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Explore the annual work plan, best practices, and demographics of Jharkhand's Mid Day Meal Scheme. Learn about management structures, food grain distribution, financial demands, and program performance.
MID DAY MEAL SCHEME Annual Work Plan & Budget Dept. of School Education and Literacy Government of Jharkhand 25.05.18
Demographic Profile of Jharkhand • No. of districts – 24 • No. of blocks – 262 • No. of division – 05
Best practices followed by State - 1. Additional honorarium to cook cum helpers - Rs. 500 additional honorarium to cook cum helpers is given from State own resources. 2. Guru Gosthi – Every last Saturday of the month guru goshti is held at the block level in which all the head teachers of all schools of the block are present. Meeting is chaired by the Block Education Extension Officer (BEEO). In the meeting every school is reviewed and report is taken. 3. Additional Nutrition - One boiled egg/ apple or banana is served to the children thrice a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and Buiscuit/ MurhiChanaserved on Tuesday and Thursday. 4. Flavoured milk – 200 ml fortified falvoured milk per child per day is provided for 10,000 children in 35 schools of Latehar District by National Dairy Development Board’s (NDDB).
Best practices followed by State - 5. Inspection - 100% inspection of schools have been done by the officials of the State on quarterly basis. 6. Training of cook cum helpers – 100% cook cum helpers and Sanyojika of Saraswati Vahini Sanchalan Samiti (SVSS) have been trained by master trainers in 2017-18. 7. Door step delivery – Jharkhand has adopted door step delivery of food grains from FCI to school. For this purpose Rs. 200 per MT is borne by State own resources in addition to Rs. 750 per MT of central share. 8. LPG – Fund released for installation of 100% schools with LPG based cooking from State own resources.
Management Structures at State level Secretary Dept. of School Education and Literacy Director, Primary Education Director, JSMDMA District Superintendent of Education Saraswati VahiniSanchalanSamiti (Sub committee of SMC) Block Education Extension officer Headmaster
Food grains and Fund Flow mechanism • Cooking cost • Honorarium to cooks • MME • TC • COF • KD • KS Food grains FCI District wise allotment of food grains SFC Dep. of school Edu. & Lit. : DPE Block Godowns DSE JSMDMA Schools Saraswati Vahini SMC Chairman Cooking by Saraswati Vahini MDM to children
Action taken note on the issues raised in PAB - • 1. Less Coverage of Children against enrolment - • With the introduction of additional nutrition to children i.e. children are provided with eggs/ fruits for 3 days in a week, coverage of children has increased. As per AWP&B 2017-18 the coverage of children is 60% at primary and 56% at upper primary. Now as per AWP&B 2018-19 the coverage of children is 67% at primary and 63% at upper primary, hence overall increase of 7%. • Decrease in attendance is being examined and a programme named “PRAYAS” at every school is running to enhance retention by SSA. • “VIDYALAYA CHALEIN CHALAYEN ABHIYAN” is also being run every year in the month of April-May. • To check fake enrolment all students are being linked with aadhaar. • 2. Less coverage of No. of working days –Schools were closed down due to early summer vacation resulting in less coverage of working days. • 3. Kitchen cum store –Data for the same will be furnished to GoIseperately after AWP&B. Data reconciliation is in progress at district level. • 4. Less health check up under RBSKs – Around 82% of children are covered under RBSKs programme during FY 2017-18. Efforts are being made for 100% coverage of students under RBSKs and for timely distribution of IFA and de-worming tablets.
Action taken note on the issues raised in PAB - 5. Cook cum helpers- Out of 80288 cook cum helpers working under MDM, 79215 cook cum helpers have bank accounts. Number of cook-cum-helpers having bank account – 79215 No. of cases where payment is done through DBT – 40825 No. of cases where payment is done via NEFT - 38403 6. Payment to FCI –Directions have been issued to all District officials for clearing of outstanding dues of FCI. Letter no. 526 dated 11.11.2017 & 527 dated 11.11.2017 of this department has been written to GoI for demand and revalidation of funds under cost of food grains for clearing off the dues of FCI. 7. Automated monitoring system –Efforts are being taken to scale up the data entry through AMS. Directions have been given to the districts for ensuring 100% data entry through AMS. 8. Mismatch in the entered data on MIS-web portal – Effective mechanism will be put in place to ensure accuracy and quality of data entry in MDM-MIS portal.
Proposed Demand for FY 2018-19 at a glance- Physical -
Proposed Demand for FY 2018-19 at a glance- Financial -
Issues and suggestions FCI FCI refused to issue food grains without payment of pending bills of cost of food grains. Honorarium of cooks MME Increase in honorarium of cook-cum-helpers Increase in funds for MME for effective management of MDM.
Strategy for FY 2018-19 • Aprons to cook cum helpers. • Eating plates in 100% schools of Jharkhand. • Facilitation of schools with RO (reverse Osmosis) water facility under convergence. • Financial audit of MDM by Chartered accountant. • Social audit in 600 school on an pilot. • Kitchen garden in 5346 schools with convergence. • 200 ml falovoured fortified milk in 8 districts of jharkhand i.e. Ranchi, Khunti, Lohardaga, Gumla, Simdega, Hazaribagh, Ramgarh and Latehar.
Middle School Jagannathpur, Ranchi Serving of MDM by cooks and envolvement of Bal Sansad
Middle School Jagannathpur, Ranchi Hand washing before MDM through multi tap
Middle School Jagannathpur, Ranchi Hand washing after meal.