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Efficient Lighting & Personalized Care: Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Explore the impact of intelligent lighting systems in commercial buildings on energy savings and user satisfaction. Learn about personalized lighting solutions to optimize efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

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Efficient Lighting & Personalized Care: Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

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  1. Lighting and Medical Personalization: Optimizing Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction Alice M. Agogino Roscoe and Elizabeth Hughes Professor of Mechanical Engineering

  2. Researchers • Professor Alice Agogino, Faculty Advisor • Marisela Avalos, MS/PhD student • Matt Dubberley, MS student, Fall 2003 • Jessica Granderson, PhD student • Mary Haile, undergraduate student • Johnnie Kim, undergraduate student • Catherine Newman, MS/PhD student • Jaspal Sandhu, PhD student • Yao-Jung Wen, MS/PhD student • Rebekah Yozell-Epstein, MS student, Spring 2003

  3. Motivation • Indoor Environmental Quality: Lighting • Increased productivity • Increased quality of experience • Energy Efficiency • Increased importance world-wide • Impact on pollution, global warming, expense

  4. Motivation: Commercial Lighting • Electrical Consumption and Savings Potential • 2/3 of electricity generated in US is for buildings • Lighting consumes 40% of the electricity used in buildings • Advanced Commercial Control Technologies • Up to 45% energy savings possible with occupant and light sensors • Limited adoption in commercial building sector

  5. Background: Commercial Lighting • Problems With Advanced Control Technologies • Simple control algorithms dim the lights in direct proportional response to the sensor signal: uncertainty is not considered --> sensor signals, estimation/maintenance of desktop illuminance • Time of day/week is not considered, lost savings through demand reduction • All occupants are treated the same in spite of the vast differences in perception and preference that exist between individuals

  6. Background: Commercial Lighting • Problems With Advanced Control Technologies • Systems are hard-wired into the line electricity of the building making retrofitting expensive and prohibitive • Required calibration and installation expertise make successful commissioning difficult • Algorithms can result in annoyance to the users through inappropriate switching or speed of switching

  7. Research Goals • Increased energy savings through the implementation of demand-responsive decision-making • Increased user satisfaction with the system • Personalized, improved decision-making; balancing conflicting preferences/ perceptions among individuals sharing a common light source/switch • Improved maintenance of target illuminance at the worksurface • Increased user satisfaction with the system

  8. Benchmark Occupancy

  9. Summer Winter Potential Energy Savings for Office Building Hourly Charge (per kWh per month) $0.08915 $0.07279 Daily Office Area Charge $124 $101 Daily Conference Area Charge $15 $12 Daily Hallway Charge $7 $6 Potential Daily Office Charge $64 $53 Potential Daily Conference Charge $1 $1 Potential Daily Hallway Charge $6 $5 Total Annual Charge $48,363 Potential Annual Charge $23,725 Potential Annual Savings $24,638

  10. User Studies • Survey Feedback • 54% want a dimly lit view of rest of room • 59% require slightly different light levels throughout the day (desk lamp) • 32% want automatic overhead lights with override and manual task lamps • 77% like same lighting throughout the day • 73% want to rely on default settings at first and then enter preferences later

  11. Life Cycle Assessment of the Intelligent Lighting System using the Distributed Mote Network • MS Project, Matt Dubberly • Goals: • To evaluate the environmental impacts associated with implementing the proposed Intelligent Lighting • Compare the electricity saving benefits of the Intelligent Lighting System to the environmental burdens associated with implementing the system. • Provide insight for design choices, such as what type of battery should be used or which materials and components should be minimized

  12. The negative environmental impacts of the proposed Intelligent Lighting System range from 17 to 344 times smaller than that of conventional lighting systems for the different environmental impact categories. • The components that contribute the most to the system impact are • Mote printed circuit board • Mote integrated circuit • Lithium battery • Ballast housing paint • The silicon steel and copper in the ballast transformer and inductor

  13. Intelligent Decision-Making and Smart Dust Motes – Granderson • An intelligent decision algorithm allows: • Validation & fusion of sensor signals • Differences in user preferences and perceptions • Peak load reduction/demand responsiveness • Influence diagrams allow: • Real-time decision-making and control • Uncertainty in knowledge (sensor values and non-deterministic relationships) • Ability to represent complex interdependencies • Rules for combining evidence, based on rigorous probability theory or fuzzy logic

  14. Intelligent Decision-Making and Smart Dust Motes • Smart dust motes potentially offer: wireless sensing at the work surface, increased sensing density, simpler retro-fitting and commissioning, wireless actuation, and an increased number of control points

  15. Intelligent Framework: Modeling the Decision Space • Initially models demand-responsive and personalization aspects of the problem. • Variables Included • Day, time, electricity price, workstation occupancy, sensed workstation occupancy, actuation decision, task type, resulting illuminance (following actuation), resulting perception of the occupant • Constants Included • Preferred ideal illuminance, min/maximum actuation, ideal reward, vacancy penalty/reward

  16. Regional Decision Space with Local/Individual Factors

  17. Intelligent Framework: Modeling the Decision Space • After developing the personalized, demand-responsive decision model, daylighting factors were incorporated • Variables added • Month, weather (cloudy), latitude, solar azimuth and altitude, room geometry, sensed and true solar contribution to to the region, solar contribution to the ith worksurface

  18. Empirical Preference Testing • Purpose: to identify the illuminance ranges over which occupants find the lighting to be ideal, too dark, and too bright at their personal workstations • This gives us • conditional probabilities required for the decision model • information to use in the value function

  19. Empirical Preference Testing • Results • Probabilistic conditional preference data of the form P(Illuminance|Perception), P(Perception), that can be used in the personalized, preference-balancing control model

  20. Preference Testing - Results • Paper-based tasks required significantly more light than computer-based tasks

  21. Preference Testing - Results • No illuminance range proved to be ideal for all four occupants, even though all share the same switch (computer histogram)

  22. Preference Testing - Results • No illuminance range proved to be ideal for all four occupants, even though all share the same switch (paper histogram)

  23. Preference-balancing Value Function • Goal is to create a function that: • heavily favors meeting the ideal illuminances of those present • heavily favors turning the lights off/min in the absence of occupants • heavily penalizes turning the lights on/max in the absence of occupants • assigns a value of difference-from-ideal for each occupant present, and each possible actuation decision

  24. Future Research – Evaluation of Research Goals • Evaluation of preference-balancing value function – computer simulation • Evaluation of target illuminance maintenance – hardware simulation • Evaluation of energy savings achieved with demand-responsiveness – computer simulation • Evaluation of user satisfaction w/ the system - implementation in a daylighted test space, complimented with user surveys

  25. Validation of Motes and Network • Construct & test architectures for mote sensor networks in target office spaces • Characterize the motes signals and failure patterns • Develop appropriate validation and fusion algorithms • Calibration on mote sensors • Evaluate fuzzy & probabilistic fusion algorithm on sensor networks

  26. Illuminance Calibration • Hardware/Experimental Set-up • Light sources: • Fluorescent room light • Incandescent desk lamp (75W bulb) . • Halogen floor lamp. • Minolta T-10 illuminance meter

  27. Illuminance Calibration

  28. Illuminance Calibration

  29. Illuminance Calibration

  30. Probability Distribution of the Mapping Curve • Illustration of probability distribution when mapped readings are around 500 lux

  31. Temperature Calibration

  32. Temperature Calibration Thermometer on basic sensor board Thermometer on MICA sensor board

  33. Fuzzy Validation and Fusion on BESTnet v1.0 Raw sensor readings Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Determine confidence values for sensor readings Calculate new predicted value Z-1 Calculate new α Fuse sensor readings Fused value for machine level controller/ supervisory controller • Real-time Fuzzy Sensor Validation And Fusion (FUSVAF)* algorithm

  34. Feasibility of Using Accelerometer as Occupancy Sensor mote13 receiver mote14 mote13 receiver mote14 y x • Hardware setup:

  35. Motes as Decentralized Autonomous Agents – Sandhu • Agents with collective intelligence may be more efficient than centralized control. • Model the motes as a collection of intelligent agents that share the same global utility function. • Agents communicate on wireless network to maximize their local and gobal utilities.

  36. Diablo, Blizzard Entertainment, 1996 Agents with Collective Intelligence have Been Successful in other Domains MINI-ROBOT RESEARCH — Sandia National Laboratories (Photo by Randy Montoya) Entertainment computing Large groups of small vehicles

  37. Lighting Mote Collectives • z : worldline - action/state vector of agents and environment (sensors & actuators) •  : agent, ^ : other agents • z , z^ • The key is finding good utility functions: • G(z) : global utility that balances energy and performance multiobjective function. • g(z) : private utility that might take on the preferences on different room occupants.

  38. Medical & Home SecurityMarisela Avalos • High density wireless motes could detect changes in patient patterns in a manner that is less intrusive than other devices such as cameras or pressure sensors on toilets. • Such networks could be useful for other security concerns: • Intruders • Fire or extreme temperatures • Extend network for self-reporting of injuries

  39. Personalization in Medical Care - Avalos, Newman, Ng, Rahmani & Sandhu “A sense of community beyond that contained within the walls of a long-term care residence is important to improving the quality of life of the confined elder. Without a community presence relieving the isolation, the culture of illness and debilitation overtakes a culture of living.” —Susan E. Mazer, President of Healing HealthCare Systems Personal mote on keychain THE CONCEPT CommuniCast is an electronic broadcast display, or bulletin board, that dynamically posts events, activities, and other pertinent information in the presence of a wireless device and based on the user’s display preferences. The goal is to improve the level of communication and social interaction among the senior citizen community.

  40. MS Project Proposal -Newman • To construct a complete product prototype integrating: • Develop system for assigning preferences to announcements that takes privacy considerations into account. • HCI Considerations: • Display Readability and Comprehension • Unobtrusive Wearable Motes • Customer System Preferences: • Ethnography Study • Manufacturing Issues: • Expect prototype to be designed for manufacturability

  41. System Architecture Administrative Office Upon finding a user in range, display device uses user identification to request appropriate information to display for that user. This information is then displayed to the end-user. Display device (WLAN- & mote- enabled) Web interface Web interface connects to server application in order to view and update information in the database. Display device requests are forwarded to server application. server application WLAN database Server application queries and modifies database based on incoming requests from local Web interface or remote display devices. Mote-based keychain Mote-enabled display scans for mote-based keychains containing user identification over RF. *Slide care of Sir Jaspal Sandhu

  42. Evaluation: Research Goal #1 • Computer simulation (McGrath) of personalized, preference-balancing decision-making Model a room w/o windows in order to control the simulation, restrict attention to preference only. The room should contain multiple users sharing one switch, or bank of lights. Specify various occupancy patterns in the space, and backtrack from preference testing data to determine how many ideal perceptions, too dark and too bright perceptions are registered under the two competing control algorithms. Preference data was obtained though an experimental hardware simulation; in this case we are computer-simulating these preferences for the group of occupying the space

  43. Evaluation: Research Goal #2 • Experimental simulation (McGrath) of improved target illuminance levels The goal is to quantify how the intelligent controller compares to a commercial controller in maintaining target illuminance at the worksurface In order to do so, test the commercial and intelligent systems under the same external (room) conditions, perturbing/varying the worksurface illuminance. Each system will have a target illuminance that it is trying to maintain. Therefore, by recording the deviation from target for each perturbation, a comparison of the two systems is possible.

  44. Evaluation: Research Goal #3 • Computer simulation (McGrath) of increased E savings through demand-responsiveness Model a space without natural light, in order to provide the most conservative estimate, and to control the simulation. Condition the space throughout one 24hr. weekday, assuming a typical 8hr workday. To provide an upper bound on savings, simulate a second case, in which all bodies are present throughout the entire 24hr. day. Commercial algorithms will set one target illuminance for that whole period, while the intelligent algorithm will set varying targets depending upon the price schedule. The illuminance will determine the luminance (output) of the lights, from which we can calculate energy consumption, and cost.

  45. Evaluation: Research Goal #4 • Laboratory experiment, sample survey (McGrath) to evaluate user satisfaction Select a test space with significant amounts of natural light throughout the day. Install a commercial daylighting system, run it for a week under variable cloud conditions and issue a survey. Install the intelligent daylighting system, run it for a week, under the same conditions, and issue a second survey. The surveys are to be complimented with bottom-line data: number of manual overrides, electricity consumption and expense, and worksurface illuminance patterns. Candidate test spaces include the BID office space (full-scale test), and LBNL’s electrochromic windows test-bed (controlled prototype test).

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