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Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). Functions. SPI allows high-speed synchronous data transfer between ATmega128 and peripheral devices or between several AVR devices . Features. Full-duplex, Three-wire Synchronous Data Transfer Master or Slave Operation LSB First or MSB First Data Transfer

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Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

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  1. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

  2. Functions • SPI allows high-speed synchronous data transfer between ATmega128 and peripheral devices or between several AVRdevices

  3. Features • Full-duplex, Three-wire Synchronous Data Transfer • Master or Slave Operation • LSB First or MSB First Data Transfer • Seven Programmable Bit Rates • End of Transmission Interrupt Flag • Write Collision Flag Protection • Wake-up from Idle Mode • Double Speed Master SPI Mode

  4. Interconnection between Master and Slave with SPI

  5. Interconnection system consists of two shift registers and a master clock generator • Procedure of data communication • SPI Master sets Slave Select SS/ pin to low • Master and Slave prepare the data to be sent in their respective shift registers • Master generates the clock pulses on the SCK line to interchange data • Data is shifted from Master to Slave on the Master Out – Slave In (MOSI) line, and from Slave to Master on the Master In – Slave Out (MISO) line • After each data packet is transmitted, the Master sets SS/ to high for synch with Slave

  6. Registers • SPI Control register – SPCR • Bit 7 (SPIE) : SPI Interrupt Enable • Bit 6 (SPE) : SPI Enable • Bit 5 (DORD) : Data Order. When DORD = 1, LSB of data word is transmitted first When DORD = 0, MSB of data word is transmitted first

  7. Bit 4 (MSTR) : Master/Slave Select If MSTR = 1, Master SPI mode. If MSTR = 0, Slave SPI mode • Bit 3 (CPOL) : Clock Polarity If set to 0, SCK is high when idle If set to 1, SCK is low when idle • Bit 2 (CPHA) : Clock Phase – determines whether data is sampled on the leading (first) or trailing (last) edge of SCK

  8. Bit 1, 0 (SPR1, SPR0) : Clock Rate Select 1 and 0

  9. SPI Status Register (SPSR) • Bit 7 (SPIF) : SPI Interrupt flag • Bit 6 (WCOL) : Write COLlision flag -- WCOL is set if SPDR is written during a data transfer (collision occurred) • Bit 0 (SPI2X) : Double SPI Speed bit -- when this bit is set to 1, SPI speed (SCK frequency) will be doubled when SPI is in Master mode

  10. SPI Data Register (SPDR) • Writing to SPDR initiates data transmission • Reading SPDR causes the Shift Register Receive buffer to be read

  11. Data Modes

  12. Data Modes (cont’d)

  13. [Ex] Initialize the SPC as a Master and perform a simple transmission

  14. [Ex] Initialize the SPC as a Slave and perform a simple reception

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