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Teenage Pregnancy Scrutiny Topic Group Seminar

Teenage Pregnancy Scrutiny Topic Group Seminar. Local overview – targets, trends and national recommended good practice Christine Oker 18 May 2006. Hertfordshire TP targets. A 10 –year Teenage Pregnancy Strategy (2001-2010) with a rolling annual Action Plan of implementation.

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Teenage Pregnancy Scrutiny Topic Group Seminar

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  1. Teenage Pregnancy Scrutiny Topic Group Seminar Local overview – targets, trends and national recommended good practice Christine Oker 18 May 2006

  2. Hertfordshire TP targets A 10 –year Teenage Pregnancy Strategy (2001-2010) with a rolling annual Action Plan of implementation. •15% reduction in under 18 conception rate by 2004 • 45% reduction in under 18 conception rate by 2010 • Increase to 60% the participation of teenage parents in education, training or employment to reduce their risk of long-term social exclusion by 2010

  3. 2004 target 2010 target 1998 baseline Teenage Pregnancy Trends in Hertfordshire Source: ONS & TPU, Jan 2006

  4. Overall % change in U18 conception – 1998 -2003 Eastern Region Source: ONS & TPU, Feb 2006

  5. Under 18 conception split by age group, 2001-2003 <16 16-17 Hertfordshire 5.4   23.6 East England 6.3   27.7 England 8.1   34.3

  6. A different picture at district level….

  7. Overall % change in U18 conception at Herts district level – 1998 -2003Source: ONS & TPU Jan, 2006

  8. Ward Level Conception ….

  9. Ward Level Conception … There are 14 wards in the county with under 18 conception rates among the highest 20% in England. These wards are spread out with some in districts with low conception rates. Source: TPU, under 18 conception rates at ward level 2001-2003

  10. Education attainment also has an impact over and above the effects of deprivation Deprived wards with higher educational attainment have lower teenage conception rates Source: TPU, 2005

  11. Link between education attainment and u18 conception rate in Herts

  12. Understanding the causes of teenage pregnancy is complex……

  13. Some LocalChallenges… • Understanding the causes of teenage pregnancy locally • remains complex • Mainstreaming of successful projects • • Ongoing re-organisation in Health • • Education of school age mothers • SRE support to schools

  14. National Recommended Good Practice – “deep dive findings” • All key partners contributing to the Strategy • Strong delivery of SRE/PSHE by schools • Accessible, confidential, highly visible, young people friendly • sexual health/contraceptive advice services • Workforce training on sex and relationship issues within • mainstream partner agencies • Targeted work with at risk groups of young people, in particular • Looked After Children • Active and well resourced youth service

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