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MOVING TO THE ONLINE-ONLY JOURNAL SSP Seminar, November 9, 2011. The T&F Experience Beth Gallagher Publisher, S&T Journals , USA. Taylor & Francis: A brief e-publishing history. Over 1,600 journals across all S&T and HSS disciplines; about 400 of these are society-owned or affiliated
MOVING TO THE ONLINE-ONLY JOURNALSSP Seminar, November 9, 2011 The T&F Experience Beth Gallagher Publisher, S&T Journals, USA
Taylor & Francis:A brief e-publishing history • Over 1,600 journals across all S&T and HSS disciplines; about 400 of these are society-owned or affiliated • Introduced an e-edition to all journals in 1997, as “Realpage” files; transitioned to PDFs c1999, and added HTML in 2004 • E-only subscription option made available to institutions only in 2007
Why consider e-only? To save money! • Began “printing less frequently” in 2005 as a cost-saving measure • Used savings to take pressure off price increases and to free up funds for other initiatives • We now “PLF” majority of our S&T journals
For example. . . • If we print a 12-issue 3,800-page “standard” journal only 8x/yr, we can save 25% of production costs. • An environmentally conscious society with a 12-issue, 1,600-page premium journal with a 3,000-issue print run wants to eliminate page charges and lower carbon footprint. Page charges = @$125,000 per year. If we eliminate print entirely, we can save over $122,000. Problem solved.
Why transition? (if saving money wasn’t enough) • To “break free of print constraints” • No longer a need for issues, cover months, . . . • Greater speed of publication • Force readers into countable usage • Lower the carbon footprint • Respond to librarian desires
Why not? • Despite libraries’ complaints about the costs and inconvenience of print, most still take the print option!
Many individuals, including society members, still love their hard copies
What do librarians think? Reactions to and interest in e-only subscriptions vary wildly by region/country
To quote our Sales reps. . . • “Tax is a hindrance in Europe as unless publishers give significant discount for moving to e-only then it costs more than a p+e sub. However this does not take into account significant savings in not receiving, processing, and storing a paper copy” • “The Indian customers are extremely assertive in migrating to online only. The major factor is the discount that they get on migration.” • Concerns from East Asia: “Requests for local loading. Some consortia want this as a safeguard against any mishap where online access becomes unavailable. In Taiwan, for example, the print copy is used for auditing purposes and there is more scepticism that even though we offer perpetual rights, the e-copy may disappear in the future.”
More from East Asia. . . • “Among newer libraries, there is a preference for e-journal packages for the fear of must-maintain policy tied to print subs, especially in libraries with high numbers of subs.” • “Meanwhile, the many features on our TFO platform attract many users, which contributes to higher usage, helping librarians justify renewals and/or requests for new funds, after trials.”
Marketing Challenges & Opportunities • Maintain visibility and engagement by assertively encouraging readers to register for publication alerts (so they know s.t. published!) • Engage in usage e-marketing to encourage FTDs, leveraging e-only into a sales benefit
Instead of sample copies at conferences, use informative flyers/postcards/giveaways that point to e-edition • May also consider special printings of mini-sample copies, perhaps with articles selected by Editor
Legends of the Transition European Review of Social Psychology • Had been a book series; relaunched as an e-only journal in 1999 • Publishes one volume per year, no issues; paginated consecutively throughout volume • Editorial team loves the “freedom from print constraints,” publishing reviews when they become available
Journal of Turbulence: No issues; each article is numbered and starts on page 1 • Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence • Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science • Journal of Location-Based Services • Marine and Coastal Fisheries
Been there, done that OOPS! Some don’t work out as e-journals!
Some problems . . . • Loss of subscriptions: Thus reversion to p & e • Agents and subscribers sometimes assume the journal has ceased; readers have complained about forgetting to read it! • Many of our systems are largely set up for e-journals that publish along with print and on the print model (volumes, issues)
They Discontinued Print and All I Got Was This Lousy PDF • Actually, PDFs are what readers (say they) want most, BUT • 60% of our survey respondents wanted ability to interact with authors/researchers on the publisher’s platform • 63% wanted various tools and services that would simplify their research • Links to related articles • Datasets • Sophisticated search and navigation tools (over 1M articles published per year in over 20K journals!)
Some E-Enhancements Article walk-throughs, e.g., Applied Economics • Video was viewed 765x; article downloaded 67x (average for journal = 10)
Podcasts and Interviews For example, introducing a special issue
Associated Datasets Food Additives and Contaminants
Stay tuned. . . • T&F is currently publishing under 10 e-only journals, though hundreds print only one or a few archival issues • In 2012: we’ll launch @15 new e-only journals (2 converting from p & e) • 12 of these are part of an expanded Open Access program (but that’s another presentation!)