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Progress with Laser Plasma Acceleration  and Prospects of LPA HEP Colliders

Progress with Laser Plasma Acceleration  and Prospects of LPA HEP Colliders. Wim Leemans LOASIS Program and BELLA Team APS-DPF Meeting August 12, 2011. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory UC Berkeley. http://loasis.lbl.gov/. X-rays. SLAC 50 GeV. DNA. LHC. 2 GeV. 7 TeV.

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Progress with Laser Plasma Acceleration  and Prospects of LPA HEP Colliders

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  1. Progress with Laser Plasma Acceleration  and Prospects of LPA HEP Colliders Wim Leemans LOASIS Program and BELLA Team APS-DPF Meeting August 12, 2011 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory UC Berkeley http://loasis.lbl.gov/

  2. X-rays SLAC 50 GeV DNA LHC 2 GeV 7 TeV Accelerators: drivers for science

  3. m-scale Laser plasma acceleration enables development of “compact” accelerators 10 – 40 MV/m 100 micron-scale 10 – 100 GV/m ΔW=Ez x L Plasmas sustain extreme fields => compact accelerators Can this technology be developed for energy frontier machines, light sources, medical or homeland security applications? 3

  4. Wall plug efficiency, technology choice Ez = O(10 GV/m) Beam power, beam quality Wish list for an e+ - e- TeV collider ... Energy = O(1 TeV, c.m.) Length = O(soccer field) Luminosity > 1034 cm-2 s-1 Cost = Affordable

  5. Key technical challenges for Laser Plasma Accelerators PW-class BELLA laser laser 10-100 TW Multi-GeV beams Staging, optimized structures High quality beams Modeling Diagnostics/Radiation sources Lasers: high average power

  6. 2006 result: 40 TW laser, cm-scale plasma Channel guided laser plasma accelerators have produced up to GeV beams from cm-scale structures 1.1 GeV <2.9% <1 mrad 10-30 pC W.P. Leemans et. al, Nature Physics2, p696 (2006) K. Nakamura et al., Phys. Plasmas 14, 056708 (2007) 2004 result: 10 TW laser, mm-scale plasma ~100 MeV C. G. R. Geddes,et al, Nature,431, p538 (2004) S. Mangles et al., Nature 431, p535 (2004) J. Faure et al., Nature 431, p541 (2004) 7

  7. A GeV module…

  8. Injected Out of Phase Injected Electrons Self Injection Electrons surfing on a wave: controlled injection • Trapping requires: • Tsunami • Boost electrons or slow down wave

  9. Longitudinal density tailoring allows trapping control S.V. Bulanov et al., PRL 78, (1997); Geddes et al., PRL V 100, 215004 (2008); A.J. Gonsalves et al., submitted (2010)

  10. Practical implementation of combined injector and acceleration stage Supersonic gas jet embedded into capillary Laser 0.1-1 GeV Acceleration section Injector 3 cm 11

  11. Tunable electron beams produced with jet+capillary module using laser focus control Energy variation for fixed focus <1.9 % rms Divergence change < 0.57 mrad rms Energy variation < 2 % rms Charge variation < 6 % rms Divergence change < 0.57 mrad rms Jet density 7 × 1018 cm−3 Capillary density 1.8 × 1018 cm−3, a0~1.5 A.J. Gonsalves et al., accepted Nature Physics

  12. Electron beam can be steered using plasma channel alignment capillary axis θcap laser axis High -6 Center θcap (mrad) 0 Low 5 4

  13. Emittance control via laser mode • Beam detection and transport Laser Elong Etrans e- beam laser Coherent Optical Transition Radiation Techniques for improving beam quality, reproducibility, control being improved • Tunable energy, low ΔE/E

  14. First XUV light observed from LPA beam through THUNDER undulator Magnetic spectrometer XUV spectrometer Undulator Beam diagnostics e-beam from LPA imaged with quadrupole magnets ~ 7.5 meter Electron beam spectra XUV light ~40 nm

  15. Key technical challenges for Laser Plasma Accelerators PW-class laser laser 10-100 TW Multi-GeV beams Staging, optimized structures High quality beams Modeling Diagnostics/Radiation sources Lasers: high average power

  16. Renewable mirrors Staging: solving the issue of depletion of laser energy laser laser Regular mirror Staging or tape Plasma mirror Injector+capillary Structure-to-structure LPA 1 LPA 2 Damage threshold sets mirror size Mirror Size (meter) • Experiments underway at LBNL • Key technology for collider Power (TW)

  17. Key technical challenges for Laser Plasma Accelerators PW-class laser laser 10-100 TW Multi-GeV beams Staging, optimized structures High quality beams Modeling Diagnostics/Radiation sources Lasers: high average power

  18. C.B. Schroeder et al., PRSTAB 2010

  19. BELLA Facility: state-of-the-art PW-laser for laser accelerator science High power diagnostic Plasma source Compressor 10˚ Off-axis parabola BELLA Laser Control Room Gowning Room

  20. BELLA Laser System Status – 2011 Summer Amp3 (61 J) components installed – July 2011 Amp2 (22 J) accepted – June 2011 12 Gaia-s operational in laser room – July 2011 Compressor chamber manufactured – July 2011

  21. Laser ~10 GeV Petawatt, 1 Hz BELLA laser enables R&D on 10 GeV collider module e- beam 1000 TW 40 fs < 100 cm Lorentz boosted frame simulation Full 1 m BELLA stage -- major advance Courtesy of J.-L. Vay 2013 Experiments • Accelerator science studies • - 10 GeV Module for collider, (10 GeV, beam optimization, efficiency etc…) • - Positron production; plasma wakefield acceleration, etc... • Applications: • Hyperspectral radiation: coherent THz; X-ray FEL driver • Detector testing; Non-linear QED

  22. Key technical challenges for Laser Plasma Accelerators PW-class laser laser 10-100 TW Multi-GeV beams Staging, optimized structures High quality beams Modeling Diagnostics/Radiation sources Lasers: high average power

  23. Security Apps (5-10 yrs) Medical (10 yrs) Lightsource (10 yrs) Collider (>20 yrs) Laser development Laser plasma accelerator (today)

  24. 1 TeV case: 420 kW/laser, 13 kHz (32 J/pulse) with 30% wall plug efficiency and we need 100 of them 25

  25. Laser technology: key component for sustained progress • How to reach laser average power levels needed for science apps? • Develop roadmap for science and technology to develop next generation lasers: • Important for accelerators (see Accelerators for America’s Future document) • Unique differences between lasers for defense and for science • Will require major research investment at National Labs, Universities and Industry with potential for international collaborations • ICFA-ICUIL Joint Taskforce for roadmap development

  26. Novel lasers and materials are being developed • Amplifiers • Rods, slabs, discs and fibers O(10 kW) fibers (CW power) reality now! • Materials for amplifiers, mirrors and compressor gratings • Ceramics and diamond • Nano-fabricated structures • Diodes and small quantum defect materials

  27. Major investments - Example: European Extreme Light Infrastructure - Four pillars (three funded at 790Meuro): 1. attosecond and XUV science: Hungary 2. High-brightness x-ray and particle sources: Czech Republic 3. Photo-nuclear science, transmutation,...: Romania 4. Ultra-high intensity science (non-lin QED): Russia ??? 28

  28. Conclusion • Laser plasma accelerator science is vibrant • GeV beam demonstrated with %-level energy spread • BELLA facility aims at 10 GeV in 1 meter • FEL proof-of-principle experiments towards Light Source Facility • Gamma-ray sources, medical and other applications • Collider is still far off but basic concepts are being developed: • Operation in quasi-linear regime for e- and e+ acceleration • Transverse control of plasma profile for guiding laser beam • Injection control and efficiency optimization: • Longitudinal control of plasma profile • Laser mode control allows emittance control • Low emittance observed -- FEL experiment will be litmus test • Laser technology must undergo revolution towards high average power 30

  29. Team, collaborators and funding Primary collaborators Staff S. Bulanov (T, UCB) E. Esarey (T) C. Geddes (S+E) A. Gonsalves (E) W. Leemans (E) N. Matlis (E) C. Schroeder (T) C. Toth (E) J. van Tilborg (E) Eng/Techs R. Duarte Z. Eisentraut A. Magana S. Fournier D. Munson K. Sihler D. Syversrud N. Ybarrolaza Postdocs K. Nakamura (E) M. Chen (S) C. Benedetti (S+T) T. Sokollik (E) Students M. Bakeman (PhD) -- graduated 2011 C. Lin (PhD) -- graduated 2011 R. Mittal (PhD) G. Plateau (PhD) -- graduating 2011 S. Shiraishi (PhD) D. Mittelberger (PhD) C. Koschitzki (PhD) B. Shaw (PhD) L. Yu (PhD) • LBNL: M. Battaglia, W. Byrne, J. Byrd, W. Fawley, K. Robinson, D. Rodgers, R. Donahue, Al Smith, R. Ryne. • TechX-Corp: J. Cary, D. Bruhwiler, et al. SciDAC team • Oxford Univ.: S. Hooker et al. • DESY/Hamburg: F. Gruener et al. • GSI: T. Stoehlker, D. Thorn • Trieste: F. Parmigiani BELLA Team members S. Zimmermann J. Coyne D. Lockhart G. Sanen S. Walker-Lam K. Barat

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