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DPW Procurement

DPW Procurement. Bidding and Contracts Project Bid Submittals. Project Bid Submittals. Plans and Specs Table of Content Bid Data Sheet Bid Release Assessment Checklist Bid Release Sheet. Electronic Files of the Plans & Specs. Specifications One (1) PDF File per Volume

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DPW Procurement

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  1. DPW Procurement Bidding and Contracts Project Bid Submittals

  2. Project Bid Submittals • Plans and Specs • Table of Content • Bid Data Sheet • Bid Release Assessment Checklist • Bid Release Sheet

  3. Electronic Files of the Plans & Specs • Specifications • One (1) PDF File per Volume • Plans/Drawings • One(1) PDF File per Volume • Table of Content • Check withus for the latest version • Word Document

  4. Assessment Checklist

  5. Bid Data Sheet

  6. Bid Release • http://www.ct.gov/dpw%2Dbdc/site/default.asp • Bid Stagelink • Bid Releaselink • Bid Release Assessment Checklist • Bid Release Procedures/Instructions - tab • Form 600 – tab - The Bid Release Sheet

  7. Bid Release Sheet

  8. Procedures/Instructions

  9. DAS Pre-qualification Classification • DAS Pre-qualification is only required for projects with an estimated value over $500,000. • If you use more than one classification then make sure you are clear whether you mean one or the other or both. • For example, • Use “or” for either • Use “and” for both • I prefer one classification

  10. DAS Pre-qualification Classification • The classification isin the “Invitation To Bid” • The Biddermust be DAS Pre-certified in the classificationon the Invitation To Bid • Make sure you review the DAS List and its definitionsbefore entering a classification – they are part of Bid Release Sheet Procedures

  11. General Building Classification • General Building A • Building without interior finish • Ex. • Warehouse • Dormitory

  12. General Building Classification • Gen. Bldg. Const. B • Buildingwith INTERIOR FINISH • Ex. • Office Buildings • Classrooms • Adm. Offices • Auditoriums

  13. General Building Classification • Gen. Bldg. Const. C • CUSTOM, SCIENTIFIC • COMPLEX Mechanical & Electrical • Ex. • Hospitals • Historical

  14. Supplementals • Onlyup to the Maximum Available Amount. • This means that in your Bid Release, the Base plus the Supplementals should not exceed the Maximum Available Amount. • Make sure that the base and supplemental calculations in the Bid Release Sheet match with those in the Data Sheet.

  15. Date Planning Began • CGS 4-252(e) requirement for purchases at $50,000 or more • For bonded projects this is the date B100S was accepted

  16. Funding Authorized • Date • Section

  17. Pre-bid Meeting • If the pool of bidders is limited and you make the pre-bid meeting mandatory then chances are that you may need to rebid. • Make sure that you only allow SBSA contractors in pre-bid conference for SBSA projects (most Informals)

  18. Sub-trades • The sub-trades are for formal projects, those over $500,000 and the individual sub-trades over $25,000 • The sub-trades should only be the four (4) noted in the statue: • Electrical • Mechanical other than HVAC • HVAC • Masonry

  19. Set-aside Waiver • Set-aside waivers are request from Bruce Bockstael, Chief Architect • You must explain in detail and verify your justification for your request for a Set-aside Waiver.

  20. Special Requirements • Any special requirement is intent for information that the bidders should know up-front before they bid because it may cause their bid to be rejected. • This information will be place in the Invitation To Bid. • So anything you want on the Invitation to Bid put it here.

  21. Insurances • Builders Risk • Special Hazard • Asbestos Abatement • Type "X", "C", "U" – Explosion, Collapse, Underground in accordance with Article 35 of the General Conditions.

  22. Unit Prices • Make sure that the Unit Prices in the Bid Release Sheet match with those in the Data Sheet.

  23. Additional Remarks • Additional remarks are NOT made part of the Invitation to Bid. • Let us know here if the GC will be required to have asbestos removed.

  24. Asbestos Abatement By GC • Attached the Report.

  25. Addenda • Addenda must be submitted with enough time for the Bidding and Contracts staff to post on the Web site - this is seven (7) days in advance • NO addenda on Fridays • Addenda issues through AFAO

  26. Addenda • Bureau of Design & Construction Intranet • Bid Stagelink • Addendum Format link • Addendum Transmittal link

  27. Addendum Format

  28. Addendum Format • Addenda Number • Addenda Date • Project Number • Project Title • Changes • Item No. • Name and Number of Section • Change From To • End of Addendum

  29. Sequence of Changes • Changes to PRIOR ADDENDA • Changes to BIDDING REQUIREMENTS • Changes to GENERAL CONDITIONS • Changes to SPECIFICATIONS/Technical Section • Changes to DRAWINGS/PLANS

  30. Addendum Transmittal

  31. Addenda • Before you submit an addendum consider the future consequences • For example, some addenda generated more addenda that in turn reverse the previous addenda • In one project, the outcome was ten (10) addenda • In this same project, some items were supposed to be color code but this was not communicated; thus, requiring another addendum

  32. Recommend

  33. Start Date Notice to Proceed

  34. Milestones • Bid Opening • Set-aside Schedule • Contractors Qualification Reviews • Recommends • Affirmative Action Plan [cc PMs] – CHRO approval • Bond Commission Funding Approval or Transfer posted • Letter of Intent[cc PMs] - Contract Documents • Contract Approval – Project Clearance Memo [to PMs] • Construction Schedule Approval • Start Date & Notice To Proceed

  35. Time Line After Bid Opening • Set-aside Schedule – 10 Days • Affirmative Action Plan • Contractor file w/i 30 days, CHRO accept or reject w/i 60 days • Recommends (?) • Bond Commission Funding Approval (?) • Letter of Intent – 15 Days • Contract Package – 2 days • Contract Approval – 2 weeks • Legal • Commissioner • AG’s – average of 7 Days • Project Clearance Memo (?)

  36. Efficiency • Project managers are copied on the AAP Letter, Letter of Intent, and are notified of the award via the Clearance Memo. • Inquiries to fiscal officers for information they already provided time away from processing. • Please be brief with your inquiries and comments to the fiscal officers.

  37. Efficiency • Please allow the staff to go through the bidding and contracting process for your request. • Are we there yet? • Please keep in mind that the staff is working on multiple projects.

  38. Questions

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