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Latin One verbs Vocabulary

Latin One verbs Vocabulary. First conjugation. Amo , amare , avavi , amatum. love. Ambulo , ambulare , ambulavi , ambulatum. walk. Ceno , cenare , cenavi , cenatum. dine. Clamo , clamare , clamavi , clamatus. Shout, yell, call out. Curo , curare, curavi , curatum.

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Latin One verbs Vocabulary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Latin One verbs Vocabulary

  2. First conjugation

  3. Amo, amare, avavi, amatum • love

  4. Ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatum • walk

  5. Ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatum • dine

  6. Clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatus • Shout, yell, call out

  7. Curo, curare, curavi, curatum • To care for, to take care of

  8. Do, dare, dedi, datum • give

  9. Habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatum • live

  10. intro, intrare, intravi, intratum • enter

  11. Laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus • Work, labor, suffer

  12. Laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus • praise

  13. Narro, narrare, narravi, narratum • Tell, narrate

  14. Navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatum • sail

  15. Neco, necare, necavi, necatum • kill

  16. Oro, orare, oravi, oratum • Beg, ask, pray

  17. Paro, parare, paravi, paratum • prepare

  18. Postulo, postulare, postulavi, postulatum • Demand, claim, require

  19. Pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatum • fight

  20. Pulso, pulsare, pulsavi, pulsatum • Hit, beat

  21. Saluto, salutare, salutavi, salutatus • greet

  22. Servo, servare, servavi, servatum • To save, to protect

  23. Specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatum • Watch, look at

  24. Sto, stare, steti, statum • Stand, stay

  25. Supero, superare, superavi, superatum • Overcome, surpass, defeat

  26. Tempto, temptare, temptavi, temptatum • Try, attempt

  27. Voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum • call

  28. Vexo, vexare, vexavi, vexatus • bother

  29. 2nd conjugation

  30. Habeo, habēre, habui, habitum • have

  31. maneo, manēre, mansi, mansum • To remain

  32. Obsideo, obsidēre, obsedi, obsessus • Blockade, besiege, invest

  33. Placeo, placēre, placui • please

  34. Sedeo, sedēre, sedi, sessum • Sit, settle

  35. Teneo, tenēre, tenui, tentum • hold

  36. Terreo, terrēre, terrui, territum • Frighten, scare, terrorize

  37. Timeo, timēre, timui • fear

  38. Video, vidēre, vīdi, visum • see

  39. Third conjugation

  40. Credo, credere, credidi, creditum • Trust, believe

  41. Duco, ducere, duxi, ductum • lead

  42. Facio, facere, feci, factum • Do, make

  43. Gero, gerere, gessi, gestum • Carry, bear • Se gerit he, she, it behaves • Bellum gerere to wage war

  44. Induo, induere, indui, indutus • Put on, wear

  45. Mitto, mittere, misi, missum • send

  46. Peto, petere, petivi, petitum • Seek, attack

  47. Rego, regere, rexi, rectum • rule

  48. Trado, tradere, tradidi, traditum • Hand over, yield

  49. 4th conjugation

  50. Dormio, dormire, dormivi • sleep

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