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This event aims to boost opportunities for innovating water solutions within the EU's Innovation Union by 2020 through identifying, testing, scaling up, disseminating, and stimulating market uptake. Priority areas include water reuse, treatment, water-energy nexus, flood management, ecosystem services, governance, decision support systems, and financing for innovation. Action Groups focus on areas such as anaerobic membrane bioreactors, accelerating resource recovery, water monitoring for decision support, improving city capacities, coastal water stress mitigation, dynamic monitoring technologies, SME innovation support, benchmark cooperation, ecosystem services, sustainable deltas, financial flow incentives, and industrial water re-use.
EIPWaterEuropeanInnovation Partnership on Waterwww.eip-water.eu Informal Meeting of EU Water Directors and EU Marine Directors Riga, 26-27 May 2015 Pavel MISIGA, Head of Unit, DG Environment, European Commission, Boosting opportunities Innovating water
Objectives of the EIP Water Initiative within the EU 2020 Innovation Union. Headline Target: By 2020, identify, test, scale up, disseminate and stimulate market uptake of innovative solutions for major water related challenges 8Priority areas: Water reuse and recycling; Water and wastewater treatment, including recovery of resources; Water-energy nexus; Flood and drought risk management; Ecosystem services; Water governance; Decision support systems and monitoring; Financing for innovation
29 EIP Water Action Groups Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor for Recovery of Energy and Resources (AG036). The final aim will be to offer new wastewater treatment technologies considering downstream processes in order to maximise resource recovery including nutrient, dissolved methane and biogas from organic matter. ARREAU - Accelerating Resource Recovery from Water Cycle (AG108). ARREAU builds on existing cutting edge initiatives in several regions in Europe, where resources with a high added value are produced, such as phosphorus and cellulose from wastewater and iron and calcium carbonate residuals from drinking water. This will contribute to increasing resource efficiency and will create jobs and market opportunities for the European industry and SMEs. AugMent - Water Monitoring for Decision Support (AG124). AuGMeNT will: 1) Develop and test cheaper and more accurate static and mobile sensor devices that monitor water quality and quantity within the water cycle to generate denser monitoring networks in space and time; 2) Improve current satellite data products on the terrestrial water cycle 3) Integrate multiple platforms to store water quality and quantity information that have been developed in the recent years; 4) Develop methods to include dynamic and heterogeneous data from multi-sources into models.
CITY BLUEPRINTS - Improving Implementation Capacities of Cities and Regions (AG041)The project team has developed a process, a method and an IT tool to provide a City Blueprint as baseline assessment for the sustainability of Urban Water Cycle of cities and regions. The Action Group will organize interventions at the local level to overcome barriers in the water related governance systems that hinder the development and uptake of innovations in municipal water management. COWAMA - Mitigation of Water Stress in Coastal Zones by Sustainable Water Management (AG111)This project addresses in cooperation with administrations and water managers some very specific issues of balancing demand and supply of fresh water. One of the basic ideas is to use freshwater sources that discharge directly into the sea in carstic areas and to store this water to balance seasonal fluctuations CTRL+SWAN - Cloud Technologies & ReaL time monitoring + Smart WAter Network (AG126). Ctrl+Swan Action Group will be devoted to the further development of innovative sensor systems’ technologies to be integrated and implemented in the design of an innovative approach to the water distribution networks management. DISSME - Demand-Driven Innovation Support for SMEs via NNWPs (AG131). The Action Group provides business support to SMEs through the use of appropriate tools and maximises cross-national matchmaking between SMEs through roadshows, export roundtables, brokerage events. EBCF - European Benchmark Cooperation Foundation (AG125). EBCF is an Action Group where influential partners join forces to boost the improvement of water- and sanitation services through benchmarking, at first in Western and Eastern Europe, later on in a wider global approach. Boosting resource efficiency and sustainability in water- and sanitation are key elements.
ESE - Ecosystem Services for Europe (AG052). The Action Group aims to develop a consensual and agreed methodology to assess the tangible and intangible benefits from natural and constructed ecosystems in environment and monetary terms. EWW - Energy and Water Works - energizing sustainable deltas (AG115). The main goal of the EWW-Action Group is to enhance European interest in innovative crossovers between energy and water in the development of policy, markets and knowledge and to further the relevant industrial policies. FinnoWater (AG013). The FINNOWATER Action Group intends to explore, develop and implement new approaches to increase financial flows in the water (and water-related) sector, particularly by incentivizing public innovation (Pre-Commercial Procurement PCP, and Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions PPI) of new technologies and services as well as other innovative financial tools and mechanisms. InduRe - Industrial Water Re-use and Recycling (AG045). The objective of this Action Group is to develop new methodologies for industrial water re-use and recycling and with the aid of these new methodologies, develop and implement (local) innovative technical, social- and environmental solutions. MAR Solutions - Managed Aquifer Recharge Strategies and Actions (AG128). Managed Aquifer Recharge technique, or simply MAR, has become, perhaps, the best technique within the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) framework, to palliate Climate Change adverse effects.
MEET-ME4WATER - Meeting Microbial Electrochemistry for water (AG110) MEET-ME4WATER will focus on overcoming the barriers to scale-up and demonstration of microbial electrochemical technologies (METs) and bring them faster to market. These technologies treat waste water and, at the same time, produce value added products (chemicals, H2, and/or desalinate water at zero energy cost simultaneously) whilst producing energy. PVAIZEC - Large PV Pumping Systems for zero energy irrigation (AG103) This action group develops a number of activities to integrate recent developments in irrigation technology at a real scale test facility (TRL9). This leads to the first application of a zero energy consumption PV pumping systems for productive irrigation in agriculture. After the demonstration phase market replication will be the focus of further activities. Renewable Energy Desalination (AG025) The Action Group will promote the use of desalination powered by renewable energy, as an environmentally friendly and decentralised solution for sustainable water supply. RESEWAM-O - Remote sensing for water management optimization (AG132) RESEWAM-O EIP Water Action Group aims to develop agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change activities using Earth Observation Remote Sensing techniques and Water Management solutions in order to enhance socio-economical and environmental values in water sensitive areas. RTWQM - Real Time Water Quality Monitoring (AG100) The AG “RTWQM” addresses specifically developments that strengthen the interaction between “sensor technologies” and “data analyses & monitoring tools” to safeguard or improve water quality aspects
SPADIS - Smart Prices and Drought Insurance Schemes in Mediterranean Countries (AG014) focuses on the design and implementation of economic instruments with the best potential to induce individual decisions regarding water use in order to contribute to the collective goals of reducing vulnerability to water scarcity and increasing resilience to droughts risk. Verdygo - modular & sustainable wastewater treatment (AG118) is a new standard in wastewater treatment. An important feature of Verdygo is its industrial modular construction. W4EF - Framework for evaluation and reporting of the energy impacts on water (AG029) The main objective of this Action Group is to produce an adapted framework for energy companies in order to assess their water use and water impacts. Water Justice (AG117) The Water Justice Action Group is an international coalition of important water justice network organizations and research institutes that will develop and apply the innovative concept of water justice in the realm of democratic multi-scalar water governance. WaterCoRe - Regional governance of water scarcity and drought issues (AG042) The WaterCoRe Action Group on regional governance of water scarcity and drought issues centres around the implementation of Regional Action Plans that are intended to improve water governance in practice. WIRE - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe (AG112) Climate change effects are resulting in increasing farmers’ need to irrigate, not only in the southern and central part of Europe, but also in Northern Europe. Therefore, sustainable adaptation strategies in new and mature markets need innovation and well-targeted investments.
EIP Water: phases 2012-2014: Set-up. Steering Group and Task Force to define Strategic Implementation Plan and determine key barriers & bottlenecks (financing, procurement, PPPs, regulation, demonstration sites). Results: clear focus, institutional and professional buy-in (e.g. Action Groups), dissemination 2015-2017: Focus on delivery of impacts. Action Groups speed up and overcome barriers individually. New governance structure. Expert Groups address barriers systematically. Involvement of FP7 and H2020 projects. Steering Group committed to strategic support whilst taking decisions. 2018-2020: Replication & Magnification. Governance to be determined.
EIP Water Marketplace www.eip-water.eu Currently 2000 users, 200 projects & 100 products/services Aimed as entry-point to EU water & innovation information Collaboration with EIP Water partners (UNESCO-IHE, OECD, WWF) and MS (e.g. DK State of the Green, NL Water Innovation) Database to identify solutions for WFD implementation challenges
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