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This article discusses the development of a medium-term program for social statistics in France, highlighting the achievements of the previous term and addressing new constraints and difficulties. It emphasizes the principles for the preparation of the medium-term strategy, including international consistency, demand-driven approach, and increased efficiency in the supply of statistics. The role of Eurostat and collaboration with member states are also examined.
DSS meetingSetting up a medium term program for social statistics in France
Introduction achievements of the previous medium-term • 2004-2008: heavy statistical projects: • The new rolling census • Resane (reengineering of business statistics) • The generalisation of the use of administrative data • The renewal of the business data collection • In a new context: • The decentralisation of public policies and the increase of local needs • New statistical needs for Europe
Introduction (2)new constraints Changes in the external conditions: • The contradiction between the need for ongoing statistical programmes and new emerging demands, from Europe or from national users. • The gap between the objective measure and the common perception: are means still significant for the users ? • The limitation in the number of statisticians due to the replacement of only one half of retiring civil servants
Introduction (3)strong difficulties The result: • An over-extension of the statistical system • A loss in credibility and a real of crisis for official statistics • A need to legitimate statistical productions with respect to external users • An increase in the communication about quality • The necessity to define and to follow international practices • A need for external - and not only internal - legitimacy (peer reviews,..)
The principles for the preparation of the medium term strategy • Principle 1 : First for international • Be sure of the consistency of definitions and social classifications with international recommendations (ILO, OECD, Eurostat,ISCO, ISCED,..) • Improve the questionnaires for a better international comparability (LFS, SILC,TUS, HBF,…) • Be ready for assessment in case of international reviews • Be aware of innovation in other countries • Be more active in the European decision making process
The principles for the preparation of the medium term strategy • Principle 2: demand driven rather than supply driven • Think « results » rather than « tools » (surveys, data bases..) to provide answers to new societal demands: beyond the GDP, long life learning, local statistics,… • Choose emblematic topics and modify now existing tools to provide new required statistics in the next years (for example a short-term survey about living conditions) • In France, think « official statistical system » rather than Insee alone to provide consistent official statistics
The principles for the preparation of the medium term strategy • Principle 3 : increase the efficiency in the supply of statistics • Get on updating of the census process • Increase the use of administrative data, and the combining of administrative data and survey data: • Exact individual merging • Probabilistic individual merging • Aggregate merging • Improve the computation of the CPI using scanned data • Improve the intelligence of built-in controls to reduce the use in human resources • Experiment new survey methods (Internet, multi modal questionnaires,..)
What about Eurostat and the member states ? • Eurostat is one of the main partners of Insee • To improve the comparability, for example in the implementation of the ISCO 2008 in Europe • To improve the quality of harmonized statistics: • By editing recommendations as for LFS • By organizing the quality management (peer reviews,..) on the basis of these recommendations • With UNO (ILO, WHO,..), and OECD to manage the improvement of statistics on new topics (Beyond the GDP, propositions of the Stiglitz-Sen Commission, long life learning, consequences of globalisation,..)
What about Eurostat and the member states ? • Europe is one way to improve the efficiency of the Member States • By sharing skills to go ahead on specifics topics (ESSnets, TF,..) • In the future, by sharing means of production : • One MS or an ESSnet should be responsible of the questionnaire of the LFS ? • The production of national indicators from international databases should be centralised (price levels, price indexes,..) ? • A methodological framework for multi modal surveys should be implemented • But Eurostat procedures should be lightened, and the consistency of the social ESS should be still improved !
Conclusion • For Insee, be ready to answer to the stakes for tomorrow • A slogan, four ambitions, many actions • A need for innovation • A need for international concern • Comparability of statistics • Quality of statistics • Improvement of the efficiency • Eurostat is a major partner in the process