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Organic Architecture - Frank Lloyd Wright Lesson Unit

Explore the principles of organic architecture by studying the innovative designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. Discover how architecture can harmonize with nature, creating unique and sustainable structures.

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Organic Architecture - Frank Lloyd Wright Lesson Unit

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  1. ISTITUTO ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE “LEONARDO DA VINCI” ITS Turismo - Amministrazione Finanza e Marketing- Costruzione Ambiente e Territorio-Trasporti e Logistica IPSIA Manutenzione - Elettronico – Meccanico- Abbigliamento e Moda Via Kennedy, 45 - 84073 Sapri (SA) – C.M. SAIS037006 – C.F. 84002200651 Tel. 0973/391336 - Fax. 0973/603876e-mail: sais037006@istruzione.it - web:www.iissapri.it ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT Lesson Unit – CLIL DNL: Progettazione, Costruzioni e Impianti CLASSE V A – COSTRUZIONE, AMBIENTE E TERRITORIO


  3. ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE IS NOT A STYLE WHAT’S A STYLE? It’s a set of repeatingelements

  4. ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE… … is a way of thinkingaboutdesign. Whatdoesitmean? Itmeansthatorganicarchitectureis an architectural idea whichpromotesharmonybetween: Man – made structure Nature

  5. THANKS TO ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE… …buildings and surroundingsbecome part of a unified and interrelatedcomposition, and in this way each building isunique.

  6. PAY ATTENTION! ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE… … isnot a style of Nature’simitation, butrather, a reinterpretation of Nature’sprinciples to buildnaturalforms.

  7. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT A SHORT BIOGRAPHY He wasborn in Wisconsin in 1867. His career grew up in the 19th century under the influence of the great American architect Louis Sullivan. Buthisgreatestbuildingsweredesigned in the 20th century. He died in 1959.

  8. WRIGHT’S WAY OF THINKING He thoughtthat the cosmoswas made up of the fourelements: EARTH AIR FIRE WATER All of theseelements play their part in manyhouses by Wright.

  9. EARTH AIR Itispresent in exposedbrickwork, beautifullycrafted, inside and out. An Organichousehasmanydoors and French Windows opening into the garden and on terraces and balconiesthatinvite to spendmany time outside. WATER FIRE Water isless easy to bringinto a house in a visible way, but Wright managedit. The mostimportantexample of thisisFallingwater, in Pennsylvania, a housebuilt over a waterfall Wright saw the hearthas the symbolic and literal centre of the home. So many of hishiouse are plannedaround a centralfireplace.

  10. WRIGHT’S IDEAS Wright wasinsistenton the closerelationshipbetween inside and outside, house and garden. His masonry of balconiesoftenincludesplanters and in this way the green world of the garden isbrought right up to the house.

  11. MINIMAL IMPACT ON THE LANDSCAPE «a houseshouldnot be placedon a hill, butshould be of the hill» a houseshouldnot be imported from outside, butitshouldform an organic part of the landscape

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