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How to write, implement and evaluate a successful proactive media strategy

Learn to write, implement, and assess a successful proactive media strategy to engage target audiences effectively. Understand the difference between proactive and reactive approaches, identify key elements, and evaluate your strategy for maximum impact. Enhance media coverage, engage stakeholders, and achieve your communication goals with strategic planning and execution. Elevate your media presence with informed decision-making and proactive outreach strategies.

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How to write, implement and evaluate a successful proactive media strategy

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  1. How to write, implement and evaluate a successfulproactive media strategy Paul MathewsHM Revenue & CustomsUK

  2. Proactive v Reactive Reactive • Respond to enquiries • Media set news agenda • Standard approach: media briefing • ‘Sit back and wait’ Proactive • Sell your story • Help set news agenda • Many different approaches • ‘Get up and go!’

  3. Proactive Media Strategy • Before you start you must have… • A news story or angle – something new, unusual, a change, an update or reminder etc • Time and resources to draft, implement and evaluate • Someone who can manage the project through to completion • The agreement of your officials/operational staff

  4. Proactive Media Strategy • Key Elements • Objective • Key Messages • Target Audience • Target Media • Activity • Risks • Evaluation

  5. Objective • What are the key aims of your media strategy? • What do you want to achieve/ people to do? Good Examples: • Raise awareness of the dangers of counterfeit goods • Encourage the public to report suspected fraud Bad Examples: • To get some positive publicity for our organisation • Our director wants his photo in the newspapers

  6. Key Messages • What are the key messages of your campaign? • Short ‘soundbites’ in order of importance • Can be general and/or specific Good Example: • Fake toys can harm children Bad Example: • EU Directive 745/1A, issued in December 2004, prohibits the sale of counterfeit products.

  7. Target Audience • Who are your key messages aimed at? • You can have several target audiences • Different target audiences can have different key messages Examples: • The general public • Retailers • Manufacturers

  8. Target Media • Which media will you use to communicate key messages to the target audience? • Consider national, regional and local media • Consider press (newspapers and magazines), broadcast (TV and radio) and websites/online Examples: • National consumer correspondents • Trade press e.g. clothing, toy magazines • Consumer magazines/websites

  9. Activity • The key part of the strategy – what will you actually do and when will you do it? • Can be short- or long-term • Should ideally include key events / milestones • Lots of different options: • News releases / quotes • Press conference / briefings / spokespeople • TV footage/photos • Case studies/examples • Articles • Statistics

  10. Risks • Identify any risks to successful implementation of the strategy • Make sure you list an ‘Action’ for each ‘Risk’ Examples: • Risk: Recent stories on EU’s inability to tackle fake goods could influence media coverage • Acton: We will explain the EU’s extensive work at the press briefing • Risk: Key officials are not available on launch day • Action: Offer interviews with officials before launch day.

  11. Evaluation • How will you judge/demonstrate the success of your proactive media strategy? • If you can’t evaluate, you can’t show other people the value of your work • Examples: • Media coverage report • Number of calls/emails • Downloads/website visits

  12. Summary • Every strategy needs a news story; a reason for the media to be interested • The best strategies are long-term and have a number of different events to help build awareness over time • Be proactive – don’t sit back and wait – contact media and sell your story • Review regularly and change your approach if necessary • Evaluation is the key

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