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Timeline of Technology. By: KATIE Zopf and Kate Baker Spring 2012 . Definition of technology.
Timeline of Technology By: KATIE Zopf and Kate Baker Spring 2012
Definition of technology Technology is an invention that is created to help or entertain humans or animals. Usually when you think of technology you think of electronics such as televisions, phones, and computers. Technology is not just electronic devices. It can be things like glasses, antibiotics, and medical technology. Hospitals use lots of technology , for example ultra sounds, robotic surgery, and medicines.
The first clock was probably a sundial. Even with this primitive clock, people were able to tell the time by the position of the sun. Sundial, mechanical, electronic, analog, digital, battery, and solar powered clocks are some of the ways that “clocks” have changed over the years. Clock 724
Glasses were made to help people who have bad vision see clearly. People who are near sighted can see objects that are close, but people who are far sighted can see things far away from them. Glasses are made to treat both of these. Some people have double vision which simply means they see double of whatever they are looking at. Glasses 1280
The first safety pin was probably a piece of bent wire held together with a clip. Back then it was one of the only things that held thin materials together. Now it is less important because we have stronger materials that hold things together better like super glue, staples, and Velcro. Safety Pin 1849
With Wi-Fi you don’t need cables to make electronic devices such as a computer work. Wireless communication works by a wireless router with a signal sent and a signal received. Wireless Communication1893
The first Zeppelin was one of the first types of air transpiration (the very first was the hot air balloon). The Zeppelin was a very important discovery because it can carry large numbers of people or equipment . This is unlike its predecessor , the hot air balloon which could only carry 3 or 4 people at the most .Since the Zeppelin, many huge jets and planes have been invented. They carry more people, are faster, and are more efficient. First Zeppelin 1900
The first “vacuum” was probably a broom. A modern vacuum is motor driven and sucks small objects up so it is usually used for carpets and rugs. Vacuum cleaners were invented because brooms can’t suck things to clean carpets but a vacuum cleaner can suck up dirt and is regularly used for cleaning carpets. Vacuums have changed and they range in sizes from the height of a high table to the size of a small stool. Vacuum Cleaner 1901
Before TV people were more social. Now people always have their eyes glued to the T.V. and don’t do as much. Some of the good things about the T.V. is how it tells you the weather and can be educational it can also tell you recent news and other important things. The television can also be hooked up to game systems such as Wii, Play station, and X- box. Television also has game shows such as Wheel of Fortune and Family Feud. They also have music stations so you can listen to what ever, and when ever you like. Television 1923
The first type of antibiotic was penicillin which was made from mold. It treated many different infections. Now we have over 100 types of antibiotics that teat many different infections. Certain infections can kill you if not treated in time. Antibiotics 1928
E-mail means electronic mail. It is an easy and fast way to communicate and send information. E-mail was first developed in 1993 and it was used mainly between friends and family. Then businesses figured out that they could use it with customers to send them coupons, notifications, and advertisements for products and sales. E-mail 1993
Google is a powerful search engine that allows people to find important information and news. People can also look up weather, store sales, photos, destination searches, images, maps, You tube, Gmail, documents, calendars, translate, mobile, books, music, and many more resources. Google 1998
Conclusion Technology continues to evolve. Of course, now we have electricity powered items, but historically our ancestors had to make fires to keep warm and work to get supplies. All of the inventions you see now had to be invented by someone, and so they were. The people who did invent them had to put time, dedication, and patience into these inventions. These inventors were amazing at finding out how things work together. And we are continuing to do that!
Values Technology has changed our values and possessions in many different ways, for instance back in the early 1900’s only rich people had cars, and now many people have them in their possession. And these days , you see lots of people hunched over their “so important” video games, texting on their I Phones or typing on their computers . There are also some young kids who have Face book accounts and they pretend to be people who are older than they really are. They sit there for hours updating their status and talking to their friends in secretive ways. Some kids say extremely mean and rude things to people because they think that they can get away with what they say and that those people wont mind when they really do, that is using technology in a bad way. As you can see, technology has changed our values.