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Finance, Information and Cluster Reporting Paul Stefanoski Director of Resources Black Country Partnership Trust Kevin Gittins PbR Finance Lead South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS FT. November 2013. Mental Health Payment by Results Guidance for 2013/14.
Finance, Information and Cluster Reporting Paul Stefanoski Director of Resources Black Country Partnership Trust Kevin Gittins PbR Finance Lead South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS FT November 2013
Mental Health Payment by Results Guidance for 2013/14 The three most important documents are: • MH Payment by Results Guidance for 2013/14 • MH Clustering Tool Booklet 2013/14 (Includes the Cluster Decision Tree chart) • MH Cluster Tool Allocation Algorithm (Based on Health of the Nation Outcome Scales) (HoNOS)
Mental HealthPayments by Results Guidance for 2013/14 • Comprehensive guidance can be found on the following website: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/mental-health-payment-by-results-arrangements-for-2013-14
MH Payment by Results (PbR) 2013/14 • “PbR is the term given to a payment system based on a standard price or tariff using an agreed contracting currency” • National Mental Health Contract currency is Care Clusters • Recognise the relationship between Needs, Price and Outcome • Interventions to be based on NICE guidance and Best Practice • Block contracts with an income guarantee to be maintained • Indicative Cluster Review Periods to be used in contracts • Difficulties of having a Single Price for all Commissioners • Unable to have a National Tariff for 2013/14 • Develop Payment System linked to Quality Outcomes Measures. • Develop Business Rules for a future Payment System • Improvements to the National Cluster Reference Costs for 2012/13 which will be used to help determine a National Tariff
Trust Comparison of the 2012/13 Cluster Day Activity Percentages
Cluster & PbR Challenges Mental Health Trusts are on a journey and working together Full Clinical Engagement is essential to success Access to prompt and reliable Clinical information Clinicians must be involved with developments and be able to drive change Ensure 100% of Service Users are allocated to Care Cluster Improve Data Quality and accuracy of Cluster information Cluster Reviews should be an integral part of Clinical Practice and be linked to CPA Reviews and completed at the same time Develop Care Pathways, Interventions and Quality Outcome measures for all Clusters using NICE guidance and Best Practice
Cluster Reporting Information to Commissioners • The Trust has been working with it’s main Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) to improve the accuracy and range of Cluster Reports available to improve the understanding of Clusters, Quality Outcomes and Data Quality Indicators.
Reporting Cluster Information to Commissioners The Trust provides the following Cluster Reports and Quality Metrics graphs to Commissioners: • Distribution of Cluster Days across all Clusters • Distribution of Service Users Caseload across Clusters • Distribution of Completed Cluster Review Periods across all Clusters • Distribution of Initial Assessments across all Clusters • Average Cluster Days within the Cluster Review Periods across all Clusters