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Sustainable Urban Partnerships Call 2018

Call to promote integrated urban development through partnerships among Local Authorities of EU Member States and partner countries in line with the 2030 Agenda, focusing on urban governance, social inclusiveness, green cities, prosperity, and innovation.

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Sustainable Urban Partnerships Call 2018

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Information Session Brussels, 7 November 2018

  2. to promote integrated urban development through partnerships built among Local Authorities of the EU Member States and of partner countries in accordance with the 2030 Agenda on sustainable development Global objective of the call

  3. The proposed partnerships must address the following specific objective: • Strengthen urban governance and at least one out of the three following objectives • Ensure social inclusiveness of cities • Improve resilience and greening of cities • Improve prosperity and innovation in cities Specific objectives +1

  4. Contribute to the achievement of SDG 11 • promote peer-to-peer learning and/or exchanges and/or short-term deployment of public officials' expertise at subnational level towards sustainable urban development - twinning/decentralised cooperation • Promote multi-stakeholders and multi-sectors approaches 3 Priorities to address:

  5. At least one of the below listed additional priority should be targeted Triangular cooperation between two or more developing countries supported by a developed country Smart cities refersto theuses of information and communication technologies to increase cities' operational efficiency, share information with the public and improve both the quality of government services and citizen welfare Job creation Additional priorities:

  6. Lot 1: Partnerships for sustainable cities in Sub-Saharan Africa; €23.6M Lot 2: Partnerships for sustainable cities in Asia and the Pacific; €10M Lot 3: Partnerships for sustainable cities in Latin America, Central America and the Caribbean; €10M Lot 4: Partnerships for sustainable cities in the Neighbourhood South and East; €9.5M Geographic lots

  7. Budget for each Proposal

  8. EU contribution

  9. The initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 24 months nor exceed 60 months. Duration of the actions

  10. Under all lots: the lead applicant must act with a minimum of one co-applicant If the lead applicant is established in a EU Member State the co applicant must be established in the beneficiary country and vice versa Eligibility criteria:

  11. a legal person and • non-profit-making and • a Local Authority (LA) or an Association of Local Authorities (ALA) including city networks Lead applicant must be (I)

  12. be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary • be established in one of the eligible countries or territories as described in Annex N Lead applicant must be (II)

  13. be a legal person • Local Authority (LA), Association of Local Authorities (ALA) (including city networks),  public or semi-public body / agency (example: water distribution, waste management…), University or a Research centre • be established in one of the countries or territories describe in the annex N Co-applicant(s) must be

  14. EU Member States; • Developing countries and territories, as included in the list of ODA (OECD-DAC), which are not members of the G-20 group; • Or which are members of the G-20 group, but where the country itself is a beneficiary of the action; • Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) • other countries and territories, when they are beneficiaries of the action financed by the Union under the DCI Instrument; List of eligible countries or territories (Annex N)

  15. The lead applicant may not submit more than 1 application as lead applicant • The lead applicant may be a co-applicant or affiliated entity in 1 more application at the same time • A co-applicant/affiliated entity may be the co-applicant or affiliated entity in 2 applications at the same time Nb of applications per applicants

  16. The lead applicant and its co-applicant(s) may act with affiliated entity(ies). Affiliated entities: Only entities having a structural link with the applicants (i.e. the lead applicant or a co-applicant), in particular a legal or capital link. Affiliated entity(ies) must satisfy the same eligibility criteria as the lead applicant and the co-applicant(s). Affiliated entities

  17. Associates: Other organisations (e.g. civil society organisations) or individuals may be involved in the action. Such associates play a real role in the action but may not receive funding from the grant, with the exception of per diem or travel costs • Contractors: The beneficiaries and their affiliated entities are permitted to award contracts. Associates or affiliated entity(ies) cannot be also contractors in the project. Associates and Contractors

  18. The publication language of the call is English. Applicants can apply in: English, French, Spanish or Portuguese Applicants that submit proposals in French, Spanish or Portuguese must use the English grant application form (Annex A) Annex P : courtesy translation in French Languages

  19. Indicative Calendar

  20. Questions

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