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Year 9 Information Evening Welcome

Welcome to the Year 9 Information Evening at St. John's! Discover the diverse subject and career pathways, unique experiences, and excellent pastoral care program in the SACE Senior School. Learn about Year 10 subject selections and the opportunities for students to define their passions and create their own pathways.

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Year 9 Information Evening Welcome

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  1. Year 9 Information Evening Welcome

  2. Tonight • Senior School • Year 10 • Subject Selections - SACE

  3. Senior School at St John’s • Diverse subject and career pathways • Unique experiences • Strong peer group experiences • Excellent pastoral care program • Define passions, create opportunities, develop young adults

  4. Year 10 – key staff • Home group – continues to be in House • Head of House provides strong pastoral care • Gooch – Ms Isobel Grear • Halstead – Ms Tamsyn Voyzey • Moffatt – Mr Evan Jones • Prince – Ms Taresa O’Brien

  5. Year 10 – key staff • Careers Counsellor – Ms Virginia Castine • Leader of Learning and Curriculum (SACE coordinator) – Mr Nick Raimondo

  6. Seek ∞ Year 10 Year 10 - crafted specifically to allow students to seek the own path. Students begin their career planning and investigation. Seek their future Subjects such as Enterprise, Digital Technology, Psychology, Philosophy and Sports Science, together with opportunities to study VET, and traditional subjects, allow students to pursue and sometimes even find their passions. “Do not seek the treasures of the world – look within, that is where you will find everything that you seek.

  7. Seek ∞ Year 10 Seek something more. Explore and Soar Citizenship Program

  8. SACE: South Australian Certificate of Education • Overview: • Formal Senior Secondary qualification. Key to further study both in Australia and around the world (ATAR) • Total 200 credits, usually completed over Years 10-12, with the majority in Year 11 and 12 • Divided into ‘Stage 1’ and ‘Stage 2’ subjects • Compulsory learning: Personal Learning Plan (Stage 1), English (Stage 1), Mathematics (Stage 1), and Research Project (Stage 2)

  9. SACE Stages and Credits • Stage 1 in Year 11 and Stage 2 in Year 12 (PLP Stage 1 in Year 10) • Each subject provides either 10 credits (one semester) or 20 credits (a full year) • Students must achieve 200 credits to achieve their SACE, 50 of which derive from compulsory subjects: • Year 10 Personal Learning Plan: 10 Credits • Year 11 Literacy (English): 20 credits • Year 11 Numeracy (Mathematics): 10 credits • Year 11 or 12 Research Project: 10 Credits • At least 60 credits must come from Stage 2 subjects • Certain VET courses are worth more than 20 credits

  10. Flexibility in the SACE • Finding and fostering student interest, multiple pathways

  11. SACE at St John’s • Year 10 • PLP in Semester 1 (10 compulsory credits) • Some students gain Stage 1 credits through completion of Languages, electives or Mathematical Methods • Year 11 • A full year of English (20 compulsory credits) and typically a full year of Mathematics (10 compulsory credits+) • Electives adding up to at least 80 additional SACE credits • The option to undertake Research Project and some elective Stage 2 courses • Year 12 • Typically five Stage 2 subjects (100 credits), or four plus Research Project, VET or external studies • Research Project (10 compulsory credits) if not completed in Year 11 • ATAR – constructed from best 90 credits at Stage 2

  12. Subject Selections in Year 10 • 1. Compulsory subjects (Australian Curriculum, SACE): • English, Mathematics, Science, History, PE, Purposely Well, PLP • 2. Balance of Elective subjects – read the booklet, be academically ambitious and well-informed https://www.stjohns.sa.edu.au/teaching-and-learning/curriculum/ • Consider Year 11 pre-requisites (languages, Music, Mathematics), and subject pathways

  13. Subject Pathways • Final section of subject handbook https://www.stjohns.sa.edu.au/teaching-and-learning/curriculum/ • Where does this subject go? • What do I need to study first?

  14. PLP • Personal Learning Plan • SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) • Stage 1 subject – 10 credits • Career education and forward planning • Work Experience

  15. Purposely Well • Rite Journey – next step • Explicit teaching of wellbeing – with a particular focus on service • A unique St John’s program

  16. Citizenship • Active service in the local community • Develop passions and purpose

  17. VET • Vocational Education and Training • TAFE but also a large range of other providers • Counts towards your SACE • Alternative pathways to employment, skill development and to achieving your SACE • How much do you know about VET?

  18. VET can be a good option… Department of Jobs and Small Business, Feb 2019 % employed after graduation Training was part of an apprenticeship or traineeship Source: NCVER, VET Student Outcomes 2018

  19. Department of Jobs and Small Business, Feb 2019 …with most trades in shortage Proportion of skilled occupations in shortage, Australia • Some examples in SA are: • Automotive Electricians • Motor Mechanics • Vehicle Painters • Bricklayers • Plasterers • Cabinetmakers For South Australia, 14 trades were considered to be in shortage in 2017-18, compared with 9 trades in 2014-15. Source: Department of Jobs and Small Business, Skill Shortage Research (based on a set of consistently assessed occupations)

  20. VET graduates also have good starting salaries Department of Jobs and Small Business, Feb 2019 Median income ($) of VET graduates employed full-time 6 months after training, Australia, 2018 In 2018, the median annual salary of a university graduate employed full-time was $61,000 Source: Graduate Outcomes Survey 2018; NCVER, VET Student Outcomes 2018 for qualification levels Certificate III/IV and diploma, for selected fields of education

  21. How does VET work at St John’s? If you are interested in doing a VET course, make an appointment with Ms Castine to discuss your areas of interest and to see what courses may be available. Information can be found on the Future Career Pathways page on the school website.

  22. Places/courses to consider for VET • Aviation • ISCA – Inner Southern Curriculum Alliance • Media Makeup • Music SA • Queensford College • TafeSA

  23. VET - Things to consider • Cost • Time out of class • Workplace learning • Organisational skills • SACE credits (Stage 1 or Stage 2? How many?) • 70 nominal hours equates to 10 SACE credits • Can it count towards your ATAR?

  24. Other Unique Experiences • Explore and Soar • Wednesday Wellbeing Program: safe driving (L plates!!), drugs and alcohol, relationships, academic skill development – studying for tests/exams, social media, • Career planning and preparation • Languages trips, Cocurricular, Academic enrichment • Leadership development

  25. Explore and Soar • Year 10 Camp Experience • Range of trips to choose from: Skiing, kayaking, Sydney Arts tour, Foodies week • Process

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