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IFRC role and action within the UN Decade of Action of Road Safety at Global Leve l. Istanbul, 11 May 2011. Mr. Paul Emes IFRC MENA Zone, Jordan. Background to the Decade of Action. Increasing global interest in the road crash crisis being generated through 2004 – 2009.
IFRC role and action within the UN Decade of Action of Road Safety at Global Level Istanbul, 11 May 2011 Mr. Paul Emes • IFRC MENA Zone, • Jordan
Background to the Decade of Action Increasing global interest in the road crash crisis being generated through2004 – 2009 Moscow Declaration for a Decade of Action in Road Safety” adopted at the Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety. (November 2009) ___ IFRC participated with the launch of its Call for Action in Road Safety. Unanimous UN vote and over 100 states co-sponsor for the UN Resolution proclaiming 2011-2020 a Decade of Action for road safety. (March 2010). Resolution stresses the need for multi-sector partnership.___ In March 2010 at the 64th General Assembly of the UN Matthias Schmale , IFRC Under Secretary General, made a statement on the IFRC role in road safety and its commitment to the Decade of Action. United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) develop strategy for the Decade based on five key pillars of road safety management, safer roads, safer vehicles, safer road users, and improved trauma care and rehabilitation services) . Goal: to stabilize and reduce the level of road traffic fatalities around the world by increasing road safety interventions conducted at the sub-national, national, regional and global levels. __ IFRC and its hosted project GRSP are members of the UNRSC. Countries begin to align their action plans around the Decade November 2011 – UN Secretary General makes a Decade of Action plea
“If significant preventive actions are not taken, we estimate that by 2020 road trauma will rank as the sixth biggest cause of death.” WHO
Matthias Schmale, Undersecretary General, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies speaking at the 64th General Assembly of the United Nations in March 2010 that passed a resolution creating Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020). “The road-crash crisis concerns us all. We must act without delay, first to prevent today’s deadly trend from worsening, and then to reverse it. Our vision is a world free of road-crash death and injury. The choice to move towards this vision is ours, collectively and individually”
The Decade of Action: Global Plan National activities will be based around the five “pillars for action” of the Global Plan and the partnership and co-ordination that brings them together RCRC action: -promote the good practices recomended by WHO on major risk factors; - participate in public debates and campaigns; - educate road users RCRC action: - advocacy - provide a platform for multi sectoral cooperation RCRC action:- first aid - first aid courses - advocacy
How partnerscanparticipate Civil society • Internal road safety mobilization inside an NGO • Provide platform for networking • Push existing pledges and commitments among partners • Activate and involve media, Governments and corporations • Attract new partners • Identify NGOs already involved • Be source of information • Use the tag to support the Decade • … Governments: • Develop and approve the national road safety strategies and plans • Advocate for road safety at the highest political levels • Ensure road safety law enforcement • Support and encourage partnerships in road safety • Transfer experience and knowledge between countries • … Private sector • Better understand road safety structure in your country and identify your possible role; • Review the road safety policy in your company. Focus on 1 or 2 major issues for employees. • If you are an international company in a country, identify if your company is a member of the Global Road Safety Partnership • Initiate or join road safety partnership in your country (consult with GRSP) • Contribute to the Decade fund in order to be able to display the Tag and be a Supporter of the Decade of Action. Visit the resources page on the www.decadeofaction.org • Use the tag which states "Company X supports the Decade”; • Get CEOs to publicly support the Decade • Engage the media • Participate in the preparation for the Decade of Action launch events - enhance the commitments in road safety through ensuring publicity for road safety plans in your country. …
IFRC commitment to road safety • The road safety issue is integrated in the IFRC Strategy 2020 and in its core fields of action: Health, Community Risk reduction, OD, Youth, Humanitarian diplomacy, Knowledge sharing & Partnership building. • The target audience of the IFRC programme 2010-2011 is the whole International Federation with National Societies in 186 countries. • The IFRC programme for 2010-2011 aims to reduce the number of deaths, illnesses and impact from road crashes. Its activities include regional workshops; support to National Societies in road safety project implementations, capacity building and training in every zone. • Throughout 2011 - the International Year of the Volunteer - the IFRC will measure and recognize the economic and social value of volunteering in tackling humanitarian issues, including road safety. National Societies worldwide will mobilize volunteers in a united campaign “Find the volunteer inside you”. The campaign provides vast opportunities for action for the road safety . • More than 60 National Societies are involved in road safety operations through their various programmes. • 8 May – the International Red Cross Red Crescent Day.
The IFRC has a Reference Centre for Road Safety through its hosted project, the Global Road Safety Partnership. • The Global Road Safety Partnership works to prevent road crash death and injury in low- and middle-income countries by working to implement effective solutions in partnership with business, government and civil societyorganizations. A hosted project of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, based in Geneva, Switzerland, GRSP’s vision is a world free of road-crash death and injury. www.GRSProadsafety.org
IFRC publications on road safety • "Road safety - Call for action" (launched at the world ministerial conference in Moscow, November 2009); “Practical Guide to Road Safety” – a tool kit for RCRC NSs.
IFRC personal road safety commitment card. www.ifrc.org