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Sheep & Goat Health. SUSAN SCHOENIAN Goat and Sheep Specialist Maryland Cooperative Extension www.sheepandgoat.com www.sheep101.info/201/diseasesa-z.html. Common Problems and Solutions. Starts with Prevention Biosecurity Vaccination program Parasite control Good nutrition
Sheep & Goat Health SUSAN SCHOENIANGoat and Sheep SpecialistMaryland Cooperative Extensionwww.sheepandgoat.comwww.sheep101.info/201/diseasesa-z.html Common Problemsand Solutions
Starts with Prevention Biosecurity Vaccination program Parasite control Good nutrition Early detection and treatment Culling Predator control Health care in sheep and goats Boer x Kiko
Buy from reputable breeders. Know the health status of the animals you are purchasing. Maintain a closed flock/herd. Limit showing/ exhibiting. Isolate new animals for at least 30 days. BiosecuritySecurity from transmission of infectious diseases, parasites, and pests
Don’t loan or share rams or bucks.* Don’t breed ewes or does for other producers.* Do not mix your animals with other people’s animals.* Don’t share equipment unless it is disinfected after each use. Don’t let your shearer spread disease. Limit access to your farm/animals. Control cat, dog, bird, and rodent populations. BiosecuritySecurity from transmission of infectious diseases, parasites, and pests *Unless other farm/animals have equal health status.
Clostridial diseasesClostridium perfringins type C & D (overeating disease/enterotoxemia)Clostridium tetani (tetanus) Vaccinate ewes/does 2-6 weeks before parturition Vaccine lambs/kids at ~6 and ~10 weeks of age Vaccine rams, bucks, and wethers annually Other diseases you could vaccinate for* Some types of abortion Soremouth Caseous lymphadenitis (CL) Foot rot Pneumonia E. coli scours Other clostridial diseases Rabies Sound Vaccination Program *Depends on disease prevalence and risk.
Good management Pasture rest/rotation Alternative forages Zero grazing Mixed species grazing Genetic selection between and within breeds Fecal egg counts Monitor pasture contamination Test for drug resistance Selective deworming Deworming Parasite Control Program
Feed balanced rations. Feed according to production cycle and growth stage. Supplement pasture and forage, when necessary and economical. Provide free choice minerals. Choose proper feeds for sheep and goats. Good nutritionBetter nutrition means stronger immune systems and disease resistance.
Know common signs of illness Loss of body condition Poor appetite Lag behind flock/herd Lethargy Ears or head down (tail down) Poor hair/wool coat Teeth grinding (pain) Dirty hocks, tail, britch (scours) Anemia (barber pole worm) Fever (infection)normal body temp is 102-103°F Breathing (respiratory) Gait (neurological) Early detection and treatmentEarly diagnosis is key to the control of health problems.
Most problems have a genetic component Foot rot Parasites Vaginal, rectal prolapses Inverted eye lids Most disease conditions will repeat or get worse Hoof problems Mastitis Vaginal prolapses CullingCulling is one of the most powerful tools in managing animal health. Vaginal prolapse
Control predationPredation accounted for 37.3% of sheep and goat losses in 2005. • Predator control options • Fencing • Management • Livestock guardians • Lethal control coyotes, dogs, bears, mountain lions, cougars, foxes, eagles, bobcats, wolves, vultures
High-tensile, electric Woven or net wire Electric netting Modify existing fences Predator-proof gates FencingPredator control starts with a good fence.
Remove dead carcasses and anything else that attracts predators. Complete confinement. Lamb/kid in confinement. Night penning. Minimize use of high risk pastures. Don’t lamb or kid in remote areas or large pastures. Change lambing/kidding season. Fall lambing/kidding tends to reduce predator losses. Repellents, frightening devices. Aversive conditioning. Management Options
Guardian dogs (29.6%)Great Pyrenees, Komondor, Akbash, Anatolian Shepherd, Maremma, Mastiff Llamas (14.2%)(female or gelding, not alpacas) Donkeys (11.4%)(standard sized, gelding or jenny) Cattle – “flerd”need to be bonded Livestock Guardians45% of sheep farms employ livestock guardians.
Shooting Trapping (foot hold, snare) Denning Livestock protection collar* M-44 cyanide injector* Make sure you know the laws in your state/county. *Requires assistance of USDA APHIS Wildlife Services Lethal Predator ControlLast resort, but sometimes necessary.
Major health issues Other common problems A few other diseases Wasting diseases Health problems of sheep and goats
The major health issues • Internal Parasites • Foot rot • Diarrhea • Respiratory • Predation Goats eating chicory
Internal Parasites # 1 health problem affecting sheep and goats in warm, moist climates. • Stomach/round worms barber pole worm • Tapeworms • Lungworms • Liver Flukes • Meningeal worm • Coccidiosis
Single-cell protozoa that damages the lining of the small intestines, where nutrient absorption occurs. Can permanently stunt animals. Species-specific Causes scouring, weight loss, and death in lambs/kids. Stress-induced Coccidiosis eimerasp. NADIS
Diagnosis Fecal oocyte counts are of limited diagnostic value. Treatment(requires extra label drug use) Corid (Amprolium) Sulfa drugs Prevention Good sanitation Avoid overcrowding Use of coccidiostats in feed, mineral, or water (before hand) Bovatec® (lasalocid) ** Rumensin® (monensin)* Deccox® (Decoquinate) ** Corid (lower dose than treatment) Coccidiosis eimera sp. * Toxic to equines. ** Do not feed to equines. http://www.sheepandgoat.com/articles/coccidtable.html
Highly contagious. Caused by the interaction of two anaerobic bacteria: Bacteroides nodosusin sheep/goat’s hoof (can only survive 10-14 days) Fusobacterium necrophorumin soil and manure (always) Lameness is symptom. Gets in hoof. Has characteristic foul odor. Treat with aggressive hoof trimming, foot baths/soaks, antibiotics, moving to dry area, vaccination, and culling. Foot rotOne of the most economically devastating diseases in the sheep/goat industry. Most people BUY foot rot! http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/sheep/410-028/410-028.html
Not contagious. An infection between the toes. No involvement of the hoof. Caused by Fusobacterium necrophorum, the bacteria that is always present on sheep and goat farms. Activated by damp, muddy conditions; goes away when it’s dry. Can treat/control with foot baths/soaks, moving to a dry area. Foot Scald (is not foot rot)interdigital dermatitis, benign foot rot, non-virulent foot rot Environmental
Diarrhea (scours)An increased frequency, fluidity, or volume of fecal excretion. • Infectious • Viral • BacterialE.coli, salmonella • Protozoa coccidia, cryptosporidia • Non-infectious • Parasites • Nutrition • Management • Stress • Often a symptom of other problems. Often self-limiting. Determine cause! • Treatment: rehydration, antibiotics (if fever), antidiarrheal drugs (pepto-bismal, kaopectate, immodium), probiotics (yogurt). -- many causes -- http://www.sheepandgoat.com/articles/scours.html
Respiratory complex: pasteurellasp., mycoplasma, chlamydia, Parainfluenza type 3 virus, etc. Pasteurella sp. most common agent. Characterized by high fever (106-108°F) May result in lung abscesses at slaughter. Poor ventilation is a leading cause of respiratory problems. Treat with antibiotics Respiratory Problems Other causes: OPP, lungworms, nasal bots, ketosis, acidosis
Other Common Problems • Nutritional • Reproductive • Skin
Nutritional / Metabolic • Pregnancy toxemia • Milk fever • Enterotoxemia • Floppy kid syndrome • Acidosis • Urinary calculi • Polioencephalomalacia • Listeriosis • Bloat • Copper-related • Selenium-related
Usually occurs in lambs/kids that are consuming large amounts of concentrate, but may also occur on pasture and with heavy milking dams Type C - 0-30 days Type D - >30 days Predisposed by abrupt change in feed. Treatment (anti-toxin) is usually unrewarding. Prevention Vaccination of pregnant dams and offspring* Avoid sudden changes in dietdon’t let creep feed run out Low level feeding of antibiotics Plenty of feeder space EnterotoxemiaOvereating disease, pulpy kidney disease Caused by bacteria, clostridium perfringins type C & D Usually affects fastest growing lambs/kids. It is not uncommon to find them dead, with no prior symptoms. *Vaccine is not as effective in goats.
Affects kids between 3 and 10 days of age (normal at birth) Most common late in kidding season. Causes muscle weakness, ataxia. Cause unknown, but suspected to be gastro-intestinal, a metabolic acidosis. Treat with sodium bicarbonate and supportive therapy. Floppy kid syndromeFirst documented in 1987
Caused by excessive consumption of concentrates/grain which changes acidity of rumen. Treat with antacids, sodium bicarbonate. Prevent with proper feed management. Introduce and increase grain slowly in diet. Feed whole grains, grains that digest slower Include forage in diet. Split grain feedings; feed forage first. Buffering agents. (Lactic) AcidosisGrain overload, grain poisoning
Blockage of urethra by calculi (stones) causes retention of urine. Wethers are most prone (early castration). Treatment depends upon severity of condition. Usually caused by too much phosphorus in the diet, i.e. an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the ration (< 1:1). Urinary CalculiWater belly, urolithiasis, calculosis, kidney stones
Proper ration balancing Ca:P ratio should be at least 2:1. Legumes are a good source of calcium. Cereal grains have a poor ratio of Ca:P. Commercial feeds are balanced for Ca and P. Do not add anything to balanced rations. Ground limestone can be added to the ration as a source of calcium. Free choice minerals do not ensure proper intake of minerals. Adequate water intake important Salt in ration(0.5% ammonium chloride in diet) Urinary CalculiWater belly, urolithiasis, calculosis, kidney stones
Affects the central nervous system. Mimics other neurological conditions. Caused by a thiamin (Vitamin B1) deficiency not insufficient thiamine, but the inability to utilize it Symptoms: blindness, star gazing. Usually occurs in animals on high concentrate diets, but may also occur on pasture. Treat with thiamine injections. PolioencephalomalaciaPEM, polio, cerebrocortical necrosis
Occurs 4-6 weeks after bacteria is consumed. Results in neurological symptoms: depression, disorientation, head tilt, facial paralysis, walking in circles. Most commonly associated with the feeding of moldy silage. High mortality; uterine form causes abortion. Non-contagious. If recognized early, treatment with high doses of antibiotics can be effective. Caused by bacteriaListeria monocytogenes Listerioiscircling disease
Pasture/frothy – caused by consumption of legumous forages (alfalfa and clover), lush cereal grain pastures, wet grass, or finely ground grain. Treat with anti-foaming agent, mineral or vegetable oil. Prevent with good grazing management and poloxalene. Limit legume content of pastures to 50% or less. Consider non-bloating legumes (birdsfoot trefoil, lespedeza) Feedlot/free gas – associated with grain feeding Treat by passing stomach tube; rumenotomy in life threatening situations. BloatOccurs when rumen gas production > rate of gas elimination.
Copper toxicity(more common, esp. sheep) Caused by too much copper in diet or not enough molybdenum (and/or sulfur). For sheep, there is a narrow range between Cu requirements and toxicity levels. Goats need and tolerate higher levels of copper in their diet. Copper deficiency Anemia, ataxia Swayback Steely, stringy wool Copper-relatedCopper has important role in fertility and health.
Inadequate Se can affect growth, reproduction, immunity. White muscle disease Degeneration of the skeletal and cardiac muscles Caused by a deficiency of selenium, vitamin E, or both Can be a problem wherever selenium levels in the soil are low Preventing/treating problems Vitamin E/Selenium supplementation in feed, mineral mix, or via injections Treat with Vitamin E/Se injections Be careful when giving Se: it is more toxic than other trace minerals. Selenium-relatedSelenium and Vitamin E are interrelated.
Reproductive Problems • Abortion • Dystocia • Metabolic: pregnancy toxemia and milk fever • Mastitis • Vaginal and uterine prolapses
Bacterial Chlamydia Enzootic Abortion, EAE Vibriosis Vibrio campylobacter Leptospirosis Salmonella Viral Cache Valley Virus (mosquito vector) Protozoa Toxoplasmosiscaused by protozoa that causes coccidiosis in cats AbortionTermination of pregnancy or birth of weak or deformed lambs or kids that die shortly after birth. The organisms that cause abortion in ewes/does can cause abortion in women.
Prevent spread of infectious agents. Strict sanitation. Disposal of infective material. Isolation of aborting females. Submit proper samples to a diagnostic lab. Blood sampling. Immediate vaccination. Use of antibiotics. Dealing with an abortion stormOver 5% of herd/flock – seek veterinary assistance The organisms that cause abortion in ewes/does can cause abortion in women.
Maintain a closed flock/herd. Vaccination Low level feeding of antibiotics. Prevent contamination of feed and water. Control cat population. Avoid stressful, overcrowded, and/or unsanitary conditions. Feed Rumensin® or Deccox®. Preventing abortion storms The organisms that cause abortion in ewes/does can cause abortion in women.
Abortion – dead or dewormed babies Abnormal presentation of fetus(es) Unusually large fetus Small pelvic area Fat mama Vaginal prolapse Ring womb – failure of cervix to dilate Dystocia (difficult births)New Zealand study showed that dystocia accounted for 50% of newborn lamb deaths.
Know when to assist Straining for over an hour with no progress. Know how to assist Be clean and gentle. Use plenty of lubricant. Determine presentation/ problem. Have ewe/doe stand or elevate her hindquarters. Use antibiotic on any ewe/doe you assist. Call a veterinarian or experienced shepherd if you have worked on a ewe/doe for more then 30 minutes with no progress. Dystocia (difficult births)New Zealand study showed that dystocia accounted for 50% of newborn lamb deaths.
Low blood sugar caused by an inadequate intake of energy during late gestation. Breakdown of fat produces toxic ketone bodies. Mostly commonly affects fat, thin, old, and/or females carrying multiple births. Symptoms: lethargy, sluggishness, lack of appetite, poor muscle control, inability to rise. Treatment is to increase blood sugar by giving glucose orally, sub-Q, or IV. C-section in extreme cases. Prevent by providing enough energy in diet and providing adequate feeder space. Pregnancy toxemiaketosis, twin lamb disease, lambing paralysis, hypoglycemia
Low blood calcium Caused by inadequate intake of calcium during late pregnancy or inability to mobilize calcium reserves prior to or after parturition. Similar symptoms as pregnancy toxemia. Can occur before or after parturition. Treat with commercial calcium solutions sub-Q or IV. Prevent by providing proper amount of calcium in diet. Don’t under or overfeed calcium.Save alfalfa hay for lactation. Feed mixed hay in late gestation. Milk Feverhypocalcemia, parturient paresis
ProlapsesMore common in sheep than goats. • Three kinds • Vaginaltends to repeatgenetic component • Uterinenot genetic**life-threatening • Rectal(not usually reproductive)Risk factors: sex, diet, genetics, health, and length of tail dock. Vaginal Rectal Uterine http://www.sheepandgoat.com/articles/rectalprolapse.html Prolapses have many predisposing factors/causes.
MastitisA major reason for culling ewes (46%) • Inflammation of the udder • Usually caused by bacteria Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Pasteurella sp., and coliforms, such as E. coli. • Acute, chronic, or sub-clinical. • Both halves - could be OPP. • Treat with antibiotics • Systemic • Intramammary • Prevention • Good sanitation • Proper management at weaning. • Dry cow treatment • Later weaning • Cull females with “lumpy” udders.
Diseases affecting the skin • Soremouth • Ringworm • External parasites
Most common skin disease of sheep and goats. Caused by a virus from the pox family. Causes lesions on mouth, lips, nostrils (teats, scrotum). Problematic during lambing/ kidding season and if you show/exhibit. Normally runs its course in 1 to 4 weeks. Very contagious, including to people (orf). There is a live vaccine for it. (don’t vaccinate if you’ve never had it). Soremouthcontagious ecthyma, contagious pustular dermatitis, scabby mouth, orf
Fungal disease Usually occurs in show lambs. Results in hair loss, scabs, lesions, and pustules. Contagious, to humans as well. Treat with fungicides. Ringwormclub lamb fungus, lumpy wool, wool rot
External parasitesEndoparasites • Keds (sheep tick) • Ticks • Lice • Mites • Blowflies/maggots • Nasal bots
Treat with insecticides – dip, spray, or pour- on. Some anthelmintics are effective against biting parasites (e.g. ivermectin) Clean, dry environment Keds, ticks, lice, (mange) mites