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NSW Aboriginal Economic Development: Strategies and Partnerships

Overview of initiatives to address increasing unemployment among Aboriginal people, including policies, targets, and partnership opportunities. Focus on economic participation, public sector employment, and government contracting. Community governance frameworks and planning considerations discussed.

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NSW Aboriginal Economic Development: Strategies and Partnerships

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  1. Two Ways TogetherNSW Aboriginal Land Council State Conference 4 March 2009

  2. Two Ways Together Economic Development

  3. Overview • The Aboriginal unemployment rate is increasing • (20% up from 15.6% in 2005) • 49,000 Aboriginal people of working age not in employment • Only 0.5% of businesses in NSW owned/operated by Aboriginal people

  4. COAG – halving the gap in employment outcomes • Nationally 100,000 jobs needed to halve the gap • National Partnership Agreement on increasing economic participation • Increasing public sector employment targets to 2.6% • Increasing opportunities through government contracting • Increasing employment opportunities through other COAG reforms

  5. NSW Aboriginal Economic Development Policy • Currently over 160 initiatives being delivery across some 30 agencies • Policy will focus on linking initiatives as part of a sound strategy

  6. NSW Public Sector Employment • 2% employment target achieved in 2007 • Review of Making It Our Business – NSW Government Aboriginal Employment Strategy

  7. Government Contracting • Aboriginal Participation in Construction Guidelines • 15 Projects targeted under the State Plan

  8. Private sector employment • Overarching Job Compact • 11 location specific Job Compacts

  9. QUESTIONS • What strengths/competitive advantage do land councils have in relation to economic development? • Local • Regional • State

  10. QUESTIONS • Are there any gaps in current policy/programs/initiatives?

  11. QUESTIONS • What opportunities are there for government and land councils to work together to promote jobs, businesses etc?

  12. Two Ways Together Partnership Community Program

  13. What is the Draft Partnership Community Governance Framework designed to do?

  14. Why is the Draft Framework important?

  15. What will the community governance body do?

  16. How was the Draft Framework developed?

  17. What the consultation process told us

  18. How will the Draft Framework Work?

  19. Community Action Plans and LALC planning: How can we link them?

  20. QUESTIONS PLANNING • How can we link Community Action Plans and LALC Planning? FRAMEWORK • What issues would your LALC raise if it were considering becoming a community governance body? • Even if the LALC did not want to be the community governance body could it help facilitate the process?

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