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US History. Unit 7, Week 2. Homework for the Week. Monday 2/4 Video link and questions: Watch the following video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKqXu-5jw60 Read the following pages: 523-525 Respond to the following Questions Evaluate the effectiveness of the video
US History Unit 7, Week 2
Homework for the Week • Monday 2/4 • Video link and questions: • Watch the following video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKqXu-5jw60 • Read the following pages: 523-525 • Respond to the following Questions • Evaluate the effectiveness of the video • If you were a business owner, how could you use the Atomic Age trend to market a new product? • Was the FCDA justified in making a “preparedness” campaign in order to ensure the safety of the American people or was it simply a scare tactic to maintain conformity? Thesis statement • Block Day 2/5 & 2/6 • Cornell Notes, pgs 558-561 • Instead of an analysis at the end, create a thesis statement responding to the following prompt: Identify the reasons while poverty still persisted in the age of affluence. • Thursday 2/7 • Catch up on missing HW. Unit Test on Tues, 2/12 • Friday 2/8 • Put together your notes checklist • Study vocab
Monday 2/4 • Agenda • HOT ROC • Homework check • HOT ROC: Dot Game • New Vocab: McCarthyism and service sector • Reminders • Test corrections Tuesday and Wednesday at lunch
HOT ROC • Read the 2 explanations of the US in Guatemala and highlight key phrases in the readings.
Homework Check • Pgs. 510-513 • Was US intervention and covert action overseas justified? • Additional questions • What is the definition of a Third World country? Give an example • Should the US pick and choose which developing countries it aids or should we help everyone? • Was it appropriate for the US to intervene in Egypt? • Are economic reasons a valid justification for covert actions? Ex. Guatemala.
HOT ROC: The Dot Game • Object of the Game: • To begin the game, you will receive a slip of paper. Secretly check to see whether the paper is blank or has a red dot. Then hide it in your pocket and do not show it to anyone during the game. • Nondots win the game by forming the largest group of students who are all nondots. • Dots win the game by being the only dot in a group. • Procedure: • You can ask others whether they are dots or nondots, but players may not reveal their slips of paper during the game. • You do not have to join a group, but you cannot win the game unless you are in a group of at least two people. • You can be a part of a group only if that group agrees that you are a member. • If you suspect that someone is a dot, report your suspicion to the teacher. He or she will deal with the accusation appropriately.
The Dot Game Analysis: Make historical connections to the dot game from pages 520-522.
Homework • Watch the following video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKqXu-5jw60 • Read the following pages: 523-525 • Respond to the following questions • Evaluate the effectiveness of the video • If you were a business owner, how could you use the Atomic Age trend to market a new product? • Was the FCDA justified in making a “preparedness” campaign in order to ensure the safety of the American people or was it simply a scare tactic to maintain conformity? Thesis Statement
Block Day 2/5 & 2/6 • Agenda • HOT ROC • Homework Check • Writing Activity • Rebelling Against Conformity • Video (If time) • Homework • Cornell Notes, pgs 558-561 • Instead of an analysis at the end, create a thesis statement responding to the following prompt: Identify the reasons while poverty still persisted in the age of affluence.
HOT ROC • Analyze the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mGTLrI8rxQ&feature=related • What is the message of the video and how does it relate to the 1950s? • What is conformity? How is conformity perceived as positive and how can it be perceived as negative? • New Vocab: Suburbia
Homework Check • Video link and questions: • Watch the following video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKqXu-5jw60 • Read the following pages: 523-525 • Respond to the following Questions • Evaluate the effectiveness of the video • If you were a business owner, how could you use the Atomic Age trend to market a new product? • Was the FCDA justified in making a “preparedness” campaign in order to ensure the safety of the American people or was it simply a scare tactic to maintain conformity?
Writing Instruction • Share your thesis with your neighbors • Was the FCDA justified in making a “preparedness” campaign in order to ensure the safety of the American people or was it simply a scare tactic to maintain conformity? • Share as a class. Discuss organizational categories
Rebelling Against Conformity • Necessary Items: Textbooks and you may use colored pencils or pens for this activity. • Think about the “Little Boxes” video.
Copy the following diagram onto two facing pages of your notebook. Outside the Box Inside the Box
Instructions • We will listen to two songs from the 1950s, for each song, complete the following: • Identify if it belongs inside the box or outside of the box. • Put the name of the song in the appropriate location • What is the message of the song? What lyrics can you quote that convey that message? • Write down a few lyrics that demonstrate the message of the song in the appropriate location. • Song 1: Shake, Rattle, and Roll (1954) *Bill Haley Version • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa4FH9mbDGU • Song 2: Summertime Blues (1958) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1uYK8yILTQ
Instructions Sections 41.1 & 42.2 • Inside the box, list four positive characteristics of 1950s’ suburbia • Outside the box, list four reasons why critics did not like suburbia Section 42.3 • Read the subsection “Beats Defy Convention in Poetry and Literature.” Outside the box, create and draw a symbol of the beat movement and label it Beats. • Next to the symbol, list at least three characteristics of the beats and beat literature. • Read the subsection “Rebellious Teens Create a Youth Culture.” Outside the box, create and draw a symbol of the youth culture and label it Youth Culture. • Next to the symbol, list at least three characteristics of the youth culture. • Read the subsection “Comic Books Deviate from ‘the American Way.’” Outside the box, create and draw a symbol of a comic book and label it Comic Books. • Next to the symbol, list at least three characteristics of comic books and the movement against them. • Read the subsection “Artists Rebel with Paint.” Outside the box, create and draw a symbol of abstract expressionism and label it Abstract Expressionism. • Next to the symbol, list at least three characteristics of abstract expressionist artists and their art.
Processing • Choose one of the options below to answer the Essential Question: • How did some Americans rebel against conformity in the 1950s? • Write a beat poem. • Your poem should be at least eight lines. • Write a 1950s rock ’n’ roll song. • Your song should have at least three verses. • Draw the cover of a comic book. • Include a one paragraph written description of how your comic book cover answers the Essential Question. • Create an abstract piece of art. • Include a one paragraph written description of how your art answers the Essential Question.
Video (if time allows) • 1953-1960 Happy Daze • Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/user/CenturyAmericasTime#p/u/26/xRShq4Bht7E • Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/user/CenturyAmericasTime#p/u/27/Xa4DNqsKmFs • Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/user/CenturyAmericasTime#p/u/28/x7CHzsv23rE
Thursday 2/7 • Agenda • HOT ROC • Homework Check • 1950s group activity: Peace, Prosperity, and Progress. • Homework: • Catch up on missing HW. Unit 7 test on Tues, 2/12.
HOT ROC • You will follow along to a simple instructional guideline on the following slides. As you do, make note of what the instructions demonstrate about gender roles of the 1950s. • Refrain from commentary, we will discuss your opinions afterwards.
The Good Wife's GuideFrom a 1950’s Home Economics high school textbook • Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you have be thinking about him and are concerned about his needs. Most men are hungry when they get home and the prospect of a good meal is part of the warm welcome needed. • Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you'll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh-looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people.
Be happy and a little more interesting for him. His boring day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it. • Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the house just before your husband arrives. Run a dust cloth over the tables. • During the cooler months of the year you should prepare and light a fire for him to unwind by. Your husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order, and it will give you a lift too. After all, catering to his comfort will provide you with immense personal satisfaction. • Minimize all noise. At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise of the washer, dryer or vacuum. Encourage the children to be quiet. • Be happy to see him.
Homework Check • Cornell Notes, pgs558-561 • What is the poverty line? • Who are the working poor? • How were the poor often “invisible”? • What was the intention of urban renewal? What actually happened? • How did agribusiness hurt small farmers? • What was the termination policy? • We will spend more time on the issue of poverty in America on Friday. • Instead of an analysis at the end, create a thesis statement responding to the following prompt: Identify the reasons while poverty still persisted in the age of affluence.
Station Activity: Chapter 41, Peace, Prosperity, and Progress • Distribute worksheet • You will be divided into six stations. Follow the directions on your worksheet for each station. • After 5 minutes, you will rotate to the left to another station. • We will debrief at the end of class (or Friday).
Station 1: 41.2 Postwar Politics: Readjustments and Challenges • Read the following article: http://countrystudies.us/united-states/history-115.htm • What were the goals of Truman’s Fair Deal? • What worked? • What didn’t? • Look at pg. 534 in the textbook. How was the Taft-Hartley Act an attempt to stop the progressive reforms of the Fair Deal?
Station 2: 41.3, Economic Growth Creates an Age of Affluence • How are each of the following items examples of encouraging consumption? • Advertisement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7t9YlMxWoE • Buy Now, Pay Later: http://books.google.com/books?id=pt-o5xnJXvkC&pg=PA6&lpg=PA6&dq=credit+card+1950s&source=bl&ots=bsrz0rhjds&sig=Rz6wOPPxq1VRfn2iPUIAVuzTM4E&hl=en&sa=X&ei=IjIMUZWKMqS2iwLCl4GwBg&ved=0CJQBEOgBMA0#v=onepage&q=credit%20card%201950s&f=false • Planned Obsolescence: http://pactlab-dev.spcomm.uiuc.edu/drupal/2011cmn280/node/8954 • Blue Collar & White Collar • Read the section on page 539 titled “The Workforce Shifts from Blue- to White-Collar Jobs” • Why did the shift take place? • What is an example of a blue-collar job? • What is an example of a white-collar job?
Station 3: 41.4 Marriage, Families, & a Baby Boom • Watch the following video clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT_A9PFOY18 • What was life like for the middle class? • What was the “baby boom” • What was the expectation for middle class women? • *If time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-I-sYNuLq0
Station 4: 41.5 Population Shifts to Suburbs and Sunbelt States • Analyze the images provided • Why was there a shift from the “Rust Belt” to the “Sunbelt” in the 1950s? • Why are the regions of the US called the “Sunbelt” and “Rustbelt”? • Use page 543 for help (if necessary)
Station 4: 41.5 Population Shifts to Suburbs and Sunbelt States
Station 4: 41.5 Population Shifts to Suburbs and Sunbelt States
Station 4: 41.5 Population Shifts to Suburbs and Sunbelt States
Station 5: 41.6 The Triumph of the Automobile • Watch the following video clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7-m3FEm5VA • What are three reasons for the emergence of a “car culture” in the 1950s. • What did they look like? • How was owning a car a status symbol? • How did President Eisenhower justify the Interstate Highway Act? • What types of activities and job opportunities became possible as a result of the car?
Station 6: 41.7, Technological Advances Transform Everyday Life • Use the images provided and the following links to respond to the questions: • Link 1:http://www.ehow.com/info_8086895_medical-discoveries-1950s.html • Link 2: http://cr.middlebury.edu/es/altenergylife/nuclear.htm • How did technological advancements change life for the American people? Give three specific examples.
Station 6: 41.7, Technological Advances Transform Everyday Life
Station 6: 41.7, Technological Advances Transform Everyday Life
Friday 2/8 • Agenda • HOT ROC • Poverty in America Lesson Plan • Homework • Study vocab • Reminder • Vocab Quiz on Monday • Test: Friday 2/15
HOT ROC • Share your future plans (Homework from last night) • Reflection: What do you want to do as a career in the future? How will you accomplish your career goal? Draft a plan for the next 10 years of your life. • What resources will you need to help you accomplish your goals? • What resources are available to you simply because you live in Mountain View or Los Altos? • New Vocab: Inner City
Lesson Plan Activity: How would you teach Ch. 43? Objective: Draft a PowerPoint presentation that would help students to understand and remember the key ideas from Ch. 43. • Step 1 - Break up into groups of 3-5 people • Step 2 – Reviewing the content. • What is a good way to categorize the information in this chapter? • Do you want to divide up the information the way it has been done in the textbook or can you come up with a better way to sort the information? • Make notes on the key information from the chapter and how you’d put this onto a slide. • Step 3 - Create a HOT ROC that goes with your content. It can be a question or an activity. • Step 4 - Sketch out what layout and graphics you’d want to use. Keep in mind that there are lots of different ways to do a slide layout (ex. You can include graphic organizers or photos) • Slide 1 – HOT ROC • Slide 2-4 Key information from the chapter • Slide 5 (and 6) - What activity can help students engage with the content? (compare/contrast, cause and effect, connect to prior knowledge, simulation) • Would you want to add a video clip? What would an ideal video clip be? What pictures would you include?