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NORTHGATE HIGH SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN 2011. STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE BACKGROUND. Formed in September 2008 Purpose was to assess and improve the school climate and implement a collaborative school-wide improvement process
STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE BACKGROUND Formed in September 2008 Purpose was to assess and improve the school climate and implement a collaborative school-wide improvement process Group consists of four parents, three teachers, two administrators and the principal and meets monthly
STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE BACKGROUND (cont’d) Conducted a school-wide survey amongst all stakeholders and analyzed the 1,000 plus responses Made numerous presentations of the draft plan to community members, parents, teachers and students Visited other high schools to gather similar school information (Athenian, Las Lomas) Evaluated peer course offerings online Developed a mission statement and goals
STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE GOALS Improve the overall quality of the academic experience at Northgate by enhancing: Morale and school spirit The quality of teachers and professional development The quality of the curriculum and program offerings School facilities Technology
STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE GOALS-OTHER Coordinate with Curriculum Council, Site Council, WASC and other school improvement groups to ensure efficient use of resources. The Strategic Plan is intended to be the more comprehensive document in addressing all aspects of the Northgate experience. Improve communication between teachers, students, parents and administrators
STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE GOALS-OTHER Evaluate the quality of the College and Career Counseling Center Add more resources to support academic counseling at all grade levels
STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE GOALS-OTHER (cont’d) Improve the Response to Intervention and Peer Tutoring programs Develop a written strategic plan Develop a written governance plan On an ongoing basis, ensure better coordination amongst all stakeholders (PFC, Pride, Site Council, Athletic and Music Boosters, etc).
ACCOMPLISHMENTS TO DATE: Funded the development and implementation of the Focus on Learning Program-a teacher development and sharing of best practices program with a focus on student learning Evaluated the Tutoring, Response to Intervention, and College and Career Counseling resources and needs Evaluated the master schedule, added AP classes, adding Academies/Learning Pathways
ACCOMPLISHMENTS (cont’d) Created a new Career Center staff position and funded a new college and career planning program called Naviance. Re-established a President’s Council to ensure better coordination amongst the various parent groups Built community and resources by establishing an all school holiday party and Spring Social and Auction which has raised over $140,000 over the last three years to support class sections and other academic needs
ACCOMPLISHMENTS (cont’d) Improved communication via new NHS website, and increased communication from the Principal and School Messenger Increased API scores by 29 points over 2 years
DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN Four Key Objectives with suggested Action Plans for each: Offer a Rigorous Curriculum Develop a Positive Culture for Learning Support High Quality Instruction Develop, Coordinate and Maintain Resources to Support the Strategic Plan
OBJECTIVE 1Rigorous Curriculum Action Plans: Establish Know/Do Lists for all subjects and classes. Develop assessments to measure student progress towards achieving standards for each department Improve the overall quality of writing and develop common rubrics for writing at each grade level. Develop a Technology Curriculum Plan.
OBJECTIVE 1Rigorous Curriculum (cont’d) Action Plans: Evaluate course offerings in relation to similar schools including AP and elective offerings. Develop Learning Pathways (Engineering/Sports Med/Art). Develop a formal articulation plan with Foothill and post secondary schools. Research and develop a student E-portfolio system for assessment of learning.
OBJECTIVE 2Positive Culture for Learning Action Plans: Implement an Academic Counseling program for every student including an annual academic plan Provide emotional and social support for all students Develop a Response to Intervention for all students. Continue to enhance our wide array of strong co-curricular/ extra-curricular programs including academic competitions, athletics, music, drama, choir, clubs, etc
OBJECTIVE 2Positive Culture for Learning (cont’d) Action Plans: Maintain high school spirit Develop a communication plan to highlight and celebrate the successes of students and staff Consider implementing an Academic Mentoring Program Consider requiring a Community Service Project for all grade levels Document and communicate the governance plan
OBJECTIVE 3Support High Quality Instruction Action Plans: Continue to focus on Staff development Focus on Learning team to continue with Instructional Rounds Provide adequate time for collaboration between and across departments Provide rigorous and relevant professional development training, activities and resources Every department will differentiate instruction so all students are learning at high levels
OBJECTIVE 3Support High Quality Instruction Action Plans: Develop a communication policy that ensures parents, teachers, and students timely dissemination of information to enhance the student’s learning process and performance. Evaluate the effectiveness of Study Session and Silent, Sustained Reading Improve student study skills Develop a Homework Policy
OBJECTIVE 4Develop Resources Action Plans: Coordinate a transparent financial management process Establish a Budget Advisory Committee and annual budget and financial plan Nurture community relationships
OBJECTIVE 4Develop Resources (cont’d) Action Plans: Establish a Technology Resource Plan that ensures our technology infrastructure is adequate to support student learning and is upgraded/replaced on a timely basis Identify new and creative sources of funding Continue to evaluate school facilities and capital improvement needs Ensure Measure C funds are utilized on the highest priority facilities needs at Northgate
OBJECTIVE 4Develop Resources (cont’d) Facilities Needs and Measure C Priorities: Transform Auto Shop to Engineering Facility Build new classroom wing for Sports Med and add bathrooms Install new bleachers for the Football Field Upgrade the Women’s Locker Room Replace recently stolen computers Build 2nd classroom wing to further address capacity issues
NEXT STEPS? We have presented the detailed Strategic Plan to the community, Site Council, WASC reps, teachers and students several times We wanted to touch base one more time with the teachers We are targeting adoption of the plan at our May PFC meeting We want to establish a follow-up and tracking process for measuring our success in meeting key goals and implementation dates
WHAT ARE WE ASKING OF YOU? We want your feedback We want you to get involved We need three new teachers to join the Committee Next year We want you to buy in to the collaborative effort that is taking hold at Northgate amongst all stakeholders and share in the common vision of a better Northgate.