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Healthy People 2020 Public Health Unit

Healthy People 2020 Public Health Unit. Objectives : TSWBAT – Evaluate reasons why the USA ranks poorly worldwide in life expectancy. Establish different types of health disparities. Assess reasons why HP2010 failed and how HP2020 can meet realistic expectations for our country.

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Healthy People 2020 Public Health Unit

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  1. Healthy People 2020Public Health Unit Objectives: TSWBAT – Evaluate reasons why the USA ranks poorly worldwide in life expectancy. Establish different types of health disparities. Assess reasons why HP2010 failed and how HP2020 can meet realistic expectations for our country. Create a public health campaign for HP2020 around a chosen proposed objective.

  2. Let’s Brainstorm • The 20th Century's Ten Great Public Health Achievements in the United States • What do you think would make the top ten achievements? • http://whatispublichealth.org/impact/achievements.html

  3. Leading Causes of Death - 1900

  4. Leading Causes of Death - USA

  5. Question? • What was the life expectancy at birth the year 1900? • 47.3 years • What is the life expectancy today (2010)? • 77.9 years

  6. What is Life Expectancy Worldwide?

  7. Where does the US rank vs. the World? • https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2102rank.html

  8. AMMMERRRIIICCCAAAA!!!!! Why are we ranked 51st?! What are we doing wrong?! What can we do to fix it?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drDSALCKH_Y

  9. Your turn… • After looking at causes of death, life expectancy, and public health achievements today – please finish the following sentence: • I believe the top three health concerns the HHS needs to address today are: • 1. _____________________________ • 2. _____________________________ • 3. _____________________________

  10. Health Disparities http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/disparities/index.htm • What makes us different from each other? • Sex / Gender • Race / Ethnicity • Income / Education • Socioeconomic Status • Disabilities • Sexual Orientation

  11. HHS Secretary The job: • Revolves around human conditions & concerns in the USA • Advises the President on matters of health, welfare, & income security programs. • Carry out approved programs & make the public aware of the objectives of the department.

  12. Healthy People • 1990 – 2000 – 2010 – 2020 • A statement of national health objectives designed to identify the most significant preventable threats to health and to establish national goals to reduce these threats. • Each is a 10 year plan • HP2010 - did it work?

  13. Healthy People 2020 • Officially released Nov./Dec. 2010 • Website: http://www.healthypeople.gov/hp2020/ • Intro video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJzSxm45bl8

  14. HP 2020 • What do you think should be major issues to address in 2020? • What are health issues important to you?

  15. HP 2020 Project • You have been hired to design a Public Service Announcement concerning Healthy People 2020. • You are a public health educator: • Choose one topic area • Decide why this objective is a serious public health issue to YOU • Establish a campaign around this objective that can hopefully change the US life expectancy number in 2020

  16. Campaign Ideas • Rap song / Rock song lyrics • Video (commercial, PSA, role playing, etc.) • Cartoon strip • Poster, bulletin board, billboard, etc. • Pamphlet • PowerPoint Slides • Games (board, crossword, etc.) Anything goes!

  17. HP 2020 Project • You will receive two health classes to complete/finish your work. Any extra time needed will be homework. • All projects will be done individually but you may use your classmates for support. • You do not have to be artistic – just CREATIVE! • Handouts – directions & grading rubric • Due date for this project is _________.

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