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In response to a records request submitted about the inconsistent legislative actions taken by the governments of the State of California and the State of Missouri following the suicides of Audrie Taylor Pott (on September 12th 2012) and Catherine Daisy Coleman (on August 04th 2020); Californiau2019s Department of Public Health (CDPH) disclosed records acknowledging that they recognize the month of September 10th as World Suicide Prevention Month...
1/24/24, 12:30 PM Gmail - California Public Records Request - P020488-121923 Michael Ayele <waacl13@gmail.com> California Public Records Request - P020488-121923 Michael Ayele <waacl13@gmail.com> To: Laura.Webster@cdph.ca.gov Cc: "Webster, Laura@CDPH" <Laura.Webster@cdph.ca.gov> Bcc: Michael Ayele <waacl1313@gmail.com>, "Michael Ayele (W)" <waacl13@gmail.com>, Michael Ayele <waacl42913@gmail.com> Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 9:18 AM Email received. Thanks. Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W Anti-Racist Human Rights Activist Audio-Visual Media Analyst Anti-Propaganda Journalist On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 11:01 PM Webster, Laura@CDPH <Laura.Webster@cdph.ca.gov> wrote: Hello, Michael Ayele (a.k.a.) W, Per your request attached are the Response and Attachments for Public Records Request - P020488-121923. Please confirm that you have received this email. Best regards, Laura Webster SSM I CDPH/CDIP/ IVPB https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=be10e4fd3f&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-a:r1035305486975110456&dsqt=1&simpl=msg-a:r103530548… 1/1
1)Have you had conversations about the provisions of HIPAA failing to prohibit current/former U.S healthcare workers from expressing a verbal and/or written objections if they believe that a patient has been subjected to medical treatment that offends their conscience? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Injury and Violence Prevention Branch (IVPB) does not have records pertaining to this request. 2)Have you had conversations about the provisions of HIPAA failing to prohibit current/former U.S healthcare workers from expressing a verbal and/or written objections if they believe that a patient has been subjected to medical treatment they consider to be discriminatory and/or racist and/or sexist? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 3)Have you had conversations about the provisions of HIPAA failing to prohibit members of the general public / representatives of the media from requesting the personal health information (PHI) of a patient in a medical facility who may have been the victim of discrimination and/or racism and/or sexism? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 4)Have you had conversations about the decision of the Missouri Department of Mental Health (MODMH) Fulton State Hospital (FSH) to subject their former employee Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W to an “investigation” (that was offensive to his conscience) on October 26th 2013 and then afterwards “clear” him of that investigation on November 21st 2013 and then afterwards not provide him with documents of that “investigation” (they had conducted on him) and then afterwards not provide him with the PHI of Catherine Daisy Coleman? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 5)Have you had conversations about the written publications of Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W on the subject of World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) WSPD being distorted in such a way that would give the impression that the January 08th 2012 sexual assault Catherine Daisy Coleman was victim of did not cause her “long term physical, psychological and emotional effects, including depression, post-traumatic stress, thoughts of suicide, flashbacks and sleep disorders” even though the evidence suggests otherwise particularly given her August 04th 2020 suicide? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request.
6)Have you had conversations about the January 08th 2012 sexual assault Catherine Daisy Coleman was victim of? If yes, will you disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 7)Have you had conversations about the criminal charges that were filed by the State of Missouri on behalf of Catherine Daisy Coleman on (or around) January 09th 2014? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 8)Have you had conversations about the events and circumstances leading up to the August 04th 2020 suicide of Catherine Daisy Coleman following the sexual assault she was a victim of on (or around) January 08th 2012? If yes, will you disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 9)Have you had conversations about the decision of the State of Missouri not to take legislative action recognizing sexual violence as a factor increasing the risk of suicide even after what happened to Catherine Daisy Coleman in the days/weeks/months/years after January 08th 2012? If yes, will you disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 10)Have you had conversations about the decision of the State of Missouri not to take legislative action recognizing sexual violence as a factor that has the potential to increase the risk of suicide even though the State of Missouri had on January 09th 2014 filed criminal charges on behalf of Catherine Daisy Coleman, which recognized that she was on the night of January 08th 2012 “put at substantial risk” when she was left “outside of her home in below freezing temperatures” even though she was “incapable of protecting or caring for herself?” If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 11)Has your local/state government previously streamed the 2016 Netflix documentary entitled Audrie and Daisy for the purpose of raising awareness about sexual violence as a factor that could lead girls/women to commit suicide? If yes, will you disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request.
12)Has your local/state government ever formulated an opinion about sexual violence as a factor that increases the risk of girls/women to commit suicide? If yes, will you disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 13)Have you had conversations about the decision of the National Council on Disability (NCD) to recognize on January 30th 2018 that sexual assault (i) “is a public health and public safety concern with far reaching implications;” (ii) “is a deeply personal violation,” which “leaves physical and emotional impacts that change the lives of victims;” (iii) causes “long term physical, psychological, and emotional effects, including depression, post-traumatic stress, thoughts of suicide, flashbacks, and sleep disorders?” CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 14)Have you had conversations about the September 04th 2012 sexual assault Audrie Taylor Pott was victim of in the State of California? If yes, will you disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 15)Have you had conversations about the tragic decision of Audrie Taylor Pott to attempt suicide 6 days following her traumatic sexual assault? If yes, will you disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 16)Have you had conversations about the decision of the California government to enact Audrie’s Law on (or around) September 30th 2014, thereby recognizing sexual assault as a factor that could lead girls/women to commit suicide? If yes, will you disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 17)Have you had conversations about the wrongful death complaint that had been filed with the Santa Clara County Superior Court on behalf of Audrie Taylor Pott, which ended up being assigned Case No.: 1 - 13 – CV – 244689? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request.
18)Have you had conversations about the terms and conditions of the non-monetary settlement agreement, which was concluded following the filing of the wrongful death complaint that had been assigned by the Santa Clara County Superior Court the following the Case No.: 1 - 13 – CV – 244689? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 19)Have you had conversations about the decision of the Joseph Biden / Kamala Harris White House Administration to recognize on (or around) September 09th 2022 that (i) they “are still in the early stages of learning about the conditions that can lead to suicide, including job strain or loss, serious illnesses, and financial, criminal, legal, and relationship problems;” (ii) “suicide accounts for 1 (one) of every 100 (one hundred) deaths globally;” (iii) suicide is “the second leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 10 (ten) and 34 (thirty four)?” If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? CDPH, IVPB does not have records pertaining to this request. 20)Has your local/state government previously commemorated September 10th as World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD)? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? Yes, the CDPH Office of Suicide Prevention has acknowledged Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, Week, and Day. Records are attached from 2023, which include: an email blast that highlights suicide prevention information and resources; a suggested social media calendar with posts that partners could disseminate, and three posts made to the CDPH Facebook account. 21)Has your local/state government previously commemorated the month of September as World Suicide Prevention Month? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? Yes, the CDPH Office of Suicide Prevention has acknowledged Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, Week, and Day. Records are attached from 2023, which include: an email blast that highlights suicide prevention information and resources; a suggested social media calendar with posts that partners could disseminate, and three posts made to the CDPH Facebook account.
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Page 1 of 5 From: To: Subject: Date: CDPH Suicide Prevention Team Mann, Sara@CDPH September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Thursday, September 7, 2023 8:37:08 AM September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month This email communication is being brought to you by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Injury and Violence Prevention Branch’s Office of Suicide Prevention. <!--[endif]--> The mission of the Office of Suicide Prevention is to address the root causes of suicide and self-harm injuries through strong partnerships, dissemination of data, and promotion of evidence-informed public health prevention strategies that create safe and healthy communities across California. September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a dedicated time for us to come together with compassion to address this difficult topic and have honest conversations about mental health and suicide. Suicide is a serious public health problem that has lasting harmful effects on individuals, families, and communities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that in 2021, one person died to suicide every 11 minutes in the U.S. In California, suicide is the second leading cause of death among adolescents and young adults aged 15 to 24. Sadly, specific communities experience a disproportionate suicide burden based on their life experiences. This includes veterans, people who live in rural areas, LGBTQ+ individuals, people of color, and tribal populations. Please join us in supporting the promotion of September as Suicide Prevention Awareness month by getting involved in spreading awareness around this critical public health concern. CDPH Suicide Prevention Updates Upcoming Webinar – California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Injury and Violence Prevention Branch (IVPB) Webinar: California Suicide and Self-Harm Trends in 2021 Tuesday September 19, 2023 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (PST)
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Page 2 of 5 Presenters will highlight data for the state overall as well as provide a more detailed look at how suicide and self-harm have been experienced differently by age, race/ethnicity and/or sex. Presenters will also provide information on evidence-based suicide prevention strategies and current CDPH suicide prevention programs. Webinar Outline: CA Statewide Suicide Trends in 2021 CA Statewide Self-Harm Emergency Department Visit Injury Trends in 2021 Evidence-Based Youth Suicide Prevention Strategies Overview of CDPH Suicide Prevention Programs We encourage you to share the information about this webinar broadly. Please register for the Webinar: California Suicide and Self-Harm Trends in 2021 Suicide Prevention Web Page The CDPH Suicide Prevention web pages were recently redesigned and updated and now include new pages focusing on the Crisis Hotlines, Warmlines and Resources, Youth Suicide Prevention Projects, and Social Media Shareables. The new web pages are designed to be user-friendly and comprehensive, as well as provide more information on the function and activities of the CDPH suicide prevention efforts and programs. Youth Suicide Prevention Projects - Updates The CDPH’s Office of Suicide Prevention (OSP) is administering the following two youth suicide prevention projects as part of the CalHHS-sponsored Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI): 1. Youth Suicide Prevention Media and Outreach Campaign — The OSP is developing a data-driven, and community-based youth suicide prevention media and outreach campaign that will be implemented through 2025. The goal of the campaign is to reduce suicide ideation, attempts, and deaths by increasing awareness and utilization of resources, services, and supports among California youth up to age 25 who are disproportionately impacted by suicide. There are three components to the project: a media campaign co-created with youth; grants to community-based and tribal organizations to amplify and reinforce the campaign and implement youth-led suicide prevention activities; and an evaluation of all aspects of the project. To date, Civilian has been selected as the media/communication contractor. They have conducted extensive formative research, including youth listening sessions and rapid insight sessions with youth from priority populations across California, reaching nearly 300 youth in total. Concept testing with youth will take place in the Fall, with an anticipated media campaign launch in Spring 2024. The Sierra Health Foundation’s Center for Health Program Management has been selected as the implementation partner to oversee the community-based and tribal
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Page 3 of 5 organization projects and program evaluation is being led by UCLA. 2. Youth Suicide Reporting and Crisis Response Pilot Program — The OSP is also implementing this pilot program focused on county-level approaches to rapid reporting and responding to youth suicide and suicide attempts. Funded counties will develop and test models for making youth suicide and attempted suicide reportable events that initiate rapid and comprehensive responses (i.e., crisis response) within schools and community-settings. The goal of the pilot program is to strengthen reporting and crisis response systems so that healing can begin, and further suicides and attempts can be prevented. Ten counties were selected for participation. These counties include Alameda, El Dorado, Humboldt, Kern, Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego, San Joaquin, and Solano. Learn more by visiting our Youth Suicide Prevention Projects webpage. CDPH Suicide Prevention Data-Related Resources The CDPH OSP produced and released several suicide and self-harm data resources and reports, which can be found on CDPH’s Suicide Prevention webpage. Listed below are titles and links to those recently published reports: CalVDRS White Paper: Data Informs the Prevention of Violent Death Suicide Trends in 2021 Data Brief PowerPoint doc with updated data for Suicide Trends in 2021 Veteran Suicide in 2020 Data Brief Older Adult Suicide in 2020 Fact Sheet California Violent Death Reporting System (CalVDRS) Fact Sheet: Suicide in California, 2020 California Violent Death Reporting System (CalVDRS) Infographic: Suicide in California, 2020 Resources to Support Promotion of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Know the Signs Campaign Suicide Prevention Week (September 4 - 10, 2023) and World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10th, 2023) are quickly approaching! This is a time when individuals and organizations around the country and the world join their voices to broadcast the message that everyone can take action for suicide prevention and to remember loved ones lost to suicide. Every person and organization in California can play a role in suicide prevention by knowing the signs of suicide, finding the words to support a friend or family member, and by reaching out to and promoting local and national resources.
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Page 4 of 5 During Suicide Prevention Week and beyond, Californians are encouraged to take action for suicide prevention by recognizing the importance of strengthening resiliency, protective factors, and physical and emotional wellness throughout the lifespan and at difference life stages. We all have a role to play in suicide prevention. There are actions you can take right now to support yourself and those around you: To get started with your Suicide Prevention Week and World Suicide Prevention day planning, view and utilize the Annual Suicide Prevention Week Activation Kit which provides individuals, organizations, and communities with activities, posters, proclamation templates, social media posts and more. Together we can Be There by knowing the signs for suicide, finding the words to check-in with someone we are concerned about, and reaching out to resources. Visit suicideispreventable.org for more information. Together we can Be There by checking-in with ourselves and others, learning more, and getting support when needed. Visit takeaction4MH.com for more information. Complete one of the journal prompts, coloring pages, self-care practices, or breathing techniques in the Take Action for Mental Health Wellness Notebook and/or the Student Mental Wellness Thrival Journal and share copies with colleagues, friends, and family members. Connect with thousands throughout the country during Suicide Prevention Week online by using the hashtags #SuicidePrevention #BeThere. Learn about how to protect those who are in crisis by practicing lethal means safety, visit strivingforsafety.org. 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 988 has been designated as the three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (now known as the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline) and is active across the United States. When people call, text, or chat 988, they will be connected to trained counselors that are part of the existing Lifeline network. These trained counselors will listen, understand how their problems are affecting them, provide support, and connect them to resources if necessary. What is 988? The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline offers 24/7 call, text and chat access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing suicidal, substance use, and/or mental health crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress. People can also dial 988 if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support. We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States. 988 Social Media Shareables – 988 social media shareables were designed for use as social media posts, stories and threads. You can use the full videos as individual interactives on the social media platforms, or you can use the mix and match videos together to create your own versions that make sense for your audiences. Call or Text 988 Chat at 988lifeline.org
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Page 5 of 5 <!--[endif]--> Suicide Prevention Resource Center Suicide Prevention Resource Center provides tips on how to take action to help prevent suicide in your community, such as learning about effective suicide prevention, sharing stories of hope, and empowering everyone to be there for those in distress. Additional Resources To Explore American Foundation for Suicide Prevention CalHope Mental Health America National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention Now Matters Now Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAHMSA) The Jed Foundation The Mental Health Coalition The Trevor Project Additional Events In September In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is hosting a Facebook Live event on youth suicide prevention on September 19. Suicide is a leading cause of death among young people in the U.S. During the event, NIMH experts Drs. Lisa M. Horowitz and Stephen O’Connor will lead a discussion on how to talk to youth about suicide risk, how to identify the warning signs of suicide, risk factors for suicide, and NIMH- supported research on interventions for youth suicide prevention. Learn more! https://go.nih.gov/V4C75L1 . #SPM23 #suicideprevention <!--[endif]--> <!--[endif]--> For questions or requests to join our email list, please contact suicide.prevention@cdph.ca.gov. © 2023 Microsoft Dynamics. All rights reserved. California Department of Public Health Injury and Violence Prevention (IVP) Branch, 1616 Capitol Ave, Suite 74.436, MS 7214, Sacramento, CA 95814 Unsubscribe
2023 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — Social Media CalendarPage 1 of 9 Image Timing September Media Pitch September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Audience Message All September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. A time to come together to create awareness and learn more about suicide prevention. Check out Know the Signs for more information on steps we can all take to help prevent suicide and support those in need. National Suicide Prevention Week is the time when individuals and communities across the country join their voices to deliver the message that we can all take action to prevent suicide. Whether it's sharing hope, stories, time, resources, or experiences, all of these can serve as a powerful tool in suicide prevention. Week 1: Introduce the topic of September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month September Sharing Hope Together All Week 1: Introduce the theme of Suicide Prevention Week
2023 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — Social Media Calendar Page 2 of 9 Learn more: suicideispreventable.o rg September 5 steps to help someone at risk for self- harm and/or suicide All 1. Ask. 2. Keep them safe. 3. Be there. 4. Help them connect. 5. Follow up. Week 1: Check out: National Alliance of Mental Health’s Infographic on warning signs Source: NAMI
2023 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — Social Media Calendar Page 3 of 9 September Suicide Prevention Week- September 10-16th All #SuicidePreventionW eek is September 10- 16th. This week, we are focusing on the power of sharing hope. During suicide prevention week and beyond, sharing can create a sense of belonging and at the same time reduce and lighten the weight of our burdens, allowing us to take action together for suicide prevention. Learn more at suicideispreventable.o rg Week 2: Introduce the topic of suicide prevention and Suicide Prevention Awareness Week
2023 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — Social Media Calendar Page 4 of 9 September Suicide Prevention Week- September 10-16th Spanish Version #SemanaDeLaPrevenc ióndelSuicidio es del 10 al 16 de septiembre. Esta semana nos estamos enfocando especialmente en el poder que tiene el compartir la esperanza. Durante la Semana de Prevención del Suicidio y aún después, el compartir puede crear un sentido de pertenencia y al mismo tiempo reducir y hacer más liviano el peso de nuestras cargas, permitiéndonos tomar medidas juntos para la prevención del suicidio. Visita www.suicideisprevent able.org/spanish- resources.php para ver y descargar actividades y recursos Week 2: Introduce the topic of suicide prevention and Suicide Prevention Awareness Week
2023 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — Social Media Calendar Page 5 of 9 September Sept 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day Spanish version El 10 de septiembre de cada año, el Día Mundial para la Prevención del Suicidio brinda a todas las personas por todo el mundo la oportunidad de crear conciencia sobre el suicidio y la prevención del suicidio. Únete a personas por todo el mundo para honrar a todos aquellos que hemos perdido por suicidio, y para transmitir esperanza a quienes actualmente están luchando con esta situación compartiendo símbolos de esperanza y apoyo. Lo que te brinda esperanza y apoyo es personal para cada persona - puede ser encender una vela en tu ventana, tomar un tiempo para meditar o Week 2: Post on September 10th.
2023 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — Social Media Calendar Page 6 of 9 compartir una foto de un ser querido. September Sept 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day All World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10th. Join people around the world in honoring those we have lost to suicide and in bringing hope to those currently struggling by sharing symbols of hope and support - it could be lighting a candle in your window, taking time to meditate, or sharing a photo of a loved one. To help raise awareness and learn how to help those in Week 2: Post on September 10th.
2023 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — Social Media Calendar Page 7 of 9 crisis, visit suicideispreventable.o rg Takeaction4MH.com September 4 Reasons to call, text and chat 988 All If you or someone you care about is experiencing any of these signs, call or text 988, or chat 998lifeline.org/chat Week 3: Why one might reach out to 988 Source: 988/SAMHSA
2023 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — Social Media Calendar Page 8 of 9 September Be a lifeline All Be a lifeline for someone who is struggling, in crisis or considering #suicide. Call, chat, or text 988. You could save a life. @988lifeline Week 3: 988 is here to help you help others September 988 information All If you think someone is in crisis or at risk of #suicide, be a lifeline. Stay with them until you can get them help and call, chat, or text 988. Learn other ways to help www.samhsa.gov/suic ide #988lifeline Week 4:
2023 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — Social Media Calendar Page 9 of 9 September 988 Messaging All 988 Fact: What you say about yourself is your choice when you call, text or chat 988. The 988 Lifeline has several safeguards to address concerns about privacy. #suicideprevention #988lifeline Link: https://bit.ly/3R ncCQb Week 4:
CDPH Facebook Posts (2023) Page 1 of 3 September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
CDPH Facebook Posts (2023) Page 2 of 3 September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
CDPH Facebook Posts (2023) Page 3 of 3 September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
Michael A Ayele 25 Payrolls at a time are displayed. FIND NOW Find Payroll End Date: (CCYY) (MM) End Date Check Date Rate of Pay Gross Pay 12/31/2013 1/15/2014 17 - Mental Health Optional Life Insurance 533.92 533.92 Agency: System: REG Member: .00 Position Type: Payroll Cycle/Code: RS R - 77 Spouse: Child: .00 .00 Div/Org: 650 - F922 Basic Life: 2.32 Employee Contribution: 21.36 Updated: Retirement: LTD: 90.66 2.64 4/09/2014 End Date Check Date Rate of Pay Gross Pay 12/15/2013 12/31/2013 17 - Mental Health Optional Life Insurance 1,291.73 1,291.73 Agency: System: Position Type: REG RS Member: Spouse: 4.00 .00 Payroll Cycle/Code: R - 10 Child: .00 Div/Org: Employee Contribution: 51.67 650 - F922 Basic Life: Retirement: 5.62 219.34 Updated: 1/09/2014 LTD: 6.39 End Date Check Date Rate of Pay Gross Pay 3,306.55 11/30/2013 12/16/2013 3,306.55 Agency: 17 - Mental Health Optional Life Insurance System: Position Type: REG RS Member: Spouse: 4.00 .00 Payroll Cycle/Code: R - 10 Child: .00 Div/Org: Employee Contribution: 132.26 650 - F922 Basic Life: Retirement: 14.38 561.45 Updated: 12/10/2013 LTD: 16.37 End Date Check Date Rate of Pay Gross Pay 1,291.73 11/15/2013 11/27/2013 1,291.73 Agency: 17 - Mental Health Optional Life Insurance System: Position Type: REG RS Member: Spouse: 4.00 .00 Payroll Cycle/Code: Div/Org: R - 10 650 - F922 Child: Basic Life: .00 5.62 Employee Contribution: 51.67 Retirement: 219.34 Updated: 12/10/2013 Check Date LTD: 6.39 End Date Rate of Pay Gross Pay
10/31/2013 11/15/2013 2,572.91 2,572.91 Agency: 17 - Mental Health Optional Life Insurance System: Position Type: REG RS Member: Spouse: 4.00 .00 Payroll Cycle/Code: Div/Org: R - 10 650 - F922 Child: Basic Life: .00 11.19 Employee Contribution: 102.92 Retirement: 436.88 Updated: 11/08/2013 Check Date LTD: 12.74 End Date Rate of Pay Gross Pay 10/15/2013 10/31/2013 1,285.00 1,285.00 Agency: System: 17 - Mental Health Optional Life Insurance REG Member: 4.00 Position Type: RS Spouse: .00 Payroll Cycle/Code: Div/Org: R - 10 650 - F922 Child: Basic Life: .00 5.59 Employee Contribution: 51.40 Retirement: 218.19 Updated: 11/08/2013 Check Date LTD: 6.36 End Date Rate of Pay Gross Pay 9/30/2013 10/15/2013 3,888.73 3,888.73 Agency: System: 17 - Mental Health Optional Life Insurance REG Member: 4.00 Position Type: RS Spouse: .00 Payroll Cycle/Code: Div/Org: R - 10 650 - F922 Child: Basic Life: .00 16.92 Employee Contribution: 155.55 Updated: Retirement: LTD: 660.31 19.25 10/09/2013 End Date Check Date Rate of Pay Gross Pay 9/15/2013 9/30/2013 17 - Mental Health Optional Life Insurance 1,243.10 1,243.10 Agency: System: REG Member: 4.00 Position Type: Payroll Cycle/Code: RS R - 10 Spouse: Child: .00 .00 Div/Org: 650 - F922 Basic Life: 5.41 Employee Contribution: 49.72 Updated: Retirement: LTD: 211.08 6.15 10/09/2013 End Date Check Date Rate of Pay Gross Pay 8/31/2013 9/16/2013 17 - Mental Health Optional Life Insurance 1,215.50 1,215.50 Agency: System: REG Member: 4.00 Position Type: Payroll Cycle/Code: RS R - 10 Spouse: Child: .00 .00
Div/Org: 650 - F922 Basic Life: 5.29 Employee Contribution: 48.62 Retirement: 206.39 Updated: 9/10/2013 Check Date LTD: 6.02 End Date Rate of Pay Gross Pay 8/15/2013 8/30/2013 17 - Mental Health Optional Life Insurance 1,215.50 1,215.50 Agency: System: REG Member: 4.00 Position Type: Payroll Cycle/Code: RS R - 10 Spouse: Child: .00 .00 Div/Org: 650 - F922 Basic Life: 5.29 Employee Contribution: 48.62 Updated: Retirement: LTD: 206.39 6.02 9/10/2013 End Date Check Date Rate of Pay Gross Pay 7/31/2013 8/15/2013 17 - Mental Health Optional Life Insurance 1,215.50 1,215.50 Agency: System: REG Member: .00 Position Type: Payroll Cycle/Code: RS R - 10 Spouse: Child: .00 .00 Div/Org: 650 - F922 Basic Life: 5.29 Employee Contribution: 48.62 Updated: Retirement: LTD: 206.39 6.02 8/09/2013 End Date Check Date Rate of Pay Gross Pay 7/15/2013 7/31/2013 17 - Mental Health Optional Life Insurance 663.00 663.00 Agency: System: Position Type: REG RS Member: Spouse: .00 .00 Payroll Cycle/Code: R - 10 Child: .00 Div/Org: Employee Contribution: 26.52 650 - F922 Basic Life: Retirement: 2.88 112.58 Updated: 8/09/2013 LTD: 3.28