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Communicating In Small Groups. Ten Key Points to Communicating in Small Groups. 1. Form small teams with complementary skills 2. Clearly define role and goals 3. Establish a pleasant working environment 4. Manage conflicts through cooperation
Ten Key Points to Communicating in Small Groups • 1. Form small teams with complementary skills • 2. Clearly define role and goals • 3. Establish a pleasant working environment • 4. Manage conflicts through cooperation • 5. Encourage open communication and keep an open mind
Ten Key Points to Communicating in Small Groups • 6. Collaborate rather than compete • 7. Divide leadership accordingly throughout various stages • 8. Establish a fair method for decision making • 9. Respect your group and your responsibilities • 10. Find a balance between work and play
Definition • Title: Small Group Communication • URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small-group_communication • Description: A clear definition of ‘Small Group Communication’
Books • Title: In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups and Teams • URL: http://www.amazon.com/Mixed-Company-Communicating-Small-Groups/dp/0495007269/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222647140&sr=1-5 • Description: Discusses concepts of small group communication along with how to apply them to real life situations. • Title: Communicating in Small Groups: Principles and Practices • URL: http://www.amazon.com/Communicating-Small-Groups-Principles-Practices/dp/0205449565/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222647140&sr=1-3 • Description: Provides principles of group communication with a focus on teamwork, technology, and ethical cooperation.
Books (Continued) • Title: The Fundamentals of Small Group Communication • URL: http://www.amazon.com/Fundamentals-Small-Group-Communication/dp/141295939X/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222647140&sr=1-10 • Description: Focuses on the individual within the group and what they have to gain and lose from their actions.
Educational Links • Title: Small Group Communication Context • URL: http://www.uky.edu/~drlane/capstone/group/ • Description: This site discusses and evaluates various theories on the subject of small group communication. • Title: Small Group Communication: A Theoretical Approach • URL: http://www.uky.edu/~drlane/teams/pavitt/ • Description: This site contains a course's lecture notes on small group communication.
Educational Links (Continued) • Title: Small Group Communication PowerPoint • URL:http://www.uwgb.edu/clampitp/Small%20Group/Small%20Group%20Communication%20Introduction.ppt • Description: The following link is a powerpoint presentation which serves as an overview of the topic of small group communication. • Title: Small Group Communication Notes • URL:http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~natt/com114/smallgroups.pdf • Description: The following link contains everything one needs to know about small group communication from its definition to the types of groups as well as the problems that may arise.
Blogs • Title: Why Teams Succeed And Why They Fail • URL: http://www.skorks.com/2008/09/why-teams-succeed-and-why-they-fail/ • Description: The blog explains why some teams succeed and some fail depending on the combination of leaders and followers forming the team. • Title: Dealing with Personality Types in Small Group Settings • URL: http://sbcghostrecon.wordpress.com/2008/09/23/dealing-with-personality-types-in-small-group-settings/ • Description: This blog talks about how to deal with different personalities and how to handle conflict accordingly.
Discussion Forums • Title: Improve Your Communication Skills • URL: http://www.mindtools.com/page8.html • Description: The discussion forum on this site is dedicated to improving personal and interpersonal skills such as stress management and group communication. Registration is required to access the discussion forum.
Newsletters • Title:Virtual Teams: The Communications Challenge • URL:http://www.impactcommunicationsinc.com/pdf/nwsltr_2008/ICINwsltrff0805.pdf • Description: Impact Communications Inc. releases monthly newsletters on their website. Problems associated with long-distance group communication are addressed. • Title:Five Hidden Traps in Meetings • URL:http://stevekaye.com/ez/ez_0603.html • Description: Business consultant Steve Kaye specializes in helping business leaders hold effective group meetings and identifies some of the pitfalls to avoid.
Newsletters (Continued) • Title:Business Communication: Is it a Game? • URL:http://www.selfleadership.com.au/archive/March05.htm • Description: In this newsletter from Self Leadership International, the author discusses ways in which we can become more effective communicators within workplace groups.
Seminars • Title:Presentations to Small Groups • URL:http://www.theprescottgroup.com/pres_small_groups.htm • Description: The Prescott Group Communication Consultants offer a two-day business presentation seminar specifically designed for presenting to small groups.
Peer-Reviewed Journals • Title: Western Journal of Communication • URL: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/10570314.asp • Description: The Western journal of communication is dedicated to the publication of original scholarly manuscripts which advance our understanding of human communication. • Title: Small Group Research • URL: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsProdDesc.nav?prodId=Journal200891 • Description: A leader in the field of small group research
Credits Ariela Moyal Andrew Eylott David Mitchell Denitsa Ikonomova Paul David Xi Cao