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This presentation outlines the purpose and core functions of the National Disaster Management Centre as per the Disaster Management Act. It covers strategic achievements, unit budget, and priorities for 2007/08. The NDMC aims to promote an integrated and coordinated disaster management system, emphasizing prevention and mitigation while monitoring compliance with disaster management frameworks and facilitating disaster recovery. Additionally, it focuses on capacity building, training, education, and research in disaster management. The presentation also details achievements in disaster response, funding secured, and operational successes in various disaster interventions. Budget details and strategic priorities for the upcoming year are highlighted. The report showcases successful initiatives and ongoing efforts to enhance disaster management in Southern Africa.
dplg 7 May 2007 2 INTRODUCTION • Purpose of NDMC and Core Functions • 2006/07 Strategic Achievements • Unit Budget • 2007/08 NDMC Strategic Priorities
dplg 7 May 2007 3 1. PURPOSE OF NDMC AND CORE FUNCTIONS As specified in the Disaster Management Act No. 57 of 2002 • The objective of the National Centre is to promote an integrated and co-ordinated system of disaster management, with special emphasis on prevention and mitigation, by national, provincial and municipal organs of state, statutory functionaries, other role-players involved in disaster management and communities. • The NDMC has to ensure an integrated disaster management approach within all three spheres of government. • As per section 15 of the Disaster Management Act the NDMC • must specialise in issues concerning disasters and disaster management; • must monitor whether organs of state and statutory functionaries comply with this Act and the national disaster management framework and must monitor progress with post-disaster recovery and rehabilitation • must act as a repository of. and conduit for, information concerning disasters, impending disasters and disaster management; • must make recommendations regarding the funding of disaster management and initiate and facilitate efforts to make such funding available; • must promote disaster management capacity building, training and education throughout the Republic, including in schools, and, to the extent that it may be appropriate, in other southern African states; • must promote research into all aspects of disaster management;
dplg 7 May 2007 4 1. PURPOSE OF NDMC AND CORE FUNCTIONS 4. As per section 16 of the Disaster Management Act • Develop and maintain a directory of institutional role-players that are or should be involved in disaster management in southern Africa 5. As per section 17 of the Disaster Management Act • Establish the Disaster Management Information System 6. As per section 18 of the Disaster Management Act • Gather information related to sections 16 and 17 7. As per section 19 of the Disaster Management Act • Develop guidelines for and review disaster management plans and strategies 8. As per section 23 of the Disaster Management Act • Classify and Record Disasters 9. As per section 24 of the Disaster Management Act • Submit an Annual Report to the Minister, who must submit the report to Parliament
Head of the Centre Appointed Eastern Cape Pilot Project i.r.o the Disaster Management Information and Communication System finalised and implemented. Stakeholder fora operationalised PDMC operationalised. IDMC operationalised and NDMAF established. Fire Brigade Board. Effective Management of the Drought Relief Programme (with DWAF). Successful implementation of the Working on Fire programme. Training and education standards for a professional disaster management career path developed in co-operation with SAQA. Unit Standards for NQF Level 7 have been developed. Honours Programme for Disaster Management implemented at the University of the Free State (in collaboration with DST, DWAF and the CSIR). Phase 1 of the integrated Disaster Management Information System has been implemented (Live Fire Early Warning system in place). Implementation of the Project Portfolio Office to monitor and track the implementation of the DM Act. Successful International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction Week held. dplg 7 May 2007 5 2. STRATEGIC ACHIEVEMENTS (2006/7)
k. Priority guidelines in terms of the NDMF developed. l. Disaster Situation Reporting System (SRS) implemented. m. Contract entered into with the Satellite Application Centre to provide pre-, during and post disaster satellite imagery for the purpose of Enhancing Early warning capability Expediting Disaster Damage Assessments Verification of the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program. n. Functional Provincial Disaster Management Centres have been established in all but one province with good progress being made at the District and Metropolitan Municipal level o. Disaster Intervention and Support Intervention in Taung (Flooding April 2006) Coordination and Planning Secured Funding from National Treasury (+- R100m secured for Province, District and Local Municipality). Intervention in WC/EC (Flooding August 2006) Coordination and Planning Secured Funding from National Treasury (+-R650m secured for National, Provincial and Local Government). Intervention in NC (Flooding 2006) Cabinet Process Funding secured from National Treasury (+-R25m secured for Local Municipalities affected). Coordinated response to Northern Cape veld fires (Dec 2006). Coordinated response to Mozambique flooding / tropical cyclone (Feb/March 2007). dplg 7 May 2007 6 2. STRATEGIC ACHIEVEMENTS (2006/7)
dplg 7 May 2007 7 3. BUDGET
dplg 7 May 2007 8 ANALYSIS OF THE OVERALL BRANCH BUDGET • NDMC Budget increases from R37,1 million in 2006/07 to R47,0 million in 2007/08, an annual increase of 26,8%. • The allocations for Disaster Management reflect an average annual real growth from 2006/07 to 2009/10 of 15,3 percent. • This increase is primarily as a result of an additional R10m in 2007/8, R15m in 2008/9 and R20m in 2009/10 for Disaster Intervention and support. This has occurred subsequent to the 2006/7 MTEC process where National Treasury, the NDMC and Disaster related line-function departments agreed upon new funding proposals for Disaster Management. • The largest budget allocations fall into the Professional Services and Helicopter Services categories.
STRATEGIC PRIORITIES (2007/8) dplg 7 May 2007 9 • 2010 Preparations • Guideline for Contingency Planning Developed for Host Cities • Assistance provided for development of Contingency plans • Assist with co-ordination of Fire Services. • Review of the Fire Brigade Services Legislation. • Fire Brigade Services • Review of the Fire Brigade Services Legislation. • Norms and Standards for the Fire Services published. • National Tender for the Procurement of Fire Vehicles and Equipment published by National Treasury. • Appointment of Director: Fire Services • Disaster Management Information System (Phase 2) • Continued Development of Early Warning Systems (Flash-floods and Floods). • Mainstreaming GIS and Satellite capability. • Vulnerability Atlas developed for South Africa.
STRATEGIC PRIORITIES (2007/8) dplg 7 May 2007 10 4. SAQA Process • SAQA unit standards for levels (3-6) completed. • ETQA for disaster management appointed. 5. Publishing of Guidelines and assessment of DM Plans • Priority Guidelines workshopped, edited and published. • Assessment of development of disaster management strategies, plans, frameworks and establishment of centres in all three spheres of government. 6. Continued support to Drought and Flood affected Provinces and Local Municipalities. 1. Deployment of Engineers (through MOU for Project Consolidate) to assist with Supply Chain Management, Engineering Capacity and verification of projects.
STRATEGIC PRIORITIES (2007/8) dplg 7 May 2007 11 7. Stakeholder Relations • MOU with United Nations University entered into to assist with Methodology for Disaster Risk Assessments. • MOU’s with Rail Safety Regulator, Council for Geoscience, South African Weather Service etc. finalised. 8. Regional and International Disaster Management Participation • SADC Disaster Management Forum participation prioritised. • United Nations Disaster Assessment and Co-ordination activities prioritised. • ISDR Activities prioritised. • Re-establish Emergency Operations Committee. • Annual Report as per section 24 of the NDM Act submitted to Minister / Parliament. THANK YOU