quietly. • Have 2 sharpened pencils ready. • Have all homework out and ready to be graded. • Check tonight’s homework on assignment board and write it in your Becker Book. • Read ‘What you will need today’ and have items ready. • Be ready for One Minute Review.
Classroom Procedures • How to enter the classroom: quietly and go directly to your desk and have a seat • Where to find assignments: on calendar on the bulletin board • What to do when you finish your work early: see sign on wall for ideas • What Ms. Carducci will do to get your attention: I will raise my hand or ring a bell, you are to freeze, turn and face me, pay attention and keep your eyes on me, listen for instruction. • How homework is to be completed: name, period, date in upper right corner. Name of assignment on the top line of the paper. Always work down the left side of the paper then go to center of the paper and continue down the center (I will show you an example) • Homework must be completed in pencil. Homework done in pen will not be accepted. • Where to find notes and assignments if you are absent: check absent folder on top of bookcase • What to do if you hear an emergency alert signal: FREEZE and look at Ms. Carducci for directions
Classroom Procedures continued • When you are tardy: sign in on tardy clipboard and quietly have a seat • End of period dismissal: Wait for Ms. Carducci to dismiss you. Make sure you have all your belongings and there is no trash on floor around your desk. THE BELL DOES NOT DISMISS YOU! • Turning in papers: Pass papers forward, then front person place papers into the basket. • What to do if my homework isn’t finished: as you enter the classroom, pick up a HAM (homework assignment missing) form from the side table and give it to homework checker • How to keep your notebook: always start lesson at the top of a new page (can be the back side of previous notes), title and date page • How to work in groups: move quickly to group, use inside voices, stay on task • If you need to use the restroom: you get one bathroom pass per quarter, use it wisely!
To obtain Ms. Carducci’s attention • Raise your hand and I will call on you. • If you need a tissue, please hold up your index finger.
Grades • Your grade will consist of several items graded on a point system: • 1. Notebook checks (5 points per day) • 2. Homework • 3. Appetizers (10 points per week) • 4. Quizzes • 5. Tests • 6. Projects
QUIZ! • 1. What do you do if you need a tissue? • 2. Where do you find the homework assignment? • 3. If you need my help what do you do? • 4. If you break a rule, what is the first consequence? • 5. If you break a rule twice, what is the consequence?
QUIZ • When should you be in your seats by? • Name a reward. • Name another reward. • What do you do when you are finished with your work? • What will I do to get your attention?
QUIZ • What should you bring to class with you everyday? • When do you sharpen your pencil? • What do you do if you do not have your homework finished when you get to class? • How do you work in groups? • True or False: You can get out of your seat and walk around anytime you want. • Name one classroom rule and describe what it means.
Quiz • Name a Becker school rule and why it is important. • Name another school rule and why it is important. • What will you be graded on?