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High Voltage Multiplexing for ATLAS Tracker Upgrade EG Villani on behalf of the ATLAS HV group. STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Outlook. I ntroduction: ATLAS Upgrade HV mux needs HV project description: devices and control circuitry Summary & conclusions. 1.
High Voltage Multiplexing forATLAS Tracker UpgradeEG Villani on behalf of the ATLAS HV group STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Outlook • Introduction: ATLAS Upgrade HV mux needs • HV project description: devices and control circuitry • Summary & conclusions 1
ATLAS Phase II Tracker Upgrade • Phase 2 (HL-LHC) • Replacement of the present Transition • Radiation Tracker (TRT) and Silicon • Tracker (SCT) with an all-silicon • strip tracker Conceptual Tracker Layout • Challenges facing HL-LHC silicon detector upgrades • Higher Occupancies ( 150 interactions / bunch crossing) • Finer Segmentation • Higher Particle Fluences ( 1014outmost layers to 1016 innermost layers • Increased Radiation Tolerance ( 10increase in dose w.r.t. ATLAS ) • Larger Area (~200 m2) • Cheaper Sensors • More Channels • Efficient power/bias distribution / low material budget Short Strip (2.4 cm) -strips (stereo layers): Long Strip (4.8 cm) -strips (stereo layers): r = 38, 50, 62 cm r = 74, 100 cm From 1E33 cm-2 s-1 …to 5E34 cm-2 s-1 3
The Stave concept andHV distribution in ATLAS Upgrade • Designed to reduce radiation length • Minimize material by shortening cooling path • 48 Modules glued directly to a stave core with embedded pipes • Designed for mass production • Simplified build procedure • Minimize specialist components • Minimize cost ~ 1.2 meters Carbon fibre facing Stave Cross-section Bus cable A Stavelet is a shortened stave prototype with up to four modules on each side, used for preliminary tests, including power distribution Carbon honeycomb or foam Coolant tube structure Hybrids 4
HV distribution in ATLAS Upgrade • The ‘ideal’ solution would be one HV bias line for each sensor: • High Redundancy; • Individual enabling or disabling of sensors and current monitoring; • But the increased number of sensors in the Upgraded Tracker implies a trade off among material budget, complexity of power distribution and number of HV bias lines. • Use single (or more) HV line to power all 12 sensors in a ½ stave and use one HV switch under DCS control for each sensor to disable malfunctioning detectors. 5
HV distribution in ATLAS Upgrade • DC Reference Approach • Each Sensor sees a different bias voltage (over-deplete top sensors in serial power chain by ~30V) • Current measuring circuit may be placed on each hybrid • Some mixing of HV and LV (DC) currents • AC Reference Approach • All detectors see same bias voltage • Current measuring circuit most naturally located on End-of-Stave Card • No mixing of HV and LV (DC) currents HV SW HV SW HV SW HV SW 6
HV distribution in ATLAS Upgrade: devices • High Voltage switches requirements: • Must be rated to 600V (or more for pixels) plus a safety margin • Must be radiation hard (rules out most of Si based devices and optocouplers) • Off-state impedance Roff>> 1GΩ • On-state impedance Ron<< 1kΩ and Ion > 1mA • Must be non-magnetic (rules out electromechanical switches) • Must maintain satisfactory performance at -30 C • Must be small and cheap 8
HV distribution in ATLAS Upgrade: devices • High Voltage switches considered: • Si based devices: • Bipolar transistors: main effect of radiation damage is lowering of gain and relatively high base current required • MOS transistors: high voltage power MOSFET usually have thick gate oxide that makes them not rad – hard ( possible exception – see later slides) • Si JFET: potentially rad – hard but hard - to - find • Non – Si based devices: • SiC based devices: on the market there are already examples of High Power rated devices SiC JFET (Semisouth) BJT (Fairchild/Transic), SiC SJT (Genesic) • GaN devices: (Transphorm, Panasonic, Infineon ) as for SiC devices there are switches operating at kV’s Materials Property Si SiC-4H GaN Band Gap (eV) 1.1 3.2 3.4 low leakage; higher displacement threshold (more rad-hard) Critical Field 1E6 V/cm .3 3 3.5 higher BV voltage/thinner; Electron Mobility (cm2/V-sec) 1450 900 2000 Electron Saturation Velocity (106 cm/sec) 10 22 25 higher current density; Thermal Conductivity (Watts/cm2 K) 1.5 5 1.3 easier cooling; 9
HV distribution in ATLAS Upgrade: SiC device tests • Initial 4-switch box with SemiSouth SiC JFET SJEP170 with slow controlled circuitry was tested to switch a stavelet; no additional noise seen 10
HV distribution in ATLAS Upgrade: SiC device tests Ids(A) Ids(pA) Pre irradiation Pre irradiation Post irradiation Post irradiation Vds(V) Vgs(V) • Semisouth SJEP170 JFET characterization tests • Pre and post irradiation tests results (>30Mrad gamma) 11
HV distribution in ATLAS Upgrade: SiC device tests Beam profile Los Alamos Sep 2012 SemiSouth SJEP170 Run: Irradiation up to 5E14 1MeV n-eq 12
HV distribution in ATLAS Upgrade: SiC device tests ID [A] ID [A] Fast pulse test: a (negligible) increase in on-state resistance is observed following irradiation 13
HV distribution in ATLAS Upgrade: SiC device tests IG [pA] IS [pA] IG [pA] IS [pA] • Off-state leakage current preliminary test resultsvery good • Unfortunately, SemiSouth went out of business in 2012 14
HV distribution in ATLAS Upgrade: Si device tests Si JFET 800 μm 800 μm • #4 Silicon High Voltage N JFETs 2N6449 devices mounted on a PCB, #3 bare dies JFETs of the same type and #3 PCB samples were irradiated to 1/3 1015 p/cm2 with 26 MeV protons (doses of around 1MGy in 10 minutes) at Birmingham University, UK • The JFETs mounted on PCB were previously characterized at RAL: for Vds = 250 V and Vgs = -9 V maximum Ids < 200 pA for the 4 devices tested • Onset of Breakdown at Vdg = 300 V, as per DS • The JFETs show an average DC resistance of 1.8kOhm @ [Vgs = 0 V, T = 22 C] • The bare dies JFETs were irradiated to study their gamma spectrum emission 15
HV distribution in ATLAS Upgrade: Si device tests VGS(V) VGS(V) IGS(A) IDS(A) IDS(A) IGS(A) IDS(A) IDS(A) • Si JFET # 4 I - V curves: UNIRRADIATED IDS , IGS vs. VGS (left), IRRADIATED IDS , IGS vs. VGS (right)Maximum Idscompliance: 2 mAMaximum Igscompliance: 0.1 mAUNIRRADIATED Ids = 50 pA @ [VGS =-9 V Vds =250 V] IRRADIATED Ids = 37 nA @ [VGS =-11 V @ Vds =250 V] • Leakage current increases by around 3 o.f.m. (but so would leakage current of sensors); • Main issue is the increased Rdson ( kohm to 100’s khom) preventing their use as mA switches; • Interfet (manufacturer) potentially interested in fabricating P type JFET (which may be more rad – hard) 16
HV MUX control scheme Negative HV multiplier To Detector HV JFETDEPL filter V source -HV • Regardless of the devices used as HV switches, a control circuitry, referenced to a high potential, to enable them is needed • An investigated option consists of an AC coupled control switch based upon a voltage multiplier (it works with depletion and enhancement mode devices depending on the polarity of the diodes ) 17
HV MUX control scheme Negative HV multiplier To Detector HV JFET Average current consumption: 50 μA filter V source • The voltage needed is generated using a 2.5 V (or lower amplitude) square wave AC. Only the coupling capacitors from Vsrc need to be rated for HV. • The (in the example shown) negative voltage is generated ONLY when the JFET needs shutting off: no power is needed during normal operation (i.e. when the JFET switch is ON). 18
HV MUX control scheme test fin= 50 kHz Vbias =0V fin= 100 kHz Vbias =0V fin= 50 kHz Vbias =-300V fin= 50 kHz Vbias =-300V Multimeter : Fluke 287Signal generator: Tektronix AFG3252HV PSU: EA-BS315-04B (#2 in series to get 300V) V MPY Vout (Meter) ‘MOBO’ ‘DABO’ connection Vin (Sign. Gen) (HV PSU) Voltage MPY * The voltage across R2 is measured vs. amplitude and frequency of Vin ( square wave, 50% duty cycle) and for Vhigh = [0, -300] V * Applying -300 V a slight decrease in abs(Vout) is noticed (some leakage current over the board surface is the likely cause) 19
Conclusions • High Voltage distribution via HV switches and DCS control is being investigated • A number of devices, based upon Si and wider bandgap materials, are being investigated (Panasonic, Transphorm, Genesic, Cree, Interfet) but no final solution yet • The control circuitry to enable and disable the HV switches also being investigated. 20
Backup slides • A cascodescheme allows using lower voltage devices to achieve high voltage switching • More components, more area required • Increased rdson I
Backup slides Base current with 500 Ohm Base Series Resistor (Rc = 231k) Drain current with 500 Ohm Base Series Resistor (Rc = 231k) Some works on the SPICE model for the FSICBH057A120 SiC BJT, provided by Dave, will run some simulations with the control circuitry.* The Ib seems to be a little high for the control circuit as is, need some modifications to it (DGT, 2nd stage, cascode) II