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Waste management background

Waste management background. Existing strategic documents: Development plan of the City of Põlva (2004-2008), Waste Management Plan (2004-2010) New national regulations upon waste management Organising waste management system is responsibility of local authority

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Waste management background

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  1. Waste management background • Existing strategic documents: Development plan of the City of Põlva (2004-2008), Waste Management Plan (2004-2010) • New national regulations upon waste management • Organising waste management system is responsibility of local authority • Amount of household waste per person/per year – 350 kg (includes organic waste 48%, paper and cardboard 24%, glass and plastic packages 16%) • Volume of household waste is growing 3-5% per year

  2. Waste management background(2) • More than 80% households have joined with organised waste management system • 1/3 of households collect separately paper, glass packages and wooden materials, private houses often collect and compost biodegradable waste • 80% people agreed to collect separately recycable waste if there would be proper system • 1/3 of people has been brought their hazardous waste to collecting point • More than 90% of people agreed to bring hazardous waste to collecting point.

  3. Selected item(s) for improvement (component 3) 1) Development of suitable separate collection systems: • Development of green waste composting ground • Development of separate collection of recycable materials (glass, paper, plastic) • Improvement of collecting big-size and seasonal waste • Improvement of collecting hazardous waste 2) Increase the awareness of population and promote separate collection

  4. Selected item(s) for improvement (component4) 1) Create a managed system of waste transportation – rules and regulations 2) Facilitate co-operation between people and organisations engaged in waste management

  5. Objective(s) 1) Decrease amount of waste and amount of waste landfilled 2) Recycle at least 30% from household waste: • Packages - up to 50% • Paper and cardboard – up to 50% • Green waste from parks and gardens – up to 80%

  6. Planned result(s) 1) Developed and tested system of separate collection of recycables 2) Developed and tested composting of green waste 3) Increased awareness and acceptance among people to collect separately household waste 4) Enhanced co-operation between people and organisations engaged in waste management

  7. Main activities during the first period Component 3 • Preparatory works for building of a green waste composting ground (detailed plan) • Preparation of a model on management of green waste (tecnology) • Improvement of collection of hazardous waste • Seminar on separate collection (18.10.04) Component 4 • Participation at EWM seminar (Leeuwarden) • Participation at national seminars • Preparation of a comparable analysis

  8. Spending of the regional budget • Spending target : 3 990 EUR component 3 – 2 590 EUR Component 4 – 1 400 EUR • Actual expenditures: 5 593 EUR Component 3 - 3 225 EUR Component 4 – 2 368 EUR • Overspent: 1 603 EUR More working days of staff, more external expertise and sub-contracted services (i.e. collecting services, comparable analysis, etc)

  9. Global time planning Planned preparatory activities on first period were implemented as follows: • Preparatory works for establishing green waste composting ground • Establishing an improved system for collecting recycable waste (containers and collection) • Communication and dissemination (press releases, radio interview) • Preparation of new regulation on waste management • Preparation of waste leaflet

  10. Co-operation 1) Regional partners: Ministry of Environment, Environmental Department of Põlva County Government, Planning department Hendrikson & Ko, regional waste management companies (Põlva Heakord, Ragn-Sells), media (web-portal greengate.ee, radio Marta, newspaper Koit) 2) EWM partners: Lead partner – Province of Fryslan

  11. Põlva - contacts • Project manager – Mrs Tiivi Parts • Accountant – Mrs Ülle Lepisk • Address: Kesk 15, 63308 Põlva ESTONIA Phone: + 372 799 4481 Fax : + 372 799 4778 E-mail: info@polvalv.ee tiivi.parts@polvalv.ee ylle.lepisk@polvalv.ee

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