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Erik Danielsson Product Manager Promineo promineo.no erik@promineo.no November, 2012

Tutorial for specific business case: How to bridge the gap between Network and ERP systems?. Erik Danielsson Product Manager Promineo www.promineo.no erik@promineo.no November, 2012. Content Overview: Intro: Some words on Proteus (3 min)

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Erik Danielsson Product Manager Promineo promineo.no erik@promineo.no November, 2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tutorial for specific business case:How to bridge the gap between • Network and ERP systems? Erik Danielsson • Product Manager Promineo www.promineo.no • erik@promineo.no • November, 2012

  2. Content Overview: • Intro: Some words on Proteus (3 min) • What we want to accomplish in this session (3 min) • T U T O R I A L - How to do it • Step I – Getting the raw data wired up (10 min) • Step II – One step beyond the basics (10 min) • Step III – Setting up Layouts and Reports (10 min) • What we could have done with more time (2 min) • Live Demo of Solution + Q&A (12 min)

  3. The typical reality Broken pyramids of Project Data… 1 10 jobs 100 Docs 1000 pipes

  4. What the user should experience Islands appear as ONE solid landmass… 1 10 jobs 100 Docs 1000 pipes

  5. Making connections between data and user We have connected phone calls for over 100 years now, but we still have trouble connecting Project Data with a Project Member!?

  6. The process of setting it up Workflow for setting up an “optimal interaction” with data The User Interface that is used to interact with data Each tool’s own UI is of course still available, and often very useful for some (but not all?) Team Members! The Ocean of data in corporate cyberspace (databases) The Ocean of data in you corporate cyberspace

  7. A Crash course in planning T I M E Activity A001 Activity A002 Activity A003 Job J301 Job J101 Job J201 Job J102 Job J202 Job J302 Job J103 This is what we want to accomplish in this tutorial

  8. The simplified data for this tutorial Making it as simple and “generic” as possible – to illustrate that ANY system could be used Activity Data: Red = Requred, Green = Optional, Blue = Optional (Timephasing), Purple = Optional (Pivoting + Group + CM)

  9. The simplified data for this tutorial Making it as simple and “generic” as possible – to illustrate that ANY system could be used Job Data: Red = Requred, Orange = Optional (Hierarchy), Green = Optional, Blue = Optional (Timephasing), Purple = Optional (Pivoting + Group + CM)

  10. The result at the journey’s end Gantt Drill down from an Activity into its related Jobs

  11. The result at the journey’s end Activity and Job Data timephased in a Histogram

  12. The result at the journey’s end Completion Matrix showing Job Start vs. Material Status:

  13. Step 1: Connecting to the data • DataConnections • DataSource • Dataset

  14. Step 1: Getting the raw data wired up Creating a new repository folder and a new Workspace within it

  15. Step 1: Getting the raw data wired up Setting up the basic (minimal) info

  16. Step 1: Getting the raw data wired up Creating and testing your first Proteus Connection

  17. Step 1: Getting the raw data wired up …and finally your second Connection

  18. Step 1: Getting the raw data wired up Creating your first Proteus DataSource and writing a SQL statement

  19. Step 1: Getting the raw data wired up Testing and “Persisting” your DataSources (the first shown here)

  20. Step 1: Getting the raw data wired up Creating your first Proteus DataSet

  21. Step 1: Getting the raw data wired up Creating your second Proteus DataSet + setting hierarchical relationship between the two

  22. Step 1: Getting the raw data wired up Opening the workspace in Proteus to see the result:

  23. Step 2: One step beyond the basics There are quite a few thing that can be set up for a DataSet…

  24. Step 2: One step beyond the basics Setting up and testing a calculated column in Activities DataSet Do the same thing for the «Jobs» DataSet.

  25. Step 2: One step beyond the basics Minor Visual Detail: Set the Gantt Bar color for Jobs to be different from Activities

  26. Step 2: One step beyond the basics Setting up Periodized Fields for Planned Hours in order to see time phased Histogram

  27. Step 2: One step beyond the basics Setting up Periodized Fields for Earned and Actual in order to see time phased Histogram Do the same thing for the «Jobs» DataSet.

  28. Step 2: One step beyond the basics The result when Proteus is running:

  29. Step 2: One step beyond the basics The result when Proteus is running:

  30. Step 2: One step beyond the basics Setting up Completion Matrix to show Material Status on Jobs

  31. Step 2: One step beyond the basics The result when Proteus is running:

  32. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports This is done from within Proteus (NOT Configurator) These things are described in Proteus User Manual…

  33. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Changing the Column Header text and tooltip for field “OnCriticalPath”

  34. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Conditional formatting can compare job’s start/finish with parent activity’s start/finish

  35. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Mapping a column to a Custom Editor

  36. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Another example of defining a Custom Editor

  37. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Setting up Totals in footer

  38. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Pivoting data and saving Pivot Layouts

  39. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports A pivot of Activity Data on planned hours for Category1 and 2 Fields

  40. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports A pivot of Job Data on planned hours for Forman and Object Type

  41. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Creating a Report

  42. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Creating a Report

  43. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Creating a Report

  44. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Creating a Report

  45. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Creating a Report

  46. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Launching a report with a double-click

  47. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Result Preview

  48. Step 3: Setting up layouts and reports Result Preview

  49. What we could have added in an advanced tutorial: • In a multi project environment: Custom dialog to select which project to get data for • Update the data from Proteus (drag & drop) • Show frame showing timerang of jobs over the activity range • Save a snapshot and compare live data to it. • Get history / trends from all snapshots • KPI Dashboard (live + historic) • Enrich the data with Perc. Psych dimension..! • Formulas for rolling up job hours up to activity level • Watchdogs to tell us aspects we wish to monitor (e.g: sum of jobhrs > acthrs) • Inheriting values from one level down to another – useful for pivoting at lowest level

  50. What we could have added in an specialist (advanced +) tutorial: • Visual presentation of implicit risk information for each area directly in Powerpoint. • Making corporate work process documentation available, so that work is done in accordance to procedures and guidelines • Giving hints and links to best practices + allow entering experience data for cumulation of professional knowledge.

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