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Deltamethrin & Aerial Mosquito Adulticiding Registration Process for Thessaloniki, Greece

Deltamethrin & Aerial Mosquito Adulticiding Registration Process for Thessaloniki, Greece. Alexandra Chaskopoulou -University of Florida Andreas Thrasivoulou - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Javid Kashefi - USDA Agricultural Research Service, Thessaloniki, Greece

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Deltamethrin & Aerial Mosquito Adulticiding Registration Process for Thessaloniki, Greece

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  1. Deltamethrin & Aerial Mosquito Adulticiding Registration Process for Thessaloniki, Greece Alexandra Chaskopoulou -University of Florida Andreas Thrasivoulou - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Javid Kashefi - USDA Agricultural Research Service, Thessaloniki, Greece Mark Latham - Manatee County Mosquito Control, Florida Philip Koehler – University of Florida

  2. 50,000 acres of rice-fields 23,000 acres of natural wetlands Thessaloniki 2 million people Aegean Sea

  3. Only currently approved method is larviciding 90% by air, 10% by ground Temephos is no longer available Larviciding operations insufficient A single CDC traps catches ~ 15,000-30,000 mosquitoes/night (summers 2008-2009) Need for adulticiding as a supplementary method Development of aerial adulticiding in Greece Mosquito Control Thessaloniki, GR

  4. Mosquito nuisance resulting from inadequate control methods…

  5. Adulticiding is needed • A successful mosquito control program is an Integrated Mosquito Management Program (more than one control method) • Greece, and all 27 member states of the EU have their own existing registration requirements and function independently • Transitional phase • Regulations in the EU are being harmonized under the Biocidal Products Directive • Pan-European legislation is being incorporated into the national law of each Member State Adulticiding had to be proven to be safe and effective for registration in Greece

  6. Timeline 2006/2007 • Adulticiding idea was conceived • Funding acquired from Development Agencies & Municipalities of northern Greece • Cooperation of US experts in academia & industry • Transferred & modified aerial adulticiding technologies from U.S. to Greece

  7. Timeline 2008 • EU Industry identified & provided proper formulations specific to adulticide applications (Pyrethroids: i.e. Deltamethrin) • BPD-supported PT18 insecticides for outdoor spraying • Experiment permits issued by the Greek ministries • First experiments towards registration, spring/summer 2008 • Efficacy data (identification of proper dose) • Non-target data (aquatic organisms) 2009 • Continuation of experimentation, spring/summer 2009 • More replicates to strengthen data • Non-target data (terrestrial organisms, i.e. bees & other beneficial insects)

  8. Professionals & University Scientists from US & Greece Mosquito control Applicators - ASNF EU Pesticide Manufacturing Industry Regulatory authorities of Greece -Ministry of Agriculture -Ministry of Public Health Greek Development agencies & municipalities- Funding Source To be able to implement a successful project… Cooperative project

  9. Technologies for precise and controlled applications AGDISP Spray-Fate Computer Model Bilanin et al. 1989 Real time weather probe GPS Turbine helicopter Electric rotary atomiser

  10. 2008/9 Experimentation Towards Registration Recorded & Precise Application Cups – deionized water Aquatic non-targets Terrestrial non-targets 3mm slide spinner • Uniform efficacy on caged and wild mosquitoes • Zero or non-significant mortality on non-targets • Uniform coverage of spray droplets on spinning slides Bees Caged mosquitoes

  11. 2009 trials 84.04a 74a 68b %Mortality %Mortality 9.83b 2c 50 ml/ha 0 ml/ha Deltamethrin: Caged Mosquito Mortalities 2008 trials

  12. Before After 79a 61a 17b Deltamethrin: Wild Mosquito Mortality 2008 Up to 90%

  13. Deltamethrin: Wild Mosquito Mortality 2009 64% 88% 73%

  14. BEFORE: Hundreds of mosquitoes!!!!

  15. 15 min after deltamethrin treatment: Almost no mosquitoes!

  16. Before: Hundreds of mosquitoes!

  17. 15 min after deltamethrin treatment: Almost no mosquitoes!

  18. Chrysoperla Cryptolaemous Effects on Beneficial Insects Deltamethrin

  19. Natural Daily Mortality Bee Mortality & Presence of Black shiny Bees No shiny bees

  20. Before After Summary/Conclusions • Precise and recorded application • Caged mosquito mortalities • 75-85 % • Wild mosquito mortalities • Up to 90 % • Non-target effects • 0 % or non-significant non-target mortalities

  21. Summary/Conclusions • Greek regulations • Precision aerial application was shown to be acceptable • Research currently under review by the ministries • Anticipated product/method registration in 2010

  22. Acknowledgments • US Consulate General, Thessaloniki Greece • USDA-ARS • Greek Ministries of Agriculture & Public Health • Counties, Municipalities & Development Agencies of Greece • ASNF Air Application Company • Bayer Crop Science • Sumitomo Chemical Thank you

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