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Revistiendo con Realeza a Ester

Humanidad. Dos tipos complementarios de seres humanos (humankind )varn-adnhembra-adn Ambos han sido dotados de manera diferente para su tarea comunitaria, y su roles complementarios y funciones son igualmente valiosos. y necesarias para el cumplimiento del mandato cultural.. La Historia se Re

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Revistiendo con Realeza a Ester

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    1. Revistiendo con Realeza a Ester Génesis 2 Correspondiendo (Diferente) En Función Introduction Men and women are created equal and different. They are equal in being and different in function. Genesis 1 reveals that Men and Women are equal in being. It is not only men who are made in the image of God, but women are made in the image of God as well. It reveals that the imago Dei: Male and Female have equal responsibility for the Creation Mandate and it’s subordinate social and developmental mandates.Introduction Men and women are created equal and different. They are equal in being and different in function. Genesis 1 reveals that Men and Women are equal in being. It is not only men who are made in the image of God, but women are made in the image of God as well. It reveals that the imago Dei: Male and Female have equal responsibility for the Creation Mandate and it’s subordinate social and developmental mandates.

    2. Humanidad Dos tipos complementarios de seres humanos (humankind ) varón-adán hembra-adán Ambos han sido dotados de manera diferente para su tarea comunitaria, y su roles complementarios y funciones son igualmente valiosos. y necesarias para el cumplimiento del mandato cultural. men and women are equal in being and their distinct difference are equally valuable in carrying out the Creation Mandate. Because of this there is no room for Sexism that says men are superior to women in being and function Feminism which says because men and women are equal, there is no distinction in function men and women are equal in being and their distinct difference are equally valuable in carrying out the Creation Mandate. Because of this there is no room for Sexism that says men are superior to women in being and function Feminism which says because men and women are equal, there is no distinction in function

    3. La Historia se Revela Único ser en su clase - Génesis 2:18a, 20b Su contraparte - Génesis 2:20 La creación de Eva- Génesis 2:21-22 Será llamada varona - Génesis 2:23 El misterio sagrado – Una Sóla Carne - Génesis 2:24 Desnudos y no se avergonzaban - Génesis 2:25 1. Transition: Genesis 1 is the headline: God creates the heaven and the earth. Then Genesis 2 begins to give more details of the creation.1. Transition: Genesis 1 is the headline: God creates the heaven and the earth. Then Genesis 2 begins to give more details of the creation.

    4. El Contexto de la Creación de la Gloriosa Eva Grupo # 1 Génesis 2:1-3 Preguntas: ¿Qué rol tiene Génesis 2:1-3 en la narrativa? ¿Qué revela sobre Dios? Grupo # 2 Génesis 2:4-6 Pregunta: ¿Qué cosas faltan en el huerto a medida que pasamos por esta transición? Grupo # 3 Génesis 2:7-8, 15 Pregunta: ¿Cómo respondió Dios a este faltante? Small Group Work Read one set of verses and answer the question(s). Feedback Genesis 2:4 picks up the story of the creation of Adam and Eve. A transition is built into the story, with the statement that God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 2:4) Then come the startling words “and there was no man to work the ground,…” (Genesis 2: 5b) Then God creates man (Genesis 2:7): “the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. [1] [1]The New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House) 1984.Small Group Work Read one set of verses and answer the question(s). Feedback Genesis 2:4 picks up the story of the creation of Adam and Eve. A transition is built into the story, with the statement that God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 2:4) Then come the startling words “and there was no man to work the ground,…” (Genesis 2: 5b) Then God creates man (Genesis 2:7): “the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. [1]

    5. Juego de Palabras: adán y adama “Inicialmente, Dios hizo adán de la adama para arar la adama (Gn. 3:23), para que llevara vida. La adama fue posesión de Dios y bajo su cuido (Gen 2:6). Así fue que el primer adán (el hombre, Adán) por lo tanto su familia tenía que actuar como siervos de Dios, obedeciendo a Dios y manteniendo las relaciones divinamente creadas e intencionadas en sentido vertical y horizontal.” Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament We see the relationship between man and the cultivating of the soil and the creation of culture (as referenced in Genesis 1) in the language of Genesis 1-3. Here mankind is adam and the ground is adama. The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament describes the play on words between man and the earth. [1] Harris, R. Laird, Editor; Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament Volume; Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1980; pg 11 We see the relationship between man and the cultivating of the soil and the creation of culture (as referenced in Genesis 1) in the language of Genesis 1-3. Here mankind is adam and the ground is adama. The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament describes the play on words between man and the earth. [1] Harris, R. Laird, Editor; Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament Volume; Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1980; pg 11

    6. Humanidad: Conección entre el Cielo y la Tierra El hombre es la única criatura cuyos ojos están hacia el cielo y cuyo pies y manos están tocando la tierra. El hombre es el conector para llevar a cabo el mandato del cielo en la tierra. 1. This is the connection back to man’s purpose in his being made in the image of God. He is to steward – work and care- for God’s creation 1. This is the connection back to man’s purpose in his being made in the image of God. He is to steward – work and care- for God’s creation

    7. ¡Solo! Génesis 2:18a, 20b Preguntas: ¡Una vez más, hay algo que falta! ¿Qué es lo que hace falta? ¿Cuál es la relación entre estos versículos y Génesis 2:5b? ¿Está el hombre realmente solo? ¿Qué significa esto? Small Group Work Read the passages and discuss the questions. Feedback More startling words. Just as there was no man to work the ground in Genesis 2:5b), now there is no one to help the man in the Cultural Mandate. Twice God states that the individual man Adam is alone, there is no woman-adam. Genesis 2: 18a: “ It is not good for the man to be alone.” Genesis 2: 20b: “ But for Adam no suitable helper was found.”Small Group Work Read the passages and discuss the questions. Feedback More startling words. Just as there was no man to work the ground in Genesis 2:5b), now there is no one to help the man in the Cultural Mandate. Twice God states that the individual man Adam is alone, there is no woman-adam. Genesis 2: 18a: “ It is not good for the man to be alone.” Genesis 2: 20b: “ But for Adam no suitable helper was found.”

    8. ¡Solo por su Género! ¡Y aún así Adán está solo! Hace falta su contraparte Está solo de acuerdo a su tipo El imago Dei completo esta constituido por el varón y la varona Adán esta “incompleto” There is counterpart in the Trinity. And there is counterpart in the animal kingdom. But for man there is no counterpart, another like him and yet different, a female-adam There is no human community to fulfill the relational part of being the image of God and There is no counterpart needed to fulfill the Cultural Mandate. There is counterpart in the Trinity. And there is counterpart in the animal kingdom. But for man there is no counterpart, another like him and yet different, a female-adam There is no human community to fulfill the relational part of being the image of God and There is no counterpart needed to fulfill the Cultural Mandate.

    9. El Complemento La tarea pro-creación y de mayordomía no requirieron una contraparte idéntica, sino una semejante para completar el mandato Divino! We find, in response to Adam being alone in kind, God is going to create a suitable helper for Adam We find, in response to Adam being alone in kind, God is going to create a suitable helper for Adam

    10. “Ayuda Idónea” Kenegdo: “compatible,” “como él,” “correspondiente a él,” “pareja con él,” o “complemento” Ezer: “ayuda,” “socorrer,” “asistir,” “apoyar,” “consolar” Let’s look at these in their turn. [1] Strach, ??????? pg. 23 Let’s look at these in their turn. [1] Strach, ??????? pg. 23

    11. Ezer Pregunta # 1:Al pensar en la palabra “ayudante” ¿Qué imágenes vienen a tu mente? Pregunta # 2: ¿Qué estatus tiene alguien que es un “ayudante” en tu cultura? Pregunta # 3: ¿Qué piensa usted que la Escritura quiere comunicar cuando dice que la mujer es “ayuda” del hombre? Small Group Work Discuss each of these questions. As a group, develop a picture that reflects what a helper means in your cultural context! FeedbackSmall Group Work Discuss each of these questions. As a group, develop a picture that reflects what a helper means in your cultural context! Feedback

    12. Ezer Grupo # 1: Dt. 33:26, 29; S. 115:9-11; S. 121:1-2 Preguntas: ¿Quién es el ezer? ¿Qué es la naturaleza de este ezer? Grupo # 2: Is. 30:5; Ez. 12:14; Dn.11:34 Preguntas: ¿Qué está haciendo el ezer en estos pasajes? ¿Qué revela sobre el carácter del ezer? Small group work Read one set of verses and answer the questions Feedback Small group work Question: Is being an ezer a virtue or a vice? Why? Note that God is the ezer of Israel. This is His “Mother-heart” being manifested.Small group work Read one set of verses and answer the questions Feedback Small group work Question: Is being an ezer a virtue or a vice? Why? Note that God is the ezer of Israel. This is His “Mother-heart” being manifested.

    13. Ezer Utilizado 21 veces en el A.T. 16 veces para Dios 3 veces para dar ayuda a la gente necesitada 2 veces para la mujer There is no sense of inferiority in this word. It has been absolutely wrong for people to assume that a “helper” is inferior to the one helped. This rules out any bigoted thought that the man is superior to the women as ezer is inferior to the man. In fact the woman as ezer manifests the nature and character of the living God. After all God is The Helper of Israel and of humankind.There is no sense of inferiority in this word. It has been absolutely wrong for people to assume that a “helper” is inferior to the one helped. This rules out any bigoted thought that the man is superior to the women as ezer is inferior to the man. In fact the woman as ezer manifests the nature and character of the living God. After all God is The Helper of Israel and of humankind.

    14. La Humildad Divina “Así es con Dios. Cuando Dios ayuda a su pueblo, retiene su deidad gloriosa pero (asombrosamente) pasa al rol de siervo, más humilde que nosotros, para exaltarnos. El es el Dios que se vació y se bajó a nuestro nivel – más humilde aún, al nivel de esclavo – para ayudarnos al extremo en la cruz. Por lo tanto, el hecho de que el Antiguo Testamento retrata a Dios como nuestro ayudante comprueba que el papel de ayuda idónea es un papel glorioso, digno aún del Omnipotente.” John Piper Remember God is a servant God In this and other senses, the Almighty God subordinates Himself to human beings. Our needs set His agenda (John 3:16) Yet, in His humility, He does not cease to be God. No, He affirms His Divine Humility This is a signature of godly humility, not inferiority. In fact, God is the humble God; He models this humility in the fact that He is our helper. God is a Sovereign-Helper. He is in authority over and at the same time is an assistant to humankind.[ 1] Piper, John ???; Recovering Biblical View ??????? pg 104 Remember God is a servant God In this and other senses, the Almighty God subordinates Himself to human beings. Our needs set His agenda (John 3:16) Yet, in His humility, He does not cease to be God. No, He affirms His Divine Humility This is a signature of godly humility, not inferiority. In fact, God is the humble God; He models this humility in the fact that He is our helper. God is a Sovereign-Helper. He is in authority over and at the same time is an assistant to humankind.[ 1] Piper, John ???; Recovering Biblical View ??????? pg 104

    15. Kenegdo El ayudante que es una ayuda “idonea.” Esta es la palabra en hebreo: kenegdo. Significa “como – Él,” “correspondiendo - a-él,” “emparejado,” or “contrapartida.” Otros sinónimos: “adaptado,” “apropiado,” o “complementario” Just as the individual members of the Trinity are the ‘counterparts” of one-another, so the woman is the counterpart of the man. [1] Strach, ??????? pg. 23 Just as the individual members of the Trinity are the ‘counterparts” of one-another, so the woman is the counterpart of the man. [1] Strach, ??????? pg. 23

    16. La Creación de Eva Génesis 2:21-22 “Entonces Jehová Dios hizo caer un sueño profundo sobre Adán y, mientras este dormía, tomó una de sus costillas y cerró la carne en su lugar. De la costilla que Jehová Dios tomó del hombre, hizo una mujer, y la trajo al hombre.” Now we come to the formation of Eve, the completion of God’s creative activity. We will soon hear the Creator’s pronouncement “it is very good.” In Genesis 2:21-22 we read of So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. 2. This is the high-water-mark of creation, the crescendo of the symphony, the light in the Rembrandt painting Now we come to the formation of Eve, the completion of God’s creative activity. We will soon hear the Creator’s pronouncement “it is very good.” In Genesis 2:21-22 we read of So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. 2. This is the high-water-mark of creation, the crescendo of the symphony, the light in the Rembrandt painting

    17. Fuente de la 2do Adán El primer adán – varon, vino de la tierra adama La segunda y complementaria adán –varona fue formada del primer adán. El orígen del hombre fue la tierra. La fuente de la mujer fue el hombre.

    18. El Complemento de Adán “Ella no fue tomada de la cabeza, para mostrar que no iba a gobernar sobre él; no fue tomada de su pie, para enseñar que no iba a ser su esclava; no fue tomada de su mano, para mostrar que no iba a ser su herramienta; sino fue tomada de su costado, para mostrar que iba a ser su compañera.” Pastor John Angell She is to be his counter-part, his suitable helper. She is not his property or slave. She was designed to serve along side, thus it is appropriate that she was formed from his side [1] James, John Angell; Female Piety; Edited by Rev. Don Kistler; Soli Deo Gloria Publications ?????; pg. 54She is to be his counter-part, his suitable helper. She is not his property or slave. She was designed to serve along side, thus it is appropriate that she was formed from his side [1] James, John Angell; Female Piety; Edited by Rev. Don Kistler; Soli Deo Gloria Publications ?????; pg. 54

    19. La Gloria de la Mujer No es esclava para ser maltratada. No es propiedad para ser comprada y vendida. No es objeto de sexo para el placer masculino. No es para ser menospreciada y aplastada por el sexismo, ni una de quien salir huyendo como lo hace el feminismo.

    20. La Gloria de la Mujer He aquí la corona de la creación. Aquí en la forma humana, de la mano del Creador mismo, esta la manifestación del corazón maternal de Dios. Aquí está la Madre de todo ser viviente, la Esposa del primer hombre. Aquí está una prefigura de nadie menos que la Esposa del Hijo de Dios, la que es digna de Dios mismo.

    21. La Corona de la Creación La corona de la creación es adán. La corona de adán- varón, es adán – varona. ¡La mujer es la gloria del hombre!

    22. Será llamada Varona: Genesis 2:23 Dijo entonces Adán: Esto es ahora hueso de mis huesos y carne de mi carne; ésta será llamada Varona Õishshah [ish-shaw], porque del varón fue tomada Õiysh [eesh]. These are the first recorded human words, and they are Hebrew poetry. What do they express? The joy of the first man receiving the gift of the first woman: This creature alone, Father, out of all the others- this one at last meets my need for a companion. She alone is my equal, my flesh. I identify with her. I love her. I will call her Woman, for she came out of Man.” The man perceives the woman not as his rival but as his partner, not as a threat … but as the only one capable of fulfilling his longing within.[1] [1] Piper; Recovering Biblical …. Pg. 10These are the first recorded human words, and they are Hebrew poetry. What do they express? The joy of the first man receiving the gift of the first woman: This creature alone, Father, out of all the others- this one at last meets my need for a companion. She alone is my equal, my flesh. I identify with her. I love her. I will call her Woman, for she came out of Man.” The man perceives the woman not as his rival but as his partner, not as a threat … but as the only one capable of fulfilling his longing within.[1]

    23. “Llamada” – qara La palabra Hebreo qara significa “llamar,” “llamada” Es utilizada en dos maneras Para llamar a la existencia Para el proceso de nombrar (Génesis 1:3-5): “Y dijo Dios: Sea la luz; y fue la luz. Y vio Dios que la luz era buena; y separó Dios la luz de las tinieblas. Y llamó Dios a la luz Día, y a las tinieblas llamó Noche. Y fue la tarde y la mañana un día.” Note the dual use of word in Genesis. Both are exercises of authority. The first is to use “speech” to call things into existence: “And God said,” (Genesis 1:3,6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24). The second use of words, God named the things that he made. Note the dual use of word in Genesis. Both are exercises of authority. The first is to use “speech” to call things into existence: “And God said,” (Genesis 1:3,6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24). The second use of words, God named the things that he made.

    24. El Concepto de Nombrar Nombrar establece la autoridad de aquel quien nombra. Nombrar identifica a la persona o cosa nombrada. Just as God establish his authority over creation by naming it, so His vice-regent exercises dominion over creation by naming the animals (Genesis 2:19-20). We see this clearly in our own lives when we name our children. The God of the universe recognizes our authority over our children by calling them by the names that we give them. My wife and I discovered this awesome task after we named our first child, Nathan. It dawned on us, what would God call our son? He would call him “Nathan.” Why? Because that is the name that we gave him. Just as God establish his authority over creation by naming it, so His vice-regent exercises dominion over creation by naming the animals (Genesis 2:19-20). We see this clearly in our own lives when we name our children. The God of the universe recognizes our authority over our children by calling them by the names that we give them. My wife and I discovered this awesome task after we named our first child, Nathan. It dawned on us, what would God call our son? He would call him “Nathan.” Why? Because that is the name that we gave him.

    25. La palabra adán es utilizada en tres formas El nombre genérico para el género humano. (Génesis 1:26) El nombre particular para un ser humano, el primer ser humano – Adán (Génesis 3:17, 21, 4:1, 25; 5:1) Un nombre para el varon de la especie. (Génesis 2:5, 7, 8, 15, 16 18, 19, 20) God names the human race (Genesis 5:1-2): “This is the written account of Adam’s line. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. 2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them “man.” [1] In the phrase “Adam’s line,” the Hebrew scripture use Adam [2], referring to his proper name. The name given to the line of Adam, the human line is as well, “adam” He did not name the human race Eve [1]The New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House) 1984. [2]Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.God names the human race (Genesis 5:1-2): “This is the written account of Adam’s line. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. 2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them “man.” [1] In the phrase “Adam’s line,” the Hebrew scripture use Adam [2], referring to his proper name. The name given to the line of Adam, the human line is as well, “adam” He did not name the human race Eve

    26. Dios habló y creó el universo. El hombre habla y crea cultura.

    27. El Hombre Nombra adán – la humanidad establece su dominio sobre la creación al nombrar los animales. (Génesis 2:19-20) Nombra a la mujer Nombre génerico de la mujer – Õishshah [ish-shaw’] (Génesis 2:23b) Nombre particular para su esposa - Chavvah - Eva (Génesis 3:20) signifca “dadora de la vida” or “viva,” por que fue la madre de todos los vivientes. [1]Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995. [1]Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.

    28. Õiysh – Õishshah Õiysh es el nombre en Hebreo para la palabra “varón” y para “esposo” (Génesis 2:23-24). Õishshah es el nombre en Hebreo para la mujer. Es un juego de palabras en Hebreo: Será llamada Õishshah, porque fue tomada del Õiysh.

    29. Õiysh – Õishshah “este juego de palabras señala el hecho de que la mujer es también hombre – varon – a , o hombre con viente, o hombre feminina” Consejera y Autora Leanne Payne On a physical/sexual level, the woman is the counter part of the man, the female of the male. This is inherently obvious. On the spiritual/transcendent level the feminine is the counter part of the masculine, the Mother-heart of God perfectly matches the Father-heart of God. This is intuitively obvious Because of the Creation Mandate, adam the imago Dei: male and female has ministerial, care-taking authority over the creation. Together, they exercise this authority through their pro-creativity and their dominion over adamah Adam naming the woman signifies that he has loving-servant-authority over her. He is to husband his wife the way they are to exercise husbandry of the soil. [1] Payne, Leanne: Crisis in Masculinity; Crossway Books, Westchester, Ill. 1989; pg. 86 On a physical/sexual level, the woman is the counter part of the man, the female of the male. This is inherently obvious. On the spiritual/transcendent level the feminine is the counter part of the masculine, the Mother-heart of God perfectly matches the Father-heart of God. This is intuitively obvious Because of the Creation Mandate, adam the imago Dei: male and female has ministerial, care-taking authority over the creation. Together, they exercise this authority through their pro-creativity and their dominion over adamah Adam naming the woman signifies that he has loving-servant-authority over her. He is to husband his wife the way they are to exercise husbandry of the soil. [1] Payne, Leanne: Crisis in Masculinity; Crossway Books, Westchester, Ill. 1989; pg. 86

    30. El Patron para el Esposo Isaías 54:5 Jeremías 3:14-15 Jeremías 31:32 Small Group Work Read these passages What do they reveal about God? Feedback Where does this pattern of Husband come from? From the very self-sacrificing love of God for creation and for humankind. The transcendent root of ISH is God Himself. I cannot shout loud enough this profound truth. God’s very nature is to HUSBAND. The Transforming Story reveals God’s love fore his people in the O.T. and Jesus love for the Church in the N.T. Thus he created in Adam and Eve the first model of the transcendent. And subsequently, God’s intention has been for the human ish to lovingly-self-sacrifice himself for his wife. The God of Israel is the Husband of the nation of Israel. Small Group Work Read these passages What do they reveal about God? Feedback Where does this pattern of Husband come from? From the very self-sacrificing love of God for creation and for humankind. The transcendent root of ISH is God Himself. I cannot shout loud enough this profound truth. God’s very nature is to HUSBAND. The Transforming Story reveals God’s love fore his people in the O.T. and Jesus love for the Church in the N.T. Thus he created in Adam and Eve the first model of the transcendent. And subsequently, God’s intention has been for the human ish to lovingly-self-sacrifice himself for his wife. The God of Israel is the Husband of the nation of Israel.

    31. El matrimonio pactado entre Dios e Israel (Exodo 19-24) Exodo 20:1-2 El esposo recuerda a Israel lo que ha hecho por ella. Exodo 20-23 Dios dice a su gente como deben vivir como su pueblo Santo Exodo 24:3 Israel dice “¡Si!” Exodo 24:9-11 Fiesta de bodas Jeff Meyers describes this when he writes: “The wedding service is recorded in Exodus 19-24. Moses is the minister officiating at the wedding. He goes up on the mountain to hear the Lord’s word and brings it back down to the people. The husband’s part of the wedding service begins with the Lord reminding His bride of what He has done for her (Ex. 20:1-2). Then Yahweh tells the Israelites how they are to live as His holy people (Ex.20-23). When Moses brings these words to the people, they say basically, ‘I do’: ‘All the words which the LORD has said we will do!’” (Ex. 24:3) The wedding ceremony ends with a reception, a feast in the Lord’s presence (Ex. 24:9 –11). Then, once Yahweh and Israel are married, Yahweh moves in with His bride.”[1] [1] Meyers, Jeff; A Little Bit of Molech in My Life. TABLETALK; Janurary 2001; pg. 15Jeff Meyers describes this when he writes: “The wedding service is recorded in Exodus 19-24. Moses is the minister officiating at the wedding. He goes up on the mountain to hear the Lord’s word and brings it back down to the people. The husband’s part of the wedding service begins with the Lord reminding His bride of what He has done for her (Ex. 20:1-2). Then Yahweh tells the Israelites how they are to live as His holy people (Ex.20-23). When Moses brings these words to the people, they say basically, ‘I do’: ‘All the words which the LORD has said we will do!’” (Ex. 24:3) The wedding ceremony ends with a reception, a feast in the Lord’s presence (Ex. 24:9 –11). Then, once Yahweh and Israel are married, Yahweh moves in with His bride.”[1] [1] Meyers, Jeff; A Little Bit of Molech in My Life. TABLETALK; Janurary 2001; pg. 15

    32. El Orden y las Ordenanzas de Creación El orden de creación revela que el hombre fue creado primero (Génesis 2:7, 18). La mujer fue creada para el hombre (Génesis 2:18, 20). La mujer fue creada del hombre (Génesis 21-23a). La mujer fue traída al hombre (Génesis 22a). El hombre dio nombre a la mujer (Génesis 23b). Elizabeth Elliot observes five things that establish the husbands self- sacrificing headship over his wife: The order of creation reveals that the man was created first (Genesis 2:7, 18). Paul reinforces this in 1 Corinthians 11:3 and in different context in 1 Timothy 2:13 The woman was created for the man (Genesis 2: 18, 20). Paul reinforces this in 1 Corinthians 11:7-9 The woman was created from the man (Genesis 21-23a). 1 Cor. 11:3, 7 Paul argues that this is the reason that the man is the head of the woman. Paul also argues for symmetry between the man and the woman 1 Corinthians 11: 12. He argues that the first woman came from the first man, but ever since all other men and women have come from the woman, the mother. He than argues “But everything comes form God. It must be noted that the order of creation (male first) and the ordinances of creation are normative for life and practice unless and until they are explicitly modified by subsequent Biblical revelation Elizabeth Elliot observes five things that establish the husbands self- sacrificing headship over his wife: The order of creation reveals that the man was created first (Genesis 2:7, 18). Paul reinforces this in 1 Corinthians 11:3 and in different context in 1 Timothy 2:13 The woman was created for the man (Genesis 2: 18, 20). Paul reinforces this in 1 Corinthians 11:7-9 The woman was created from the man (Genesis 21-23a). 1 Cor. 11:3, 7 Paul argues that this is the reason that the man is the head of the woman. Paul also argues for symmetry between the man and the woman 1 Corinthians 11: 12. He argues that the first woman came from the first man, but ever since all other men and women have come from the woman, the mother. He than argues “But everything comes form God. It must be noted that the order of creation (male first) and the ordinances of creation are normative for life and practice unless and until they are explicitly modified by subsequent Biblical revelation

    33. Distinciones Funcionales Mientras el hombre y la mujer son iguales en su ser, son ambos diferentes en las responsablidades procreativas y en el desarrollo de la cultura según el Mandato Cultural.

    34. Diferencias Funcionales Según el Mandato Cultural, adán-varón manifestará de forma más completa el Corazón Paternal de Dios, mientras adán-femenina manifestará más plenamente el Corazón Maternal de Dios Juntos el imago Dei, el propósito de su creación – de crear una cultura piadosa y de ser virreyes sobre la creación, será cumplida Being created first does not mean that man is better. We must continually remind ourselves that in terms of significance, men and women are equal in their being. And, while there functions are different, those differing functions do not establish a superior-inferior relationship. They form complementary relationship Being created first does not mean that man is better. We must continually remind ourselves that in terms of significance, men and women are equal in their being. And, while there functions are different, those differing functions do not establish a superior-inferior relationship. They form complementary relationship

    35. Roles Complementarios El Esposo: Dirección(Cabeza)-amante-servicial sobre su esposa. La Esposa: ayuda-respetuosa-amante de su esposo. These are God ordained roles. They are not interchangeable One of the differences is in the area of authority between the man and the woman in a very narrow realm in the realm of marriage I will seek to argue that the husband Adam’s loving-servant-leadership role is over his wife Eve alone. This sections of scripture, nor Genesis 3, Jesus, Paul or any other N.T. writer establishes a generic role of authority for all men over all women. Women’s freedom for servant-leadership is found throughout the market place and the public square. Male servant-leadership role is very narrow. In fact, I will seek to argue that there are only two places in scripture where male authority over women is established and that is in the family, over their own wife (and no one else’s wife or single woman) and in the church as governing eldership. These are God ordained roles. They are not interchangeable One of the differences is in the area of authority between the man and the woman in a very narrow realm in the realm of marriage I will seek to argue that the husband Adam’s loving-servant-leadership role is over his wife Eve alone. This sections of scripture, nor Genesis 3, Jesus, Paul or any other N.T. writer establishes a generic role of authority for all men over all women. Women’s freedom for servant-leadership is found throughout the market place and the public square. Male servant-leadership role is very narrow. In fact, I will seek to argue that there are only two places in scripture where male authority over women is established and that is in the family, over their own wife (and no one else’s wife or single woman) and in the church as governing eldership.

    36. Balance Bíblico “Es importante la causa de no imponer sobre las mujeres restricciones que la Escritura no les impone, que no sea confundida con los objetivos muy diferentes de minimizar las distinciones entre los sexos como creados y la reducción de las responsabilidades inalienables de la relación hombre-mujer como tal.” J.I. Packer [1] ???? Women, Authority and the Bible; Inter Varsity Press; Downers Grove, IL.1986; pg. 299

    37. El Misterio Sagrado- Una Sola Carne Génesis 2:24: “Por tanto dejará el hombre a su padre y a su madre, se unirá a su mujer y serán una sola [ ekjád (dx'a, ) ] carne..” Ask Group What is the word “therefore” therefore? Because God has made Adam and Eve for community, Adam has recognized in this woman his counterpart Therefore: leave, cleave, be united!Ask Group What is the word “therefore” therefore? Because God has made Adam and Eve for community, Adam has recognized in this woman his counterpart Therefore: leave, cleave, be united!

    38. La Primera Boda El final glorioso de la historia de la Creación es “la boda” de la primera pareja Adán y Eva. Como un cuadro y modelo Para nuestras vidas Para la historia consumada cuando Cristo regese por su esposa.

    39. Dos Palabras Hebreas para “Uno” Yakjád (dx;y: ) – “singular,” “absoluto,” o “indivisible” uno Ekjád – “unido,” “compuesto, “ o “unido juntos” uno

    40. Hebreo “Uno” Esta es una unidad de diversidad. La unión perfecta de dos seres humanos muy diferentes. Esto es la plena naturaleza de la Trinidad - Complementariedad Esto no es: La unidad de la uniformidad – el Modelo Feminista - Monismo Diversidad Absoluta – El modelo Sexista – Atomístico.

    41. Las Palabras de Encantadora Hermosura de Rut a Noemí Rut 1:16-17 “No me ruegues que te deje y me aparte de ti, porque a dondequiera que tú vayas, iré yo, y dondequiera que vivas, viviré. Tu pueblo será mi pueblo y tu Dios, mi Dios. Donde tú mueras, moriré yo y allí seré sepultada. Traiga Jehová sobre mí el peor de los castigos, si no es solo la muerte lo que hará separación entre nosotras dos.” Here is the bonding of a covenant relationship between three parties the woman, the man and their Creator. This has all the intimacy of the emotional and soulish bonding. Because it is a covenant relationship that includes the one who authored marriage, it is to be a faithful and lifetime relationship. It is to be with no other and is forever.Here is the bonding of a covenant relationship between three parties the woman, the man and their Creator. This has all the intimacy of the emotional and soulish bonding. Because it is a covenant relationship that includes the one who authored marriage, it is to be a faithful and lifetime relationship. It is to be with no other and is forever.

    42. Tres Paradigmas En el Secularismo no hay alma, sólo la carne. El Dualismo separa el alma del cuerpo y dice que el alma es buena y la carne es mala. En el Teísmo no hay división entre el alma y el cuerpo. El cuerpo y el alma residen juntos. In Secularism there is no soul, only flesh Sex is all there is. Sex is commercialized, women’s images and women themselves are merchandised It is used by men to control and conquer women Theism The physical body reveals the transcendence of masculine and feminine The “one flesh” is the mysterious fusion of two lives into one on all levels Sex is glorious (not to be denied by prudishness) Sex is made for the sacredness of marriage Two books of the Bible deal exclusively with one flesh the Song of Solomon, is dedicated to the gloriousness of sex. Hosea, is given to the restoration of the marriage and the sacredness of the marriage bed. In Secularism there is no soul, only flesh Sex is all there is. Sex is commercialized, women’s images and women themselves are merchandised It is used by men to control and conquer women Theism The physical body reveals the transcendence of masculine and feminine The “one flesh” is the mysterious fusion of two lives into one on all levels Sex is glorious (not to be denied by prudishness) Sex is made for the sacredness of marriage Two books of the Bible deal exclusively with one flesh the Song of Solomon, is dedicated to the gloriousness of sex. Hosea, is given to the restoration of the marriage and the sacredness of the marriage bed.

    43. Yada ( [dy ) Grupo # 1: Gn. 18:19; Dt. 34:10; Isaías 48:8; Sal. 1:6; 37:18 Grupo # 2: Ex. 33:17; Dt. 34:10 Grupo # 3: Génesis 4:1; 19:8; Números 31: 17, 35 Small Group Work Read one set of Scriptures What does the Hebrew word Yada refer to in this context? Feedback The Intimacy of marriage The Hebrew word yada is used to describe the intimacy of God’s knowledge of humankind (Genesis 18:19; Deut. 34:10; Isaiah 48:8; Psalms 1:6; 37:18). “God know Moses by name and face to face” (Ex. 33:17; Deu. 34:10).[1] This is intimacy. It is also a word used to refer to the intimacy of sexual intercourse (Genesis 4: 1a) “And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain….”[2] It is used similarly in Genesis 19: 8; Numbers 31:17, 35 and other passages. So the intimacy of marriage is a reflection of the intimacy between God and man. God designed sex for marriage and marriage for sex. [1] ibid TWOT pg 366 [2]The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769. Small Group Work Read one set of Scriptures What does the Hebrew word Yada refer to in this context? Feedback The Intimacy of marriage The Hebrew word yada is used to describe the intimacy of God’s knowledge of humankind (Genesis 18:19; Deut. 34:10; Isaiah 48:8; Psalms 1:6; 37:18). “God know Moses by name and face to face” (Ex. 33:17; Deu. 34:10).[1] This is intimacy. It is also a word used to refer to the intimacy of sexual intercourse (Genesis 4: 1a) “And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain….”[2] It is used similarly in Genesis 19: 8; Numbers 31:17, 35 and other passages. So the intimacy of marriage is a reflection of the intimacy between God and man. God designed sex for marriage and marriage for sex.

    44. Estado Santo del Matrimonio (Dominio- Ambito) Ordenado por Dios Patrón fijado por la Trinidad Teocéntrico Entre un hombre y una mujer y Dios Para toda la vida No es un contrato social No es un mero contrato pesonal No sigue el patrón del comportamiento de la vida animal No está centrado en el individuo No es entre miembros del mismo sexo. No hay compañeros múltiples

    45. Tres Instituciones Ordenadas por Dios El Matrimonio: primera institución que existe para llenar la tierra y tener dominio sobre la creación. Gobierno Civil: promover la justicia, orden civil, justicia civil y para proteger contra amenazas externas. La Iglesia: una comunidad de amor fraternal para representar a Cristo y su agenda en un mundo quebrantado. Marriage is the first institution God created and the only one created before the fall. After the fall, civil government was established to promote justice, civil order and social tranquility, to protect society from internal injustice and external threats Later, the church was established to create a community of love to represent Christ and His agenda in a broken world. Marriage is the first institution God created and the only one created before the fall. After the fall, civil government was established to promote justice, civil order and social tranquility, to protect society from internal injustice and external threats Later, the church was established to create a community of love to represent Christ and His agenda in a broken world.

    46. La Familia - Bloque para Construir la Sociedad “Es un compromiso de por vida que refrena el egoísmo, el sibaritismo, y la auto-gratificación. Es la relación que nos prepara y condiciona eficazmente para la comunidad.” [1] S. Michael Craven; Why is Marriage Important?; on the web at www.nationalcoalition.org ; pg. 2 the Nation Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families [1] S. Michael Craven; Why is Marriage Important?; on the web at www.nationalcoalition.org ; pg. 2 the Nation Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families

    47. El Matrimonio es el Fundamento para el Orden Social Al refrenar el egoísmo y promover el amor de otra persona, el matrimonio llega a ser el fundamento para el orden social. El egoísmo no solo daña esta relación sino a otras hasta el punto que se multiplica en la sociedad como las ondas en un lago.” Because the family is the basic building block of social order: The health of the family will determine the health of the society. Healthy families lead to health societies Broken families lead to broken societiesBecause the family is the basic building block of social order: The health of the family will determine the health of the society. Healthy families lead to health societies Broken families lead to broken societies

    48. Mother-heart: Caring, nurturing, self-sacrifice Father – heart: redeemer-kinsman. Provider, protector Mother-heart: Caring, nurturing, self-sacrifice Father – heart: redeemer-kinsman. Provider, protector

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