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Spanish Universities

Spanish Universities. By Claudia, Carla, María, Paula and Paco. Accommodation. In major S panish cities & Las Palmas. Barcelona. https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rny8O86xrg Video with student residence in B arcelona. Madrid. https:// www.uniplaces.com/accommodation/madrid

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Spanish Universities

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  1. Spanish Universities By Claudia, Carla, María, Paula and Paco.

  2. Accommodation In major Spanish cities & Las Palmas

  3. Barcelona • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rny8O86xrg • Video with student residence in Barcelona.

  4. Madrid • https://www.uniplaces.com/accommodation/madrid • Website showing different types of accommodation in Madrid.

  5. Seville • https://erasmusu.com/en/erasmus-sevilla/student-housing • Website showing student housing in Seville.

  6. Las Palmas • https://www.pisocompartido.com/en/renting-rooms-las_palmas_de_gran_canaria • Shared flats in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

  7. EmployabilityRate In publicuniversities

  8. Recreation In Madrid and Barcelona

  9. Recreation- Madrid https://www.citylifemadrid.com/7-public-recreational-pools-in-madrid/ https://www.espriprotocolo.eu/10-cafeterias-con-encanto-madrid/ http://madrid.universidadeuropea.es/alumno-uem/clubes/resto-clubs https://xceed.me/blog/es/los-10-mejores-clubs-de-madrid-y-por-que-tienes-que-visitarlas-todos/ https://www.uc3m.es/ss/Satellite/Deporte/es/TextoDosColumnas/1371221524969/

  10. Recreation Barcelona https://www.beroomers.com/blog/top-sport-facilities-for-students-in-barcelona/ https://www.barcelona-university.es/Barcelona-nightlife.htm https://www.tripadvisor.es/Restaurants-g187497-c8-Barcelona_Catalonia.html http://blog.uniplaces.com/best-places-study-barcelona/

  11. university ranking In spain

  12. Spanish universities ranking • Universitat de Barcelona • Universidad Complutense de Madrid • Universidad de Granada • Universitat de Vàlencia • Universitataùtonoma de Barcelona • Universidad autónoma de Madrid • UniversitatPolitécnica de CatalunyaBarcelonaTech • Universidad Politécnica de Valencia • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid • UniveristatPompeuFabra • Universidad de sevilla • Universidad de zaragoza • Universidad del paisvasco • Universidad de santiago de compostela

  13. AQA universities ranking

  14. Cost Of spanishuniversities

  15. Costs of universities in spain(undergraduate)

  16. Minimum and maximum costs of thetuition in universities in Spain • Barcelona = 1.516€ – 2.372€ • Madrid = 1.458€ – 1.782€ • Castilla y León = 1.024€ – 1.815€ • Valencia = 979€ – 1.493€ • La Rioja = 848€ – 1.411€ • Navarra = 954€ – 1.352€ • País Vasco = 845€ – 1.190€ • Canarias = 738€ – 1.137€ • Castilla-LaMancha = 728€ – 1.132€

  17. Studying Law in Spain • Prices per year ( total of 4 – 5 years) • Universidadcomplutense de Madrid = 1.620€ • Universitat autònoma de Barcelona = 1.516€ • Universidad de Oviedo = 1.035€ • Universidad de León = 1.014€ • Universidad del País Vasco = 841€ • Universidad internacional de Andalucía = 757€

  18. Studyingengineering in Spain • Prices per year (total of 5 – 6 years) • Universidad de Santiago de Compostela = 2.387€ • Universidadpolitécnica de Cataluña = 2.371€ • Universidadautonoma de Madrid = 1.860€ • Most economics = • Universidad de Extremadura = 1.127€ • Universidad de Oviedo = 1068€ • Universidad internacional de Andalucía = 961€

  19. Studying at a privateuniversity in Spain • Ej: studyingmedicine (firstyear) • Madrid = 20.226€ • Valencia = 16.000€ • Navarra = 13.818€ • Barcelona = 13.200€ • Castellón = 11.825€ • Murcia = 10.200€ • Average = 14.747€

  20. Accessibility In spanishuniversities

  21. Application processes Universidad Politécnica de Madrid • Admission Procedure: • The pre-enrolment process must be done by filling in the web pre-enrolment form. Up to three different PhD programs may be selected in order of preference. • In those cases in which the telematic application does not work, and with prior authorization from the e-mail address doctorado@upm.es, the documents may be sent by e-mail to the same address or handed in personally at the Vicerrectorado de Doctorado y Posgrado. • Required Documentation: • Students from the European Space for Higher Education (EEES) or with officially approved degrees • The following documents will have to be sent by means of the Web pre-enrolment form: • Degree: Engineering Degree, Graduate, Architect or Master of the EEES or justification of having applied for it. In the case of students with officially

  22. approved degrees, they must present the Official Approval form from the Ministerio de Educación, Política Social y Deporte (Ministry of Education, Social and Sports Policy). • National Identity Document or Passport. • Certification of marks which will consist of the list, the credits (or number of hours) and the qualification obtained in each of the subjects taken. • In the case of being admitted, the students will have a maximum period of one month, after enrolment, to present the originals of the documents sent to the Secretaries’ Offices of the centers. If these documents are not presented, the enrolment will, to all intents and purposes, be rescinded. • Other students: • The following documents will have to be sent by means of the Web pre-enrolment form: • Degree or justification of having applied for it, with prior authentication by diplomatic means. • Identity documents: Passport, Foreigner Identity Number or identity card. • Certification of marks which will consist of the list, the credits (or number of hours) and the qualification obtained in each of the subjects taken. • Certification of the number of hours studied, signed by the relevant person from the University and in which the number of classroom hours and the practical classes are differentiated, in case this information does not appear on the marks Certificate. This information is essential. • In the pre-enrolment via the Web, unauthenticated documentation may be sent under exceptional circumstances. In the case of being admitted,

  23. the students will have a maximum period of one month, after enrolment, to present the originals of the documents sent to the Secretaries’ Offices of the centers. If these documents are not presented, the enrolment will, to all intents and purposes, be rescinded. • Notification of the resolution to the student • The academic commissions of the PhD programs will publish the definitive list of admitted students in all physical and telematic means at its disposal. Once admitted, the student can enroll within the periods established in the calendar. • Students from the European Space of Higher Education (EEES) or with officially approved degrees • The notification of admission will correspond to the academic commission of the PhD program. • Other students • The Vice Rector’s Office for PhD and Postgraduate Studies will notify the student of his or her admission to the selected PhD Programs. • Studies commenced abroad. • Information regarding the application process for students who have only partially completed higher education studies abroad or do not have official recognition of higher education studies from a Spanish university: • Application Period: from May 1st to July 31st. • Place: Faculties’ Student Offices.

  24. The Complutense University of Madrid (Spanish: Universidad Complutense de Madrid or Universidad de Madrid, Latin: UniversitasComplutensis) is a public research university located in Madrid, and one of the oldest universities in the world. The university enrolls over 86,000 students ,and consistently ranks as one of the top universities in Spain. According to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, the university is widely regarded as the most prestigious academic institution in Spain. It is located on a sprawling campus that occupies the entirety of the Ciudad Universitaria district of Madrid.

  25. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid-accessibility • In order to achieve this we are striving to respect the priority 2 accessibility guidelines (adaptation to the "AA" level). • Presentation of the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia) application form • The UNED will issue a CONFIRMATION DOCUMENT valid for all Spanish universities • for the purposes of admission and the formalization of the enrolment. The following data must be included in the confirmation document: • Education system of origin • Means of access and subjects to be studied • Qualification for access to the Spanish university • This confirmation document will entitle the holder to access, without the need to transfer the student records, to any Spanish university

  26. UniversitatPolitécnica de Valencia-accessibility • The Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), through its UNEDassis service, manages the admission of students coming from foreign educational systems to Spanish universities, by issuing the required accreditations and testing the students' specific competences.

  27. UniversitatAutónoma de Barcelona • If you are not an EU citizen you must first validate qualifications that give access to university for a Spanish secondary school diploma. This must be done at the Ministry for Education. • Ministerio de Educación or at the Barcelona office: • Área de Alta InspecciónenEducación • Please bear in mind that once you have validated your qualifications and received the Spanish diploma, it will be the only diploma valid for your further studies in Spain. You will also need to pass the university entrance exams (Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad - PAU) organised by the Spanish National University for Distance Education (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia) which all students in Spain must pass to be admitted into university.

  28. END

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