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Council Working Party on Statistics/ 23 March 2009. CZECH PRESIDENCY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 1 January 2009 – 30 June 2009 Council Working Party on Statistics Date: Monday 23 March 2 009, 1 4 h 30 Place: Justus Lipsius building, 1048 BRUSSELS Chairperson: Mr Jan Fischer.

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  1. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 23March 2009 CZECH PRESIDENCY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 1January 2009 – 30 June 2009 Council Working Party on Statistics Date: Monday23March 2009, 14h30 Place: Justus Lipsius building, 1048 BRUSSELS Chairperson: Mr Jan Fischer AGENDA: Adoption of the agenda Recommendation of the ECB for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC)No 2533/98 of 23November 1998 concerning the collection of statistical information by the ECB (doc. 7600/09, 7601/09, ECB’s non-papers) 3. Any other business

  2. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 23 March 2009 ECB Recommendation History of Recommendation • the text adopted by the ECB on 15 September 2008 • previous discussions at the Council WPS held on 24 October,26 November and 17 December 2008 • the Commission published its opinion on the Recommendation on 13 January 2009 • the Council Legal Service provided on 4 February its opinion as regardspowers of the Council to amend the Recommendation • the European Data Protection Supervisor asked by the Council to provide an opinion on the Recommendation • the report prepared by the EP voted in ECON Committee on 2March (vote by the EP Plenary is scheduledfor 24 March)

  3. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 23 March 2009 ECB Recommendation Key points for discussion • Recital on minimising reporting burden • Confidentiality • Definitions • Statistical principles and recommendations • Cooperation between the ESCB and the ESS • Reference reporting population

  4. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 23 March 2009 ECB Recommendation Recital on minimising reporting burden • Extension of scope of measures for minimising the reporting burden in Recital 7, inclusion of: - cost-effectiveness analyses, - assessment of reporting burden, - maximum use of existing surveys and infrastructure.

  5. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 23 March 2009 ECB Recommendation Confidentiality • New definition on use for statistical purposes in Article 1(7) • Separate Article 8a on exchange of confidential data between the ESCB and the ESS • New text in Article 8a(2) to reflect general principle that ESS data shall be used exclusively for statistical purposes (ECB advocates different approach) • New Recital 10 on confidentiality

  6. Council Working Party on Statistics/23 March 2009 ECB Recommendation Definitions • Modification of definition on European Statistics in Art. 1 (PRES invites MS to comment on text in square brackets) • Definitions of development, production and dissemination were added

  7. Council Working Party on Statistics/23 March 2009 ECB Recommendation Statistical principles and recommendations • Text on statistical principles moved into separate Article 3a • Obligation to publish the definition of principles • Separate Recital 7 on best practices and recommendations • European statistical standards substituted for Community ones in Article 3 ECB non-paper on definition of statistical principles welcomed

  8. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 23March 2009 ECB Recommendation Cooperation between the ESCB and the ESS • Slight modification of Recital 8a (consultative role of ESS Committee on ESCB programme) • Separate Article 2a on Cooperation (mirrors the Regulation on European Statistics)

  9. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 23 March 2009 ECB Recommendation Reference reporting population • The original text of Art. 2 was reinstated – still open for discussion • ECB non-paper on enhancement of reporting population • Necessary to consider together with new proposal on Recital 8a

  10. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 23 March 2009 Any Other Business Any Other Business • Recent and upcoming activities • European statistics - Coreper adoption: 18.2.2009 - Council adoption: 19.2.2009 • Extrastat - Council adoption of CP: 16.2.2009 • Intrastat - Coreper adoption: 18.2.2009 - Council adoption: 19.2.2009 • Crops - EP 1st reading: 19.2.2009 - Council adoption: 23.3.2009 (scheduled) • Info society - Consideration of draft report in ITRE Committee: 4.3.2009 - Adoption of draft report in ITRE Committee: 9.3.2009 - Coreper: 17.3.2009

  11. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 23 March 2009 Any Other Business Any Other Business • Recent and upcoming activities - comitology • 3 “fisheries” Regulations - Coreper: 25.2.2009 - Council: 26.2.2009 • Waste statistics - Coreper: 25.2.2009 - Council: 26.2.2009 • National and Regional accounts - Coreper: 4.3.2009 - Council: 5.3.2009 • Carriage of goods by road - Coreper: 11.3.2009 • FATS - sent to MSs:3.3.2009 - awaiting comments by: 24.3.2009 • EU-SILC - sent to MSs:13.3.2009 - awaiting comments by: 3.4.2009

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