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E-Mode/Lifelong Learning Programme Inspirationseftermiddag, FOF, 20. januar 2011

E-Mode : the findings of the project on the attitudes and practises of trainers concerning the development of their own educational material and modules , with the use of ICT http://www.emode-net.eu/dk.html. E-Mode/Lifelong Learning Programme

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E-Mode/Lifelong Learning Programme Inspirationseftermiddag, FOF, 20. januar 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. E-Mode: the findings of the projecton the attitudes and practises of trainersconcerning the development of theirowneducationalmaterial and modules, with the useof ICThttp://www.emode-net.eu/dk.html E-Mode/Lifelong Learning Programme Inspirationseftermiddag, FOF, 20. januar 2011 By Associate Professor Leif Emil Hansen, PAES/Department of Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University, Denmark

  2. E-Mode – den danske rapport • Vi har spurgt et repræsentativt udvalg af medlemmer af Uddannelsesforbundet • Hovedparten af respondenterne udvikler, gennemfører og evaluerer eget undervisningsmateriale • De føler sig også kompetente til at gøre det

  3. (fortsat) • Et mindretal føler behov for yderligere kompetencer i IT (gruppen er sikkert større i realiteten) • Alle ønsker at blive bedre til at bruge IT i deres job som voksenundervisere • Der er brug for mere tid, flere ressourcer – bl.a. sammen med kollegerne for inspiration og udveksling af erfaringer

  4. (fortsat) • Andre peger på nødvendigheden af egentlig efteruddannelse (kurser) • Der er ikke udstrakt kritik af støtten fra det institutionelle niveau, men • Der peges på behovet for mere kontakt til ledelsen og kollegerne på arbejdspladsen • Der peges på behovet for mere forberedelsestid i denne forbindelse (i.e. mere udstrakt brug af IT i alle faser af undervisningen)

  5. Methodology and data • BG: desk survey; 48 questionnaires; focus groups – all among adult educators and volunteers • DK: desk survey; questionnaire with 25 respondents among diverse adult educators; a focus group • GR: 53 semistructured interviews with educators (diverse age, experience and gender) • SE: Policy paper plus reflective summary that refers to the E-Mode project • TU: 55 questionnaries among vocational adult educators (diverse age, gender and experience) plus one focus group with 14 participating educators – in general highly educated

  6. Findings

  7. Findings

  8. Findings

  9. Findings

  10. Barriers

  11. Conclusions • In general the trainers are interested in developing their ICT skills – they want to get updated and to renew their knowledge, BUT: • They experience a lack of resources and support, in terms of: • Time • Access to relevant technology • Incentives in terms of agreements on work conditions, salaries and wages • LLL specific ICT programmes (i.e. sensitive electronic evaluation methods and schemes) • They do not – in their own opinion – have sufficient advanced ICT skills (for instance, the majority miss competences in the designing and evaluation part)

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