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Machine Learning for High-Throughput Biological Data. These notes were originally from KDD2006 tutorial notes, written by David page at Dept. Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Dept. Computer Sciences University of Wisconsin-Madison . http://www.biostat.wisc.edu/~page/PageKDD2006.ppt.
Machine Learning for High-Throughput Biological Data These notes were originally from KDD2006 tutorial notes, written by David page at Dept. Biostatistics and Medical InformaticsDept. Computer SciencesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison. http://www.biostat.wisc.edu/~page/PageKDD2006.ppt
Some Data Types We’ll Discuss • Gene expression microarray • Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (單一核苷酸基因多形性) • Mass spectrometry proteomics (蛋白質組學 ) and metabolomics (代謝物組學 ) • Protein-protein interactions (from co-immunoprecipitation) • High-throughput screening of potential drug molecules
image from the DOE Human Genome Program http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis
How Microarrays Work Probes (DNA) Labeled Sample (RNA) Hybridization GeneChip Surface
Two Views of Microarray Data • Data points are genes • Represented by expression levels across different samples (ie, features=samples) • Goal: categorize new genes • Data points are samples (eg, patients) • Represented by expression levels of different genes (ie, features=genes) • Goal: categorize new samples
Supervised Learning Task • Given: a set of microarray experiments, each done with mRNA from a different patient (same cell type from every patient) Patient’s expression values for each gene constitute the features, and patient’s disease constitutes the class • Do: Learn a model that accurately predictsclass based on features
Leukemia (Golub et al., 1999) • Classes Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia(淋巴白血病) (ALL) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (骨髓白血病) (AML) • Approach Weighted voting (essentially naïve Bayes) • Cross-Validated Accuracy Of 34 samples, declined to predict 5, correct on other 29
Cancer vs. Normal • Relatively easy to predict accurately, because so much goes “haywire” in cancer cells • Primary barrier is noise in the data… impure RNA, cross-hybridization, etc • Studies include breast, colon (结肠), prostate (前列腺), lymphoma (淋巴瘤), and multiple myeloma (骨髓瘤)
Work by Statisticians Outside of Standard Classification/Clustering • Methods to better convert Affymetrix’s low-level intensity measurements into expression levels: e.g., work by Speed, Wong, Irrizary • Methods to find differentially expressed genes between two samples, e.g. work by Newton and Kendziorski • But the following is most related…
Ranking Genes by Significance • Some biologists don’t want one predictive model, but a rank-ordered list of genes to explore further (with estimated significance) • For each gene we have a set of expression levels under our conditions, say cancer vs. normal • We can do a t-test to see if the mean expression levels are different under the two conditions: p-value • Multiple comparisons problem: if we repeat this test for 30,000 genes, some will pop up as significant just by chance alone • Could do a Bonferoni correction (multiply p-values by 30,000), but this is drastic and might eliminate all
False Discovery Rate (FDR) [Storey and Tibshirani, 2001] • Addresses multiple comparisons but is less extreme than Bonferoni • Replaces p-value by q-value: fraction of genes with this p-value or lower that really don’t have different means in the two classes (false discoveries) • Publicly available in R as part of Bioconductor package • Recommendation: Use this in addition to your supervised data mining… your collaborators will want to see it
FDR Highlights Difficulties Getting Insight into Cancer vs. Normal
Question to Anticipate • You’ve run a supervised data mining algorithm on your collaborator’s data, and you present an estimate of accuracy or an ROC curve (from X-val) • How did you adjust this for the multiple comparisons problem? • Answer: you don’t need to because you commit to a single predictive model before ever looking at the test data for a fold—this is only one comparison
Prognosis and Treatment • Features same as for diagnosis • Rather than disease state, class value becomes lifeexpectancy with a given treatment (or positive response vs. no response to given treatment)
Breast Cancer Prognosis(Van’t Veer et al., 2002) • Classesgood prognosis (no metastasis within five years of initial diagnosis) vs. poor prognosis • Algorithm Ensemble of voters • Results 83% cross-validated accuracy on 78 cases
A Lesson • Previous work selected features to use in ensemble by looking at the entire data set • Should have repeated feature selection on each cross-val fold • Authors also chose ensemble size by seeing which size gave highest cross-val result • Authors corrected this in web supplement;accuracy went from 83% to 73% • Remember to “tune parameters” separately for each cross-val fold!
Prognosis with Specific Therapy (Rosenwald et al., 2002) • Data set contains gene-expression patterns for 160 patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, receiving anthracycline chemotherapy • Class label is five-year survival • One test-train split 80/80 • True positive rate: 60% False negative rate: 39%
Some Future Directions • Using gene-chip data to select therapyPredict which therapy gives best prognosis for patient • Combining Gene Expression Data with Clinical Data such as Lab Results, Medical and Family History Multiple relational tables, may benefit from relational learning
Unsupervised Learning Task • Given: a set of microarray experiments under different conditions • Do: cluster the genes, where a gene described by its expression levels in different experiments
Example(Green = up-regulated, Red = down-regulated) Genes Experiments (Samples)
Normalized expression Visualizing Gene Clusters (eg, Sharan and Shamir, 2000) Gene Cluster 1, size=20 Gene Cluster 2, size=43 Time (10-minute intervals)
Unsupervised Learning Task 2 • Given: a set of microarray experiments (samples) corresponding to different conditions or patients • Do: cluster the experiments
Examples • Cluster samples from mice subjected to a variety of toxic compounds (Thomas et al., 2001) • Cluster samples from cancer patients, potentially to discover different subtypes of a cancer • Cluster samples taken at different time points
Some Biological Pathways • Regulatory pathways • Nodes are labeled by genes • Arcs denote influence on transcription • G1 codes for P1, P1 inhibits G2’s transcription • Metabolic pathways • Nodes are metabolites, large biomolecules (eg, sugars, lipids, proteins and modified proteins) • Arcs from biochemical reaction inputs to outputs • Arcs labeled by enzymes (themselves proteins)
Metabolic Pathway Example H20 HSCoA Citrate cis-Aconitate Acetyl CoA citrate synthase aconitase H20 Oxaloacetate NADH MDH (Krebs Cycle, TCA Cycle, Citric Acid Cycle) Isocitrate NAD+ NAD+ Malate IDH NADH + CO2 fumarase H20 a-Ketoglutarate NAD+ + HSCoA Fumarate a-KDGH NADH + CO2 succinate thikinase Succinyl-CoA FADH2 Succinate FAD GTP GDP + Pi + HSCoA
Using Microarray Data Only • Regulatory pathways • Nodes are labeled by genes • Arcs denote influence on transcription • G1 codes for P1, P1 inhibits G2’s transcription • Metabolic pathways • Nodes are metabolites, large biomolecules (eg, sugars, lipids, proteins, and modified proteins) • Arcs from biochemical reaction inputs to outputs • Arcs labeled by enzymes (themselves proteins)
Supervised Learning Task 2 • Given: a set of microarray experiments for same organism under different conditions • Do: Learn graphical model that accurately predicts expression of some genes in terms of others
Some Approaches to Learning Regulatory Networks • Bayes Net Learning (started with Friedman & Halpern, 1999, we’ll see more) • Boolean Networks (Akutsu, Kuhara, Maruyama & Miyano, 1998; Ideker, Thorsson & Karp, 2002) • Related Graphical Approaches (Tanay & Shamir, 2001; Chrisman, Langley, Baay & Pohorille, 2003)
Data P(geneA) geneA geneB geneA Expt1 parent node Expt2 parent node Expt3 child node child node Expt4 P(geneB) geneB P(geneA) 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Bayesian Network (BN) Note: direction of arrow indicatesdependence notcausality
Problem: Not Causality A B A is a good predictor of B. But is A regulating B?? Ground truth might be: B A A C B B C A C Or a more complicated variant A B
Approaches to Get Causality • Use “knock-outs” (Pe’er, Regev, Elidan and Friedman, 2001). But not available in most organisms. • Use time-series data and Dynamic Bayesian Networks (Ong, Glasner and Page, 2002). But even less data typically. • Use other data sources, eg sequences upstream of genes, where transcription regulators may bind. (Segal, Barash, Simon, Friedman and Koller, 2002; Noto and Craven, 2005)
gene 2 gene 2 gene 1 gene 1 gene 3 gene 3 gene N gene N A Dynamic Bayes Net
Problem: Not Enough Data Points to Construct Large Network • Fortunate to get 100s of chips • But have 1000s of genes • E. coli: ~4000 • Yeast: ~6000 • Human: ~30,000 • Want to learn causal graphical model over 1000s of variables with 100s of examples (settings of the variables)
Advance: Module Networks [Segal, Pe’er, Regev, Koller & Friedman, 2005] • Cluster genes by similarity over expression experiments • All genes in a cluster are “tied together”: same parents and CPDs • Learn structure subject to this tying together of genes • Iteratively re-form clusters and re-learn network, in an EM-like fashion
Problem: Data are Continuous but Models are Discrete • Gene chips provide a real-valued mRNA measurement • Boolean networks and most practical Bayes net learning algorithms assume discrete variables • May lose valuable information by discretizing
Advance: Use of Dynamic Bayes Nets with Continuous Variables [Segal, Pe’er, Regev, Koller & Friedman, 2005] • Expression measurements used instead of discretized (up, down, same) • Assume linear influence of parents on children (Michaelis-Menten assumption) • Work so far constructed the network from literature and learned parameters
Problem: Much Missing Information • mRNA from gene 1 doesn’t directly alter level of mRNA from gene 2 • Rather, the protein product from gene 1 may alter level of mRNA from gene 2 (e.g., transcription factor) • Activation of transcription factor might not occur by making more of it, but just by phosphorylating it (post-translational modification)