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Peer Education Active and Reflective Learning Strategies

The project aimed to increase English and Math competences of students aged 15-19 using innovative teaching methods integrated with ICT. Cooperative strategies were utilized among partner countries like Turkey, Italy, Belgium, and Lithuania. Responsibilities were divided among countries for communication, budgeting, quality management, and dissemination. The project successfully achieved goals including improving student motivation, teaching methods, exam success rates, medial literacy, speaking skills, cooperative studying, self-esteem, and Europan citizenship awareness. The results showed positive impact on students' vocational competence in web programming and designing, mobile application development, and social media usage.

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Peer Education Active and Reflective Learning Strategies

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  1. Peer Education Active andReflective Learning Strategies

  2. WhatWasTheAim Of The Project Theaim of theprojectwastoincreasethelevel of thesuccessat English and Math competences of thestudentsaged 15-19, integratedinnovativeteachingmethodswith ICT

  3. WhatWasOurMethodology? CooperationforInnovationandthe Exchange of GoodPractices-Strategic Partnershipsfor Schools.

  4. WhatWereTheGood Applications Of TheCountries? • Turkey; Pearlsroom • Italy; Clil • Belgium ;Byod • Lithuania; Geogebra

  5. TheResponsibilities Of TheCountries COMMUNICATION AND COORDINATION RESPONSIBLE Lithuania, which has a foreignlanguagedepartment in theirschool, is the main responsibleforthecommunicationandcoordination

  6. BUDGET RESPONSIBLE Belgium is the main responsibleforthebudgetandprepare a budget plan tosharewithotherpartners at thefirst TPM. Budget teamis responsibleforallthefinancialworksandprepare a budget plan. At theend of each 2 months, theteamprepare a budgetreportandannouncetotheschoolsandsendtheirownprojectcoordinators.. Responsibleformeetingtheneedsbeforetheinternationalmovements. Takesalltheprecautionsabouttravelling

  7. QUALITY MANAGER Romania, submitsreportsaftereachinternationalmovements. Doesthemonitoringandevaluating of theeachevent . Responsibleforallreportsthatwill be submittedtoNationalAgencyandmonitorsprobablerisks. AlsoresponsibleforinformingNationalAgencyaboutpossibleproblemsandsolvingthem.

  8. DISSEMINATION RESPONSIBLE Italy, which has an art department in theirschool, prepares a dissemination plan tosharewithotherpartners ,doesthepreparations of booklets, DVDswhichintroducethecountryculturebeforethemeetings. Responsibleforthewholeadvertisingandannouncements in thecontext of ourproject. Createsaccount of PEARLS on Facebook, TwitterandYouTube. Plans, reportsandgivesthereportstotheirowncoordinators. Italypreparescomicsfor PEARLS web portal everymonth.

  9. ICT RESPONSIBLE Turkey, responsibleforthewholecomputercommunicationworks. Ifrequired, organizeswebinars, buys domain andhosting of portal forthe web portal, organizedlogo competitionforour Project. Turkeytrains web 2.0 tools in LTT's. Aftertheproject is over, Turkeycontinuestocarry on thetechnicalwork of the web portal.

  10. WhatWereTheGoals Of The Project AndWhatDidWeManage ?

  11. WeWereExpectingTo Reach TheResultsBelow • ImprovementInThe Learning Motivation Of Students Thenumber of theuse of pearlsroomandthenumber of thestudentsusingwebsiteshowthatthemotivation of learning is increasing Accordingtoour data morethan 500 studentsusedpearlsroomso far.

  12. ImprovementInTheTeachingMethods Of TheTeachers Integration Of New MethodsToTheCurriculum. Thegoodpractises of each partner (CLIL, Geogebra, DENIS, Jigsaw) wereexplainedtoeachteacher in eachcountrythroughworkshops. Weadded DENIS tothetecniquesandmethodsforlearning English andaddedGeogebratothetecniquesandmethodsforlearningMaths in ourannualplans.

  13. At least %30 increase in English and Math accordingtothepreexam • At theend of 12 months,80% success in the 240-word test • 100% Successforthe 25 wordsout of 240 words • Increasingawareness of medialiteracythrough Pearlsroom.com web site • Enhancement in thestudents' speakingskills, • Improvementat thestudentscooparativestudying • Improvement of thestudents' self esteemandsocialization • Enhancingthestudents' willinglessto be a part of thesolutionabouttheproblemsof theothers.

  14. Broadening espect of Europan citizenship of the participants • Overcoming of possible racial and xenophobic feelings by fighting against stereotypes 20 studentsand 12 teachersparticipated in LTT. Exceptthe LTT participants, allourstudentshavebeenaffectedpositively !!! The results of our surveys show that we reached these consequences.

  15. Improvementthestudents' vocationalcompetence on WEB programminganddesigninginterfaceand logo Thenumber of thestudentswhojoinedthecompetition:35 Thenumber of thestudentswhostudied on thedesign of thewebsite: 25 Thestudentswhojoinedtothe workshop of video editting:25 • Mobile application for sustainability. • Our website was designed suitable to mobile. • The rate of use of mobile:

  16. The outputs of our Project • A logo wasselectedamongthestudentsdesignsandused in our web portal andall in ourdisseminationfacilities

  17. A web portal thatwepreparedbyusingselectedcollaborativeteachingmethods • At least 1000 video-lessondatabasethatthestudentsprepared • Postersthatthestudentsdesignedtoadvertisetheportal • Video-tutorialsaboutthemethodsweselect • Thereportsthatwrittenaftereachmeetingand at theend of theproject

  18. 240 wordswerechosenby 5 countriesandpronounced, thenthevisualsrenewed. Sothenewversion of DENIS which is suitableto us wasprepared. • Forthedissemination of theproject, thenews in thelocalpress, brochuresandposterswereprepared. • Socialmediaaccountswerecreatedandmadesharings

  19. Peer EducationRoomsdesignedsuitableforthepurpose

  20. Certificatesthateachparticipant had at theend of eachmeeting • .AllschoolspreparedErasmuscorners. • Scrabbletournaments • Satisfactionsurveyfortheteachersandstudents

  21. Theproblemsthatwefaceduringtheproject • Budget wasenough but locallywefacedsomeproblemsaboutprovidingthemoney on time. • We had someproblemsabouttheregularapplication of DENIS. • Theexaminationdateswererevisedaccordingtothe partner schools’ suitability. • Thenumber of uploadedvideosforpearlsroom site was not equalfromallthepartners. Andthecontrubutionwas not equal, too. So, in ordertoreachthetargettednumber of videos , Turkey had togetextraloadandmoreeffortthan it should. • Whenwelook at the web map; we can seethatthere is noequalsupportfordissemination of the site.

  22. Did we obey the plan in all LTT ve TPM’s? • Yesweobeyed. Wemadealltheworkshopsthatwe had committed, anddiscussedallthetopicsthatwassupposedto.

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