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Walking for Wellness

Walking for Wellness. Heartland Employee Wellness Program for Preventative Diseases By Brittany Kemper, Tye Lydon , Journey McMahon, Blaine Dalton, Lucas Lancaster. Mission Statement.

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Walking for Wellness

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  1. Walking for Wellness Heartland Employee Wellness Program for Preventative Diseases By Brittany Kemper, TyeLydon, Journey McMahon, Blaine Dalton, Lucas Lancaster

  2. Mission Statement • The mission of the Walking for Wellness Challenge is to engage employees in healthy, social and fun activity-based competition that helps promote a positive workplace environment. This challenge assists employees in incorporating healthy behaviors into everyday living by creating a motivational workplace and offering incentives for positive lifestyle changes. The Challenge is based on walking, while partaking in health risk assessments. With a time slot available everyday, Walking for Wellness stimulates employees awareness of preventative diseases all year long.

  3. Vision Statement • To improve the health and well-being of Heartland’s employee’s lives through a walking program and multiple health assessments that will support positive lifestyle changes and result in a healthier heart for all employees.

  4. Goals and Objectives • Heartland will reduce the chances of an employee developing a preventative heart disease. • Heartland will give employee health assessments once a month during the duration of the Walking for Wellness Program. • Employees will walk 30 minutes during their work day 3 out of 5 days to prevent heart problems. • By December 22, 2013, 60% of Heartland’s employees will have a healthier blood pressure. • Heartland will lower it’s employees chances of developing any kind of heart disease by offering a year long workplace walking program.

  5. Target Population • The demographic or target that is trying to be reached is the people who work for Heartland on a day to day basis. It’s important to the employees of the Heartland because it is important to a person’s health to obtain physical exercise regularly. If the program was not made possible, those who work long hours may not get any physical activity, therefore increases their risk for heart disease and other diseases and illnesses.

  6. Outcomes • With the program being created there are obvious outcomes that would be intended. These outcomes include growing attendance of employees joining the program. The main and most important outcomes would be the improvement of individual’s health by decreasing their chance of diseases and illnesses, improving their blood pressure, as well as overall improvement of mood and energy. However, there may come some unintended outcomes as well. These outcomes may involve injuries such as sprains, joint damage, and more. Another unintended outcomes could include the decline of attendance, or possible self-disappoint by the employee because of the inability to keep up with work and the program.

  7. Staff Duties & Requirements • There are several duties and requirements that need to be done to make sure the program is successful. First advertisement of the program would be mandatory to let the employees know that it exist. Blaine will be in charge of creating flyers and pamphlets, and other tools to make sure employees are aware of the program. To tract out progress with attendance, Tye will be in charge of creating daily logins where employees are to sign their name and date of when they were able to participate in the walking program. Since we are also tracking blood pressure to make sure the program is helping with the employees’ health, Lucas will be in charge of scheduling and taking individuals’ blood pressure and tracking their progress. Not only is the physical health important, but overall mental health is important too. Getting regular exercise can help reduce stress, improve mood, increase energy and more. Brittany will be in charge of conducting surveys for the employees to take that are involved in the program to see if overall mental health is improving as well. Lastly, Journey will be in charge of making sure all equipment and access to the wellness center is available for employees every day. She will be the person to make sure all needs are being met by each employee and will be there to assist if anything is needed.  

  8. Budget

  9. Timeline • This promotion plan program is going to take roughly 1-year to complete. • Begin Monday April, 1st 2013 • End Date April 1st, 2014 • Patients will walk 3-5 times weekly • 3 times a week would be 152 days out of the year • 4 times a week would be 208 days out of the year • 5 Times a week would be 260 days out of the year.

  10. Assessment • The Walking For Wellness Promotion plan will implement three different types of assessments, which include document reviews, pre and post-tests, as well as surveys. • Document Reviews: • We will use Document Reviews to show: • Attendance • Minutes walked per week • Blood Pressure decrease weekly

  11. Assessment Cont. • Surveys: • We will use surveys to check: • Mental health • Improvements • Decreases • Satisfaction with program • Ways to improve the program • Pre and Post-Tests • We will use pre and post-tests to show improvements of patient’s blood pressure as well as mental and physical health.

  12. Incentives • For participants in our program we are providing them with a walking program to help them reduce blood pressure and live a healthier lifestyle. • Some incentives are that we will have 4 $25 prizes at the end of the program who showed the most progress from our program. We will take each participants blood pressure and other health assessments and we can see who improved most from our program. • Other Incentives can be based on the participants. Holding others accountable and motivating others.

  13. Evidence • Type I: High Blood Pressure can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle and a bad diet. If effects many Americans and can lead to serious medical problems. • Type II: By incorporating a walking program we can help people reduce their blood pressure and live a healthier lifestyle. • Type III: Our walking program is designed to help people exercise and in doing so reducing their blood pressure. It is based on the participants themselves meaning they walk as much as they want. • Factual Information: Lowering your blood pressure can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes regardless of your age. It can also improve your cardiovascular health. Being healthier is said to make people happier. Happy workers are good workers.

  14. Heartland Employees Starts August 1st,2013EndsAugust 1st, 2014 Health Risk Awareness Prevent Diseases Positive Workplace Social/Fun Activities Motivation for Healthier Living Health Risk Assessments Walking4Wellness

  15. T-Shirt Design

  16. Tv Advertisement Me: Are you out of shape, in need of a lifestyle change and happen to be an employee at Heartland Health? Then take advantage of this free promotion (People run in room) I want to get fit! (repeats several times by different people) Me: NWMSU students are putting on a Walk for Wellness starting April 1st participants will be walking 3-5 times/week People: I love walking! Me: This is no April fools, so if you are interested in healthy, fun activities along with promoting a more positive workplace and lifestyle then come out and participate on April 1st

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