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History of M edicine in Rome. Assist . Prof.Dr . Mehmet KARATAŞ Department of History of Medicine and Ethics. R oman Civilization. Villanova Period ( 1000–200 BC ) Roman Republic ( 200–27 BC ) Roman Empire after Emperor Augustus (27 BC and after).
History of MedicineinRome Assist.Prof.Dr. Mehmet KARATAŞ Department of History of MedicineandEthics
RomanCivilization • Villanova Period(1000–200 BC) • Roman Republic (200–27 BC) • Roman Empire after Emperor Augustus (27 BC and after). During the Roman civilization Christianity had emerged in the Middle East and Christianity became the official religion of the roman empire at the end of the 4. century AD.
Etruscans and Medicine • Bronzemodels of liverswerefounded in archeologicalsites in Italianpeninsula. ThesemodelswereusedbyEtruscans, wholivedtherebefore. It is stunningthatthesebronzemodelsaresimilartotheclaymodelswhichwerefound in Mesopotamia (hepatoscopy). • Thedentalprothesiswhichwerefound in archeologicalsitesshowthattheEtruscansweresuccessful in toothprothesis.
Roman Medicine • Greek medicine peaked in Alexandria and then it influenced Roman medicine. It is considered that the Roman medicine had developed by Etruscan and Greek civilizations. • Romans were interested in politics, philosophy, military, architecture instead of in medicine. • There were more Greek physicians than Roman physicians. The upper class had their own special physicians (as their slaves).
Some Roman Physicians • Cato Cato (234–149 BC) He had a great influence on the entellectual life in Rome and he was against the physicians. He suggested people to eat cabbage and drink wine in order to maintain the welfare. • Asclepiads from Bitinia Asclepiads (120–70 BC) adhered to the Hilt theory(humoral theory or 4 temperaments theory). They used massage, diet and exercise as treatment. His ideas were developed by his students and established the basement of the methodism, which was effective for centuries.
Some Roman Physicians • Soranus(1st century AD) Soranus from Ephesus is one of the greatest physicians from the Rome Period. He was specialized in injuries and diseases, especially in obstetric and gynecology. He worked on menstruation, occurence of pregnancy, birth and abnormalbabiespresentation.
Some Roman Physicians • Rufus from Ephesus He had some important anatomical observations. He defined optical nerve and argued that the nerves take origin from brain. He also realized that the pulse is based on heart beats. • Dioscorides PedianusDioscorides was a physician in Roman Army. That’s why he had possibilities to travel and examine many plants. He wrote the medical usage of some plants in his work De MateriaMedica.
Some Roman Physicians • Pliny ! He worked on history, physics, biology, magic, foods, geography, plantsandmedicine . He also had a masterpiececalledHistoriaNaturalis. He diedbecause of his interest in volcano. It is saidthat he had diedwhile he wasclimbing on theMountVesuvtounderstandwhatwashappening. • Celsus Cornelius Celsus is a Roman whotriedtosummarizetheknowledge of his time. His worksbased on GreekMedicine. He wrote an encyclopedicworkDe Medicina in 30 AD.
Some Roman Physicians • Galen Galen (AD 129– c.200) was Born in Anatolia in Pergamum (Bergama). His father was rich. He travelledto Izmir, Corinth andAlexandria. Then he becamethecourtphysician of thefamousemperorMarcusAurelius. • He adhered to the Hilt theoryandthetheory of Hippocrates. Galenrealizedthatthearteriescontainbloodinstead of air. Notwithstanding he didin’thaveany idea aboutthebloodcirculationand he believedthatthe body continueslyusedbloodandproduced it again.
Galen In his time it was forbidden to dissect bodies and examine them. That’s why he worked on monkeys and boars. After that he generalized his findings and led to wrong anatomical knowledge. As a result he influenced the anatomy badly. His inaccurate information in anatomy had changed afterRenaissance.
Roman Medicine PublicHealthandHygiene Thewatersystems of the Romans wasexcellent. They had bathsandwellswhichwereopentopublic. They had alsosewages. Therichpeople had theirownwatersupplies.
Roman Medicine • A structure called Cloxa Maxima was a part of this system and with this structure water could flew under streets and buildings. There were also some public lavatories. One public lavatory can be seen inEphesus. • Valetudinaria In Roman army there were some medics. The first mobile hospital was found by Romans. It is known as valetudinaria. The civilian people and the soldiers were healed in these hospitals.
Konuyla İlgili SORU/CEVAP Soru 1: Antik Roma tıbbının tıbbi uygulamalardaki kuramsal yaklaşımı neydi? Cevap 1: Dört unsur (hıltlar teorisi) Soru 2: Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Antik Roma medeniyetinin ünlü hekimlerinden biridir? Cevap 2: Galen
References • A. Selim ATAY, İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, translation • Tolga GÜVEN, Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Tarihi ve Etik AD ders notları • Ali Haydar BAYAT, Tıp Tarihi • Emine ATABEK, Şefik GÖRKEY, Başlangıcından Rönesansa Kadar Tıp Tarihi • Çağlar Boyu Tıp, Roche Yayınları • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page