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K itchen utensils and Processing food

K itchen utensils and Processing food. http://www.reteteinimagini.com/Retete/Mancaruri/iahnie1.jpg. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_rL6S29cT-o0/SWxMEoDQ2bI/AAAAAAAACIg/gewddBwnv9Q/s400/31913lg.jpg.

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K itchen utensils and Processing food

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  1. Kitchen utensilsandProcessing food http://www.reteteinimagini.com/Retete/Mancaruri/iahnie1.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_rL6S29cT-o0/SWxMEoDQ2bI/AAAAAAAACIg/gewddBwnv9Q/s400/31913lg.jpg

  2. If you want to cook something you'll need a lot of kitchen utensils because without them you couldn’tprocess food. http://www.informatiiprofesionale.ro/wp-content/uploads/ustensile-bucatarie.jpg http://epurasha2bb.blog.gustos.ro/files/2011/01/P1120302.jpg http://www.roterochs.de/graphics/spargel-schaelen.jpg

  3. Kitchen utensils Spoon Plates http://www.tramino.ro/img/23163-30%20sau%20310%20lingura%20NC.jpg http://www.eurocosm.com/Application/Images/cornish-blue-kitchen-ware/plates-lg.jpg Whisk Knife http://www.learnenglish.de/IMAGES/Vocab/Cooking/whisk.jpg http://www.life-care.ro/library/3205-Cutit%20de%20bucatarie%20zimtat.jpg

  4. Pan Grater Cups http://www.culinario.ro/typo3temp/pics/8f960b9e38.jpg Pots http://mocoloco.com/menu_thermo_cups.jpg Fork http://sunsearch.info/images/txt/358/358_1.jpg http://cheese-grater.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Cheese_Grater.jpg http://www.tramino.ro/img/22202_000%20furculita%20TR.jpg

  5. To see more kitchen utensils, go to : http://englishupdated.wikispaces.com/3.+Kitchen+utensils Or http://englishupdated.wikispaces.com/3.+More+utensils

  6. Processing food • Through processing food we understand preparation of food to make the taste better or to make it comestible (or edible). • There are several types of processing food , for example: • Baking • Boiling • Braising • Steaming • Stewing etc.

  7. Baking - the food is placed in the oven; used for preparing cakes, cookies, bread, etc.

  8. Boiling - cooking foods in enough water to cover them , at 100ºC

  9. Braising – the term used in meat cookery by which the meat is first browned, then has a small quantity of water added

  10. Frying - cooking in fat ; used for chips , doughnuts , etc. Here you see a frying pan And French fries

  11. Roasting – is done by placing the food in the oven or over coals and cooking until it is tender; used for cooking meats

  12. Simmering – cooking foods in enough water to cover them , at a temperature lower than 100°C.

  13. Steaming – cooking in steam; used for puddings, fish etc.

  14. Stewing - cooking meat or fruit in a small amount of water and its own juices.

  15. Resources • http://www.makenmold.com/Create/HowTo/Melt.aspx • http://www.gpb.org/everyday-baking-from-everyday-food • http://biology.clc.uc.edu/fankhauser/cheese/schnecken/thmb/schnecken.html • http://mikes-table.themulligans.org/2008/07/24/blue-crab-boil-key-lime-tartare-sauce/ • http://www.yumsugar.com/Braise-168239 • http://www.gourmet.com/food/2008/02/braise • http://www.faqs.org/photo-dict/phrase/594/frying-pan.html • http://www.infobarrel.com/Five_Bad_Foods_to_Avoid_At_All_Costs

  16. http://www.courtfarm.org/html/hog%20spit%20roast%20hire.htm http://theceliachusband.blogspot.com/2011/02/gluten-free-chicken-salad.html http://www.weimax.com/touring2.htm http://name-av.ru/product/index.php?q=simmering-waternoodsramp http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/1504591/posts http://www.ifood.tv/blog/how-to-steam-vegetables http://www.reluctantgourmet.com/stews.htm http://www.safefood.eu/en/Consumer/Recipes/Dinner/Beef-Stew/ http://www.ifood.tv/network/stewing

  17. The group members are: Alex H. Cristina L. Mark H. Sami C. Bettina F.

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