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Master the conjugation of common French verbs like "être," "avoir," and more with clear examples and practice exercises.
Jesuis I am, I am being Tues You are, You are being Il/Elle/Onest He/She/It is, He/She/It is being Noussommes We are, We are being Vousêtes You (all) are, You (all) are being Ils/Ellessont They are, They are being être (to Be)
Jee Tues Il/Elle/One Nousons Vousez Ils/Ellesent -ER (Regular)
J’ai I have, I do have, I am having Tuas You have, You do have, You are having Il/Elle/Ona He/She/It has, He/She/It does have, He/She/It is having Nousavons We have, We do have, We are having Vousavez You (all) have, You (all) do have, You (all) are having Ils/Ellesont They have, They do have, They are having Avoir (to Have)
Jevais I go, I do go, I am going Tuvas You go, You do go, You are going Il/Elle/Onva He/She/It goes, He/She/It does go, He/She/It is going Nousallons We go, We do, We are going Vousallez You (all) go, You (all) do go, You (all) are going Ils/Ellesvont They go, They do go, They are going Aller(to Go)
Jeprends I take, I do take, I am taking Tuprends You take, You do take, You are taking Il/Elle/Onprend He/She/It takes, He/She/It does take, He/She/It is taking Nousprenons We take, We do take, We are taking Vousprenez You (all) take, You (all) do take, You (all) are taking Ils/Ellesprennent They take, They do take, They are taking Prendre(to Take)
Jefais I make/do, I do make/do, I am making/doing Tufais You make/do, You do make/do, You are making/doing Il/Elle/Onfait He/She/It makes/does, He/She/It does make/do, He/She/It is making/doing Nousfaisons We make/do, We do make/do, We are making/doing Vousfaites You (all) make/do, You (all) do make/do, You (all) are making/doing Ils/Ellesfont They make/do, They do make/do, They are making/doing Faire(to Do/to Make)
Jepeux I can, I am able to Tupeux You can, You are able to Il/Elle/Onpeut He/She/It can, He/She/It is able to Nouspouvons We can, We are able to Vouspouvez You (all) can, You (all) are able to Ils/Ellespeuvent They can, They are able to Pouvoir(to Be Able To)
Jeveux I want, I do want, I am wanting Tuveux You want, You do want, You are wanting Il/Elle/Onveut He/She/It wants, He/She/It does want, He/She/It is wanting Nousvoulons We want, We do want, We are wanting Vousvoulez You (all) want, You (all) do want, You (all) are wanting Ils/Ellesveulent They want, They do want, They are wanting Vouloir(to Want)
Jemets I put/wear, I do put/wear, I am putting/wearing Tumets You put/wear, You do put/wear, You are putting/wearing Il/Elle/Onmet He/She/It puts/wears, He/She/It does put/wear, He/She/It is putting/wearing Nousmettons We put/wear, We do put/wear, We are putting/wearing Vousmettez You (all) put/wear, You (all) do put/wear, You (all) are putting/wearing Ils/Ellesmettent They put/wear, They do put/wear, They are putting/wearing Mettre(to Put, to Put On)
Jevois I see, I do see, I am seeing Tuvois You see, You do see, You are seeing Il/Elle/Onvoit He/She/It sees, He/She/It does see, He/She/It is seeing Nousvoyons We see, We do see, We are seeing Vousvoyez You (all) see, You (all) do see, You (all) are seeing Ils/Ellesvoient They see, They do see, They are seeing Voir(to See)
Jecrois I believe, I do believe, I am believing Tucrois You believe, You do believe, You are believing Il/Elle/Oncroit He/She/It believes, He/She/It does believe, He/She/It is believing Nouscroyons We believe, We do believe, We are believing Vouscroyez You (all) believe, You (all) do believe, You (all) are believing Ils/Ellescroient They believe, They do believe, They are believing Croire(to Believe)
Jeis Tuis Il/Elle/Onit Nousissons Vousissez Ils/Ellesissent -IR (Regular)
Common (Regular) –IR Verbs • Agir • Avertir • Bâtir • Bénir • Choisir • Établir • Finir • Grossir • Guérir • Maigrir • Nourrir • Obéir • Punir • Réfléchir • Remplir • Réussir • Rougir • Vieillir
Jesors I leave/take out, I do take out, I am taking out Tusors You leave/take out, You do take out, You are taking out Il/Elle/Onsort He/She/It leaves/takes out, He/She/It does take out, He/She/It is taking out Noussortons We leave/take out, We do take out, We are taking out Voussortez You (all) leave/take out, You (all) do take out, You (all) are taking out Ils/Ellessortent They leave/take out, They do take out, They are taking out Sortir(to Leave, to Take Out)
Jepars I leave, I do leave, I am leaving Tupars You leave, You do leave, You are leaving Il/Elle/Onpart He/She/It leaves, He/She/It does leave, He/She/It is leaving Nouspartons We leave, We do leave, We are leaving Vouspartez You (all) leave, You (all) do leave, You (all) are leaving Ils/Ellespartent They leave, They do leave, They are leaving Partir(to Leave)
Jedors I sleep, I do sleep, I am sleeping Tudors You sleep, You do sleep, You are sleeping Il/Elle/Ondort He/She/It sleeps, He/She/It does sleep, He/She/It is sleeping Nousdormons We sleep, We do sleep, We are sleeping Vousdormez You (all) sleep, You (all) do sleep, You (all) are sleeping Ils/Ellesdorment They sleep, They do sleep, They are sleeping Dormir(to Sleep)
Jesers I serve, I do serve, I am serving Tusers You serve, You do serve, You are serving Il/Elle/Onsert He/She/It serves, He/She/It does serve, He/She/It is serving Nousservons We serve, We do serve, We are serving Vousservez You (all) serve, You (all) do serve, You (all) are serving Ils/Ellesservent They serve, They do serve, They are serving Servir(to Serve)
Jes Tus Il/Elle/On Nousons Vousez Ils/Ellesent -RE (Regular)
Common (Regular) –RE Verbs • Attendre (to wait for) • Défendre (to defend) • Descendre (to go down, get off) • Entendre (to hear) • Fondre (to melt) • Perdre (to lose) • Prétendre (to claim) • Rendre (to give back, return) • Répondre (to answer) • Vendre (to sell)
Jedis I say, I do say, I am saying Tudis You say, You do say, You are saying Il/Elle/Ondit He/She/It says, He/She/It does say, He/She/It is saying Nousdisons We say, We do say, We are saying Vousdites You (all) say, You (all) do say, You (all) are saying Ils/Ellesdisent They say, They do say, They are saying Dire(to Say)
J’écris I write, I do write, I am writing Tuécris You write, You do write, You are writing Il/Elle/Onécrit He/She/It writes, He/She/It does write, He/She/It is writing Nousécrivons We write, We do write, We are writing Vousécrivez You (all) write, You (all) do write, You (all) are writing Ils/Ellesécrivent They write, They do write, They are writing écrire(to Write)
Jelis I read, I do read, I am reading Tulis You read, You do read, You are reading Il/Elle/Onlit He/She/It reads, He/She/It does read, He/She/It is reading Nouslisons We read, We do read, We are reading Vouslisez You (all) read, You (all) do read, You (all) are reading Ils/Elleslisent They read, They do read, They are reading Lire(to Read)
Jebois I drink, I do drink, I am drinking Tubois You drink, You do drink, You are drinking Il/Elle/Onboit He/She/It drinks, He/She/It does drink, He/She/It is drinking Nousbuvons We drink, We do drink, We are drinking Vousbuvez You (all) drink, You (all) do drink, You (all) are drinking Ils/Ellesboivent They drink, They do drink, They are drinking Boire(to Drink)
Jedois I must, I owe, I do owe Tudois You must, You owe, You do owe Il/Elle/Ondoit He/She/It must, He/She/It owes, He/She/It is does owe Nousdevons We must, We owe, We do owe Vousdevez You (all) must, You (all) owe, You (all) do owe Ils/Ellesdoivent They must, They owe, They do owe Devoir(to be Compelled to Do) – (Must or Owe)
Jereçois I receive, I do receive, I am receiving Tureçois You receive, You do receive, You are receiving Il/Elle/Onreçoit He/She/It receives, He/She/It does receive, He/She/It is receiving Nousrecevons We receive, We do receive, We are receiving Vousrecevez You (all) receive, You (all) do receive, You (all) are receiving Ils/Ellesreçoivent They receive, They do receive, They are receiving Recevoir(to Receive)
Jereçois I receive, I do receive, I am receiving Tureçois You receive, You do receive, You are receiving Il/Elle/Onreçoit He/She/It receives, He/She/It does receive, He/She/It is receiving Nousrecevons We receive, We do receive, We are receiving Vousrecevez You (all) receive, You (all) do receive, You (all) are receiving Ils/Ellesreçoivent They receive, They do receive, They are receiving Recevoir(to Receive)
J’ouvre I open, I do open, I am opening Tuouvres You open, You do open, You are opening Il/Elle/Onouvre He/She/It opens, He/She/It does open, He/She/It is opening Nousouvrons We open, We do open, We are opening Vousouvrez You (all) open, You (all) do open, You (all) are opening Ils/Ellesouvrent They open, They do open, They are opening Ouvrir(to Open)
Jesouffre I suffer, I do suffer, I am suffering Tusouffres You suffer, You do suffer, You are suffering Il/Elle/Onsouffre He/She/It suffers, He/She/It does suffer, He/She/It is suffering Noussouffrons We suffer, We do suffer, We are suffering Voussouffrez You (all) suffer, You (all) do suffer, You (all) are suffering Ils/Ellessouffrent They suffer, They do suffer, They are suffering Souffrir(to Suffer)
Jeoffre I offer, I do offer, I am offering Tuoffres You offer, You do offer, You are offering Il/Elle/Onoffre He/She/It offers, He/She/It does offer, He/She/It is offering Nousoffrons We offer, We do offer, We are offering Vousoffrez You (all) offer, You (all) do offer, You (all) are offering Ils/Ellesoffrent They offer, They do offer, They are offering Offrir(to Offer)
Jesais I know, I do know Tusais You know, You do know Il/Elle/Onsait He/She/It knows, He/She/It does know Noussavons We know, We do know Voussavez You (all) know, You (all) do know Ils/Ellessavent They know, They do know, Savoir(to Know)
Jeconnais I know, I do know Tuconnais You know, You do know Il/Elle/Onconnaît He/She/It knows, He/She/It does know Nousconnaissons We know, We do know Vousconnaissez You (all) know, You (all) do know Ils/Ellesconnaissent They know, They do know Connaître (to Know)
1. To know how to do something Je sais nager. 2. To know some information With a subordinate clause Je sais qu’ill’a fait. To memorize something Elle saitcette chanson. NB : in the passé composé, savoir means “to learn” or “to find out” 1. To know a noun (a person, place or thing) Je connais Pierrette. 2. To be familiar with someone or something (or to know by heart) Je connais bien Lille. NB: in the passé composé connaître means “to meet” or “to become acquainted with” * Connaître always needs a direct object. It can not be followed by a clause or an infinitive. Savoir vs Connaître