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Strategic Plan 2010-2011. Deanwell cares…. Strategic Goals. Annual Plan 2009. Teaching & Learning Curriculum Design Deanwell Curriculum. E-Learning contract. Student writing - moderation. Literacy Leadership. Enviroschools. Targets - English. Writing: surface features.
Strategic Plan 2010-2011 Deanwell cares…
Annual Plan 2009 • Teaching & Learning • Curriculum • Design Deanwell Curriculum. • E-Learning contract. • Student writing - moderation. • Literacy Leadership. • Enviroschools. • Targets - • English. Writing: surface features. • Mathematics. Stage 4 (counting on). • Readiness for School: 94% Attendance. • Assessment • Enhance ability to analyse data (a) over years and (b) for specific cohorts. • Review • Curriculum Plans – update. • Implement recommendations from 2008 Assessment Report. • EOTC Procedures. • Personnel Management • Professional Development: • NZ Curriculum. • Enviroschool. • E Learning. • Appraisal: learning outcomes. • Property Management • Courts – roof, Astroturf, deck. • New room: 1:15, 1:18. • Staff room - enlarge, upgrade. • Staff toilets. • Appoint Project Manager for five years. • Governance • Mission Statement – review. • Update Board of Trustees handbook. • ERO visit. • Policy review • Develop Deanwell School internet site: • Information to and from the community. • Board of Trustees policies • Consultation with community: • Micro-surveys via newsletter; • Surveys, etc via web site. • Meeting(s) re Deanwell Curriculum. 2009 • Health & Safety • Road safety, Feet First. • Review safe emotional, physical environment. • First aid training for all staff. • Financial Management • Review banking arrangements. • Asset Register. • Legal Requirements • Enrolment Scheme - review. • Attendance (targets).
“Discovery” is the overarching concept for school wide learning at Deanwell School in 2009. The intention is to extend and transfer previous learning into effective classroom practice. Questioning and thinking techniques vital to Inquiry Learning will direct the strategies, and technologies explored.
Provide a quality learning programme with opportunities for all students to experience success in all the essential learning and skill areas placing an emphasis on improving achievement in Literacy & Numeracy.
Provide a quality learning programme with opportunities for all students to experience success in all the essential learning and skill areas placing an emphasis on improving achievement in Literacy & Numeracy.
Provide a quality learning programme with opportunities for all students to experience success in all the essential learning and skill areas placing an emphasis on improving achievement in Literacy & Numeracy.
Provide a quality learning programme with opportunities for all students to experience success in all the essential learning and skill areas placing an emphasis on improving achievement in Literacy & Numeracy.
Provide a quality learning programme with opportunities for all students to experience success in all the essential learning and skill areas placing an emphasis on improving achievement in Literacy & Numeracy.
Provide a quality learning programme with opportunities for all students to experience success in all the essential learning and skill areas placing an emphasis on improving achievement in Literacy & Numeracy.
Provide a quality learning programme with opportunities for all students to experience success in all the essential learning and skill areas placing an emphasis on improving achievement in Literacy & Numeracy.
Provide a quality learning programme with opportunities for all students to experience success in all the essential learning and skill areas placing an emphasis on improving achievement in Literacy & Numeracy.
Provide a quality learning programme with opportunities for all students to experience success in all the essential learning and skill areas placing an emphasis on improving achievement in Literacy & Numeracy.
Provide a quality learning programme with opportunities for all students to experience success in all the essential learning and skill areas placing an emphasis on improving achievement in Literacy & Numeracy.
Implications for Teaching and Learning Programmes (From November analysis of School-Wide data 2008)
Implications for Teaching and Learning Programmes (From November analysis of School-Wide data 2008)
Implications for Teaching and Learning Programmes (From November analysis of School-Wide data 2008)
Implications for Teaching and Learning Programmes (From November analysis of School-Wide data 2008)
Implications for Teaching and Learning Programmes (From November analysis of School-Wide data 2008)
Implications for Teaching and Learning Programmes (From November analysis of School-Wide data 2008)
Implications for Teaching and Learning Programmes (From November analysis of School-Wide data 2008)
Implications for Teaching and Learning Programmes (From November analysis of School-Wide data 2008)
Implications for Teaching and Learning Programmes (From November analysis of School-Wide data 2008)
Professional Development The Way forward: Professional Development For 2009. “Discovery” is the overarching concept for school wide learning at Deanwell School in 2009. The intention is to extend and transfer previous learning into effective classroom practice. Goal-setting and student knowledge and awareness are a vital component of learning, so will direct the strategies and technologies explored (through the SOLO taxonomy). Questioning and thinking techniques will be developed as the year progreses. Teachers will continue to reflect on their practice, become more familiar with the range of experiences available determine their suitability to meet learners’ needs.
Special Needs • We will aim to have teacher aides in the classrooms as much as possible, as research shows this is most effective. Exceptions: • Disruption to class; • Insufficient space; • Class too noisy to work 1 to 1 or in small group..
The Board of Trustees is proactive in the governance of Deanwell School.
Personnel Plan 2009
Foster high levels of staff performance by providing a stimulating work environment, and support for ongoing training & development.
The financial management of Deanwell School reflects a priority on high quality teaching and learning in a fiscally prudent manner.
Property Plan 2009
Provide a safe, attractive physical learning and working environment that is (a) conducive to learning and (b) all involved enjoy being part of. The future property needs of the school will be planned for.
Provide a safe, attractive physical learning and working environment that is (a) conducive to learning and (b) all involved enjoy being part of. The future property needs of the school will be planned for.
Property Priorities • NE Classroom 2009. • Build so that when roll decreases, the space can be used as a multi-purpose (and performing arts) room; linked to library, • Natural light. • Fold down tables on walls. • Data points, power points… lots! • Staffroom extension. • Space for 30 adults at one time. • Outside area. • Natural light. • Photocopier space • Light switches into A7/C5. • Courts upgrade. • As planned. Fence must be erected first. • Roof between blocks, with seating. • Whole school able to be seated under cover from sun and rain. • Multi-purpose area. • Arts performances, multimedia, recording, research. • Tech centres in centre of blocks!!! • Relocate teacher areas. • New pupil toilets. • Fence around native area. • Sand pit. • Staff toilets upgrade. We need to research options!
2009 Goals: Staffroom will be expanded toward Deanwell Avenue using Board of Trustees funds.. A new library / multipurpose area will be built using 1:15 and 1:18 classroom funding. Current library becomes another classroom. Old library (current C5) stays as a classroom – it can be used by A, B, or C Blocks because of its location. Classroom Spaces: Maximum number of classroom spaces needed at any one time: C Block: 150 children = 5 B Block: 150 children = 5 A Block: 150 children… 60 NE = 4 90 Y1-2 = 4 2010 B5 becomes a NE room for a maximum of 35 children. Library becomes C5. C5 becomes B5. New room becomes library/multipurpose area.
New Library Astroturf Roof Staff Toilets Staffroom
Health and Safety 2009
School Management Legal Requirements 2009
The school is run in an efficient, organised way that complies with current regulatory and legislative requirements.